Chapter 6

Competition For School or Love?



Chapter 6

Onew’s POV

-We were walking down the street, towards the coffee shop. The sun was shining brightly and _______ was quiet. I like how she’s doubting this. She’s thinking, meaning she’s  thinking about me! A little further and I’ll play the jealousy card.

-“Onew –shi-”

-“Call me Oppa.”

-“You are only three days older than me.”

-“Three days count, you know.”

-“Well  ONEW OPPA, did you realize we’ve known each other since forever and we still don’t much about each other?” Now that she mention’s it, it’s true.

-“Ok, I’ll ask a question and you answer-just quick facts.”

-“Ok. Go.”

-“Favourite colour? Green.”


-“Favourite meat? Chicken.”

-“ Chicken or pork.”

-“Favourite band. SHINee.”

-“Same.” Of course we are the best! I knew she only liked our music not us. We’ve reached the shop now and I opened the door for her. I’m so manly.  We walked over to the counter.

-“I’ll have a large ice cappuccino.”

-“Make that two please.”She was about to pay.

-“No, let me. Keep the change.” I grabbed our drinks and walked to a window seat. Romantic right? The sun was shining on her beautiful black hair and...

-“So let’s start studying.” We got out our books and it became quiet again. She was trying to memorize the same thing as I was-the angles on cosine.

-“Let’s study together.” I offered. This way, I can study and my plan can work at the same time. MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!

-“Hmm.” We made a chart each in our books and we started testing each other. Then, we moved on to English. Our English teacher teamed up with the drama teacher and our assignment was to make up a sad love story that had to move people to tears.

-“Read yours to me, Oppa.” I like her calling me Oppa.

-“...and the sun rose again, as the young princess cried mournfully for the prince she loved so dearly.” I looked up from my story and saw her crying.

-“_______! Are you ok? Why are you crying?”

-“That was so sad Oppa! How could you make him die like that!” She is so soft.

-“It’s just an assignment. Then read yours to me.”

-She called mine sad, yet hers was just straight out depressing. I started crying.

-“The chicken died??? But the little boy loved him so much! And the girl was so cruel! She ate the chicken and killed the boy!!” This is when I learned maybe she wasn’t as soft as I think she is.

-Your POV

-Here I am at home, lying on my bed thinking about today. Well, that was weird. I can’t believe I was talking and hanging out with my enemy. And I swear that kid loves chicken more than beating me. Imagine he was beating me at eating chicken. That would be the happiest day of his life. I knew his parents own a meat shop, but this kid needs to cut down on meat! I like his parents. They are very nice to me and my family. I just don’t like him and his friends-especially Jonghyun. He just goes around and hurts girls. What a low life. I can’t believe I enjoy Onew’s company. He’s not as bad as I think he was. I decided to call Eun Ha.


-“He’s actually smarter and nicer than I thought he was. But that doesn’t change the fact he is my competition. How are you and Jonghyun?” I hope nothing is going on. That boy is empty headed.

-“Well, I is really nice and caring. I hate that I like him more and more but I can’t help it.”

-“I’m just worried about you , you know? That boy is idiotic in more ways than one.”

-“He’s really sweet once you get to know him. He-” She is starting to sound like his fan girls.

-“Eun Ha, did you become his fan girl?”

-“No way. I talk a lot more than him than those people. I saw the real Kim Jonghyun before and that’s the Kim Jonghyun I like most.” Oh man. I really hope she’ll be over him soon.

-“_______? It’s getting late. I gotta go now. Bye!”

-“Bye!” I hope this is just a phase.

-Eun Ha

-I stuck another box of chocolate in his locker. I put it in a transparent dinosaur bag tied with a green ribbon. I hope he sees it. I saw _______ and I waved to her. She walked over and today, there are more girls whispering than ever.

-“..Onew Oppa.”

-“Can you believe it? She calls him Oppa now. What a .”

-“ shop yesterday.”

-“.. in disguise.”

-“SHUT THE UP! _______ IS NOT A ! SHE WOULD HAVE MADE A MOVE ON HIM IN KINDERGARTEN IF SHE ACTUALLY LIKED HIM! LEAVE HER ALONE! AND WHAT ABOUT ALL YOU FREAKS? DON’T YOU CALL HIM OPPA AS WELL?” I couldn’t take it anymore. These annoying people that have no life but to chase after the SHINee boys every day, need to keep their mouth shut.

-“What about you? You hang out with Jonghyun Oppa everyday.” What is this talking about.

-“Hiya, _______ and I have no connections with SHINee at all. Keep you mouths shut unless you have facts.”

-“Ok.” She brought out her phone and showed pictures or me and Jonghyun kissing in the park to hide from the pedos. And be walking out of his house. WHERE DO THEY GET THESE PICTURES?

-“This is a misunderstanding. You don’t even know anything about them, yet you are judging too quickly.”_______ said. I felt my eyes filling up. I was about to run, but she grabbed my hand.

-“We don’t have any romantic connections with the SHINee boys. And even if we did, it is none of your business who we choose to date.” The bell rang and people started moving to their homeroom. People kept giving us stares and we ignored them. _______’s hand was still tightly held to mine. I saw Jonghyun in the hallway talking to a bunch of girls. He didn’t even look at me, even though I am pretty sure he saw me. I pulled _______ faster as we walked towards math.

-All day, I’ve seen Jonghyun. All day, I’ve checked my locker. There wasn’t a trace of evidence that he was there, and it was already the end of the day. I slammed my locker shut, and whenI looked up and saw his arm around some girl and they were in an intense conversation.

-“Hiya, _______ and I have no connections with SHINee at all. Keep you mouths shut unless you have facts.”

That’s right. I have no say in who he talks to and anything about him. I walked out the door as quickly as I could to stop myself from thinking about him. Eun Ha, you are a strong girl you can do this. I made it out the door and in front of the bus stop. Bus, please hurry up. I don’t want to face Jonghyun.

Jonghyun’s POV

-. . Her bus is almost coming. I ran to my car to get the flower and I ran up to her. I hid the rose behind my back to hide it from her. Panting, I grabbed her arm and she looked at me. She pulled away and set her eyes somewhere else. Oh come on! Key ! I wanted to talk to her all day, but Key said I wasn’t allowed to until the end of the day. She’s probably mad because of that. And Key told me to ‘be myself’, as in to talk with other girls. Bring the rose from behind my back, I looked into her eyes.

-“Eun Ha, will you be my girlfriend?”

Eun Ha’s POV

-“Eun Ha, will you be my girlfriend?”

-I closed my eyes. If I say yes, the girls will kill me. And he’s always like this when it comes to girls, just like a few minutes ago. _______’s right. He’ll eventually break my heart. But if I say no, I’ll loose this chance. I really like Jonghyun and I never thought he’d ask. This could be fake. I opened my eyes and saw Jonghyun giving me puppy eyes, and a look that said “If you reject me again, I’m not asking you another time.” I sighed. Should I say yes or no?


A/N: @ iluv0r4ng311194:Here you go! Fresh update

        @ Yeorin: I feel more than happy that you love it!

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Key's more feminine than me... I jelly. XDDD<br />
update again soon!<br />
LUNAshin #2
Update soon!!!
thanks for the update~!<br />
kekeke, i bet Key will be having his own girlfriend now. (just hoping) ;D<br />
update soon~
:D :D :D :D<br />
<br />
need I say more?
Sparklicious22 #5
OMO!!!!!! i luv it!! this just made my day :DDDDDDD
flowergirls #6
Omooooo!!!! I was so shocked:O I thought he was like going to kiss her on the forhead not the lips!:OOOOOOO
boredomadedis #7
OMG!!!!!! I did NOT see that coming! Awwwwwwwww! My heart is soo overwhelmed with all this love!! Onew is sooo romantic! Loooove love love it!
AWWWWWW~ update again pronto! :)
flowergirls #10
I smell love in the air:)