The Witch
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                The documents and some pictures were spread on her table. Horikita Maki was kept reading the documents and her face was still looking usual. After a long time scanning and reading, she sighed deeply and leaned back against the chair. Something was bothering her mind. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Looking up, Toda Erika came in bringing a cup of tea with her.


“How is it, Horikita san?” She asked putting the cup on the table. Maki gritted her teeth and there was an unsure expression on her face. Erika hurriedly went to the chair and flopped on it.


“It is true? Just like what we read in the letter?” She asked to confirm once again.  Horikita Maki nodded softly and took one of the documents.


“Toda san, you usually handle any project with the man. Is this his real signature or did someone fake it?” She asked the long hair woman. Carefully, the woman took and stared at it for a long time. Then, her eyes darted back to Maki, before nodding.


“Thank you,” Maki said simply acknowledging the fact.


Toda Erika instantly bit her lips when Maki’s hands started to arrange all the documents and pictures accordingly, before beginning to put them in the correct files. Erika recognized the files consistingof the rejected workers profiles due to bad reputation as well as performance. The latest one was Kojima san, and the havoc that her boss created nearly made her die.


“Ne…Horikita san. Are you sure about this?” Toda asked nervously, raising her eyebrows. Shifting her gaze toward her secretary, Maki just nodded.


“But….but….the man is really amazing you know. Frankly, I never see anyone who is as efficient as him, and for him to do that kind of work…..I….I don’t think he did it. Plus, he is really kind you know….really really kind,”  Toda explained toward her. Maki just rolled her eyes, as if she did not hear it.


“Toda san, didn’t I say that appearance doesn’t mean the person is good,”


“Yes, I know. But this person, I know him. He’s not like other workers that you had banished Horikita san. He’s working really hard, and for him to reach his position right now was remarkable. You see himself right? How his last summer project became a hit and it turned out as one of the highest profit in our company.” She tried to persuade the woman. Horikita Maki was too cruel to just evict some workers due to mistakes without giving a chance for them to repent or improve. For Toda Erika, consideration and tolerance are needed in working with people. But, it seemed the witch never understood about it at all.


“It doesn’t matter, Toda san. Wrongdoer is still considered as wrongdoer!!” She said firmly. Instantly, she stood up and took the files.




“Just focus on your work, Toda san. Don’t try to meddle in other people’s business!!” she slashed her words instantly making Erika’smouth instantly shut. Clutching her hands till it turned to fist, Toda Erika looked somewhere else as anger formed within her instantly. The witch is sure a witch after all.


“As usual, Toda san. Please type the letter and pass it to me; I’m going to see the chairman for a while.” Horikita added as she walked passed her. Turning around, Toda made face as she jutted her tongue at Maki chan’s back. She did not care anymore, she was too angry with the woman.


                Closing the door of her room, Horikita Maki stopped her pace and stood on the floor. There was something bothering her. It was not what her secretary said to her; But particularly on the man that she will expel this time. Looking back at the files, her eyes fixed on it and thought for a long time. Unknowingly, her hands gripped it even stronger than usual, and causing her to grit her teeth harder than ever. Anger flamed instantly inside her. Finally after a while, she moved her gaze and started to walk once aga

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Hello everyone, the update will be late since I'm quite busy. I'll try to post it as soon as possible. The earliest might be next week. Sorry about that.


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b2stpanda #1
Hello there. I know this going to annoy you but please can you please continue to write the story please.
Hello hello!!! Please, keep writing, I really love the fanfic!
Hello! My Yamaki heart is praying for the update ;) please, dear author, keep writing. Hope you're back soon.
Chapter 55: My dear author, please update soon :D I really want to read more <3
Chapter 54: Hello, I return to this fic again after years!!! And return to asianfanfics as well.
I'm really surprised that this fic still continues, after being in hiatus and...maki's marriage (thus breaking my yamaki heart)

Edit: Asfafadfafsgaf, I wrote a lenghty comment but why did Aff cut it? Grrr......
Anyway, I hope they didn't cut this one. I'm so thankful that you keep this story alive, after years. I have re-read all the way to the beginning and I got all giddy in yamaki scenes. I know I will love them forever....
Please continue updating this fic, please please....
I really like that Yamapi saw the real Maki in the video. I hope that he choose the best option. Ohh no, Masami what are you planning? Thanks for the update!!!!!! Great chapter!!!! :D
fickyz #7
Chapter 55: Wow...this chapter is intense for Yamapi's part. But hopefully he makes the right decision what ever it is. Please don't let go of Maki for what ever deal Mukai has offered. Great chapter as usual author~
Chapter 55: i teared when Pi saw Maki's smiles.... the sweet side of her he didn't get to see. :(
Whatever deal they made, i hope Pi says know and fight for her!!!
it's ok for the late update... we don't want to stress you out. :) Life is life. :)
Will definitely wait for the next chapter when you are available. :)
Please update soon <3 <3 <3
Chapter 54: First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR KEEPING THIS STORY ALIVE! Thank you so much :D
Honestly, I thought you'd never continue this story again, so when this morning I checked up this site and saw this story has been updated, I was so happy :D THANK YOU :D!
I hope you can keep writing because I really love your stories (The Secret and this one :D)
I'll be waiting for your update :D