17. Epilogue

Beauty And The Wolf


Hana walked through the street and stopped when she saw the abandoned house.

Ten years ago she had entered it, which had changed her life for good.

She looked at the man standing next to her, their hands intertwined. Their eyes met and she smiled at him.

He put an arm around her and took her away from the ruin


They arrived at the other side of town. Sky-high office buildings had replaced most of the warehouses, but one had survived the renovations.

A big grey building stood between the trees, forgotten by the rest of the world.

Hana walked towards the door and opened it. As much as the surrounding had changed, the inside was still the same.

She could still see them fight, hear their screams, feel her legs dragging her towards Luhan, when Daehyun had tried to kill him.

A hand covered her eyes. “You don’t have to look. We can just leave.”

“No” she almost shouted. She had to see everything again before she could move on.

She held her abdomen, while walking towards the spot where he had shot her.

She turned around, but he wasn’t there, there was no gun. She didn’t hear a trigger being pulled over.

She walked outside and took a deep breath. “It’s all over” she told herself.

Two arms pulled her into an embrace. “I will always protect you, there is no need to be afraid any more.”

“I love you,” she told him. “I love you to he answered and with that they left the warehouse.


Lastly they arrived at the hospital.

She remembered hugging Luhan, laughing with Kai, seeing that her friends were okay.

But also seeing Luhan leave, Kai’s hurt eyes and the questions about how she got shot and why.

A tear fell down her cheek.

All the things she had been through, the friends she had made, and everything she had learned flashed through her mind.

“Let’s o home.” He said while taking her hand.

She smiled, she had made the right decision.

She cupped Luhan’s face and kissed him.


“I would never want to spend my life with anybody else.”

So that's the end.

I've been thinking about it for a long time and I felt this was the right moment to end the story.

I will continue my other fic so look out for that.

Love you all <3

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Chapter 18: Authurnim,I dont understand..
Who is the guy?
Is it Daehyun or someone from Exo?
_pikwangchu_ #2
Please update soon!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! :D <3
Chapter 16: What?? Who confessed?? WHOOOO????!!!! If its Daehyun,WAEEEEEEE????!!!!
ayemwhyyyy #4
Chapter 15: OMG, whyyyyyyy?! Daehyun, what the heck?!
-sekai #5
Chapter 13: omo daehyun is here! kai nuuuuu!