The Witch
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                It was coincidence for him to be at that place. Seriously, he never thought he would be at that place, seeing the real thing happened in front of him. Yamaa Tomohisa thought within his mind. Coming over there at the Human Resource Department, he wanted to meet Kojima, the manager  of the department regarding his project. But somehow, he came at the wrong time. Or maybe….at the late time. When he arrived there, the woman came. Yes, the woman, who was well known with her nick name as the witch.


“The witch”  Yamaa whispered the word once again.


                As  if he did not know about it. The whole company knew about it, about her popular name. Rather than calling her beautiful name, Horikita Maki, she was called as the witch, matching her personality. People had been said that she was harsh, cruel, heartless, and cold. Even, they never saw she smiled. Not even once, making her reputation became worst than ever. Toda Erika, her beautiful secretary, was her tenth secretary after other kept running from her. Nobody could stand her, even the ten years experience secretary. Somehow, for Toda Erika to be able to stand with the woman’s harshness impressed him. Calculating at the moment, it was nearly two years for Toda Erika to be able to work with the woman after all.


“Urghh….see, even the blood of the witch was different from us,” A young lady whispered toward her friends when they walked nearly the place. There are disgusted looks on their face as they kept talking about it. Yamaa Tomohisa glanced back at the pool of blood, and instantly his mind flew back toward the previous event.


“Oh god!! Horikita san!!!” Toda Erika shouted the woman’s name loudly.


Yamaa Tomohisa stared in horror, seeing with his own eyes, that the woman was attacked with sharp scissors. His heart nearly stopped when the man slashed at the woman first, but she managed to pull back her body fast enough.But, for the second time, it was a successful for the former manager of Human Resource Department. The second strike from the man made a deep cut was on the witch’s arm. At that moment, how he realized how dangerous situation could be toward others.


 But, that did not caught his attention after all, even the smirk that the man had when he successfully hurt the woman. It was Horikita Maki’s no expression that caught his eyes. Her round eyes did not move a bit, even not painful and screaming coming out from . Her coldness scared him as she looked as if she was…..lifeless, heartless. When the man wanted to strike on her once again, she did not even move her body and kept standing on the ground. Is she nuts? Or is she too brave just like what other said. Yamapi cursed the words within himself. Unknowingly, before the man striked once again toward her, he stepped to the front and grabbed the man’s hands, stopping him for doing it.


                It was out of his control, his action. Frankly, he did not mean to do it. Never thought of doing it. So, when he grabbed the man’s hand and twisted his hand, then he realized what he did. He was saving the witch that everyone hated so much. But, he was not the only one who did it. Another man too did the same action like him. Nishikido Ryo, a playboy worker from Production Department, held the man from moving and locked his arms tightly than ever. Shifting back his gaze back to the woman, he was surprised with the calm look that Horikita Maki had. Now he realized, what people had saying were true after all. About her heart being too cold, and the fact that she did not have any feeling after all within herself. Even the painful feeling….Yamaa Tomohisa gritted his teeth as the blood kept dripping  from her arms and she treated it like it was normal. The thought somehow scared him….seeing the woman being just like that. Ignoring her body just like that….


                When her secretary shouted toward others on not helping her, made him realize too. That human was not a good creature after all. Rather than helping someone who was in pain, they preferred looking them dying rather than saving. All people who were surrounded them just looked as if the event was just a small thing. Tightening his jaw, Yamaa Tomohisa felt even angry seeing the situation. But, when he heard the woman instructed Toda Erika to just forget about it, and went out just like that, making he became confused than ever. Did she know herself that nobody would care about her, ignore her just l

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Hello everyone, the update will be late since I'm quite busy. I'll try to post it as soon as possible. The earliest might be next week. Sorry about that.


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b2stpanda #1
Hello there. I know this going to annoy you but please can you please continue to write the story please.
Hello hello!!! Please, keep writing, I really love the fanfic!
Hello! My Yamaki heart is praying for the update ;) please, dear author, keep writing. Hope you're back soon.
Chapter 55: My dear author, please update soon :D I really want to read more <3
Chapter 54: Hello, I return to this fic again after years!!! And return to asianfanfics as well.
I'm really surprised that this fic still continues, after being in hiatus and...maki's marriage (thus breaking my yamaki heart)

Edit: Asfafadfafsgaf, I wrote a lenghty comment but why did Aff cut it? Grrr......
Anyway, I hope they didn't cut this one. I'm so thankful that you keep this story alive, after years. I have re-read all the way to the beginning and I got all giddy in yamaki scenes. I know I will love them forever....
Please continue updating this fic, please please....
I really like that Yamapi saw the real Maki in the video. I hope that he choose the best option. Ohh no, Masami what are you planning? Thanks for the update!!!!!! Great chapter!!!! :D
fickyz #7
Chapter 55: Wow...this chapter is intense for Yamapi's part. But hopefully he makes the right decision what ever it is. Please don't let go of Maki for what ever deal Mukai has offered. Great chapter as usual author~
Chapter 55: i teared when Pi saw Maki's smiles.... the sweet side of her he didn't get to see. :(
Whatever deal they made, i hope Pi says know and fight for her!!!
it's ok for the late update... we don't want to stress you out. :) Life is life. :)
Will definitely wait for the next chapter when you are available. :)
Please update soon <3 <3 <3
Chapter 54: First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR KEEPING THIS STORY ALIVE! Thank you so much :D
Honestly, I thought you'd never continue this story again, so when this morning I checked up this site and saw this story has been updated, I was so happy :D THANK YOU :D!
I hope you can keep writing because I really love your stories (The Secret and this one :D)
I'll be waiting for your update :D