The Witch
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“Anyhow, congratulation for both of you…” Takanobu Ito congratulated to Yamapi and Maki while smiling. The leader of famous Honda Corporation shook his hand with Yamapi before moved away with his wife.


Yamapi sighed deeply. It was tiring to be in the centre of attention after all. Glancing toward Maki, who stood next to him, a smile tugged on his lips. Still, she was in her composure despite of tiredness started to wear on her face. Before he could open his mouth and spoke toward the woman, someone touched his shoulders.


“Yamapi!!!!”  A tall pale man called his name making Yamapi turned around. Instantly he widened his eyes in surprise seeing the man who said his name. At that moment, his lips flickered up as joy started to wear on his face. Maki glanced toward them and raised her eyebrows as she never saw the man around.


“Jae!!! When did you arrive?”The Korean man laughed softly before punching on his shoulder.


“Just now. Sorry for not attending your wedding. Thank God I manage to make it at your party!!!” Jae spoke cheerfully before his eyes peeked over Yamapi’s shoulder. Instantly, his mouth turned to ‘o’ when he looked at Maki who stood behind Pi. Seeing Jae’s reaction made Yamapi turned around and discovered it was his wife who made the man became silence.


“Ohh…I nearly forgot. Jae, let me introduce you, this is my wife….Hara Marina….”Instantly the woman bowed making Jae startled and did the same things.


“Ohh….Konnichiwa…” Jae smiled widely before shifted his gaze toward Yamapi. Jabbing the man’s stomach before he pulled Yamapi within his embrace, the handsome Korean man whispered softly inside his ear .


“How come the bride is different with the girl’s picture that you sent me in the email….”


 Yamapi raised his eyebrows and averted his gaze toward Jae. Smiling bitterly, he bit down his lower lips as he swallowed the hardness that started to feel inside his throat. This made Jaejoong looked at him weirdly before shifted his dark gaze toward the woman who stood next to Pi. Am I missing something here?




                Mukai standing up at the front door as his gaze wandered around the ballroom. His jaw tightened at once as his eyes caught Maki’s glimpse with a tall man standing next to her making his heart squeezed painfully. Clasping both of his hands tightly, his dark gaze became even deeper as he noticed Aoki Hiroshi was standing near to them. Damn old man!!! Mukai cursed within his heart.


                Mukai slammed his car door before he sprinted toward the entrance of Hilton Hotel. The wedding card within his hands was already crushed as he tightened his hold. Deep inside his heart, he prayed for thousand times already, hoping that Maki will not marry with the man. Wishing everything in the world that the woman he loves will not belonged to someone else. Then, Mukai stood in the middle of the hotel lobby, looked around trying to find anything that lead to the wedding. Instantly his feet rushed toward the reception before he could think anything else.


“Where is  the place for Aoki’s family event?” Mukai asked hastily making the woman at the receptions startled. Instantly she checked through the computers.


“It is on third floor, Ballroom 1.”Without wasting any moment, he rushed toward the elevator pushing anyone who was on his ways. Punching the elevator button, the door closed instantly.


“Please Maki chan….please don’t marry him….” Mukai mumbled softly as he looked on the numbers above the lift door.


Once the door opened, Mukai immediately rushed out of the elevator, running as fast as he can. Then, he noticed immediately the main door that lead to the ballroom hall. Seeing it made he fastened his moves and pushed the door without thinking any consequences anymore. He don’t care….what he know right now that he needs to stop it. Stop it from happened!!! Once he pushed the door, Mukai stood in front of the door and froze. His heart skipped a beat at the sudden sight. Even….his body started to tremble…..




The place was empty……

What  left  were the decorations of the event itself……


Those empty chairs……….


                At that moment, his feet felt extremely weak. Unable to support it, Mukai slumped on the floor as his eyes fixed on the place. His eyes glued on the wedding banner which snapped his heart from its place, leaving unbearable pain on it. The words ‘The solemnization between Yamaa Tomohisa and Hara Marina’ carved deeply inside his heart, making it bleed painfully.



He’s late…..

Late from stopping the marriage….

The marriage of someone he really loves…….




“Mukai san….”


The voice broke the memories into pieces. Instantly, his gaze averted to the side and found Toda Erika was walking toward him. Following behind her was a man in a black suit. Within a second, the owner of the long hair stood in front of his as her gaze fixed on his dark ones. Then, Mukai noticed Erika glanced at the other side of the room while biting her lips, before she looked at him with nervous filled within her eyes.


“What are you doing here, Mukai san? I don’t think that Horikita san invites you.” Toda Erika asked the tall man. Her face filled with quizzical look.


“Aoki Hiroshi invites me….”He told her nonchalantly making Toda Erika widened her eyes in surprise. Glancing toward Ryo who stood close to her, the man remained clueless in the situation. Turning back her gaze toward the man, Toda Erika spoke again.


“Mukai san….I think it’s better you go back now. I don’t think Horikita san wa….” Before Erika could finish her words, the man shot him a question. A very difficult one.


“Tell me, Toda san. Is the man Maki chan marries is someone she loves?” Mukai pinned dark gaze toward her making shivered ran all over her body. The man’s dark gaze intimidates her.


“Mukai san….I think it’s better….”


“Tell me!” Mukai hissed angrily making Toda Erika startled. Fear swarmed over when the man glared at her. Seeing this, Ryo stepped up and grabbed Mukai’s collar.


“Hey! That’s too much!!!” Ryo barked angrily. Seeing the man raised his tone to Erika made his anger shoot through the roof immediately.


“Yoyo… Yoyo…stop. Please stop!!” Erika touched his arm; persuade the man from continuing his ruthless action. The owner of raven hair glared at Mukai before he pushed the man harshly. Toda Erika softly on Ryo’s arms before spoke back toward the tall man.


“Mukai san. You should not come here. You shouldn’t….”Her voice sounded as if she pleaded him. However, Mukai ignored it and glared at her.


“You haven’t answered my question, Toda san…” Hearing the man’s repeated question made Erika sighed. Glancing toward Horikita Maki, she realized that her boss had not noticed the man’s presence at her party. Swallowing hard, she turned back and spoke softly.


“It is an arranged marriage, Mukai san….” With that answer, Mukai’s jaw turned to a tight one as he clenched both of his hands to a fist. He became silence for a while, thinking something before he shot another question.


“Is Aoki Hiroshi arranged the marriage?” Mukai shot dark looks toward Erika making the woman felt helpless.


 Closing her eyes, she nodded softly, as she was unable to see the man’s heartbroken face. Mukai groaned as his eyes averted toward Horikita Maki who still entertained the guests. Why Maki chan? Why? Do you hate me that much that you prefer marrying someone you don’t even love?  Mukai muttered softly within his heart. Thinking for a while, he sighed before started to move.


“Wh-where are you going, Mukai san?” Toda Erika asked instantly, noticing the man was leaving them.


“I want to see Maki chan…”His voice that came out was sounded almost like whispers. However, it was loud enough for Erika and Ryo to hear it clearly.


“But….but….you…..”Mukai glanced at her while spoke softly.


“If you try to stop me, I will create a ruckus here. Do you want me to do that?” The tall man warned her wit

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Hello everyone, the update will be late since I'm quite busy. I'll try to post it as soon as possible. The earliest might be next week. Sorry about that.


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b2stpanda #1
Hello there. I know this going to annoy you but please can you please continue to write the story please.
Hello hello!!! Please, keep writing, I really love the fanfic!
Hello! My Yamaki heart is praying for the update ;) please, dear author, keep writing. Hope you're back soon.
Chapter 55: My dear author, please update soon :D I really want to read more <3
Chapter 54: Hello, I return to this fic again after years!!! And return to asianfanfics as well.
I'm really surprised that this fic still continues, after being in hiatus and...maki's marriage (thus breaking my yamaki heart)

Edit: Asfafadfafsgaf, I wrote a lenghty comment but why did Aff cut it? Grrr......
Anyway, I hope they didn't cut this one. I'm so thankful that you keep this story alive, after years. I have re-read all the way to the beginning and I got all giddy in yamaki scenes. I know I will love them forever....
Please continue updating this fic, please please....
I really like that Yamapi saw the real Maki in the video. I hope that he choose the best option. Ohh no, Masami what are you planning? Thanks for the update!!!!!! Great chapter!!!! :D
fickyz #7
Chapter 55: Wow...this chapter is intense for Yamapi's part. But hopefully he makes the right decision what ever it is. Please don't let go of Maki for what ever deal Mukai has offered. Great chapter as usual author~
Chapter 55: i teared when Pi saw Maki's smiles.... the sweet side of her he didn't get to see. :(
Whatever deal they made, i hope Pi says know and fight for her!!!
it's ok for the late update... we don't want to stress you out. :) Life is life. :)
Will definitely wait for the next chapter when you are available. :)
Please update soon <3 <3 <3
Chapter 54: First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR KEEPING THIS STORY ALIVE! Thank you so much :D
Honestly, I thought you'd never continue this story again, so when this morning I checked up this site and saw this story has been updated, I was so happy :D THANK YOU :D!
I hope you can keep writing because I really love your stories (The Secret and this one :D)
I'll be waiting for your update :D