Chapter 19

Competition For School or Love?

Chapter 19

Onew's POV

-I was happy that she agreed to hang out with me. It felt like a date. We were in that new French restaurant called "La Lune" eating really tasty steak with each other and telling jokes and stories. I was really enjoy our time together and I really hoped it would last. We were really busy eating at that moment and I realized that I should do something special for her. Just a little something. It doesn't have to be that romantic or expensive. It should be meaningful though.

-"Excuse me," I lied. "I need to go to the washroom."

-"Okay, come back soon." _______ smiled brightly at me and I think I just heard chickens clucking in my stomach. I went to the corridor where the washroom was and found a waiter.

-"Excuse me, can you please help me buy a dozen of red roses and give them to girl I am with when I pay the bill?" He nodded and I handed him a $50 dollar bill.

-"Keep the change." I headed back to _______ and she was almost finished her steak, like me. We continued eating in silence until she spoke up.

-"Are you excited for our trip on Monday? It's going to be 7 days without school but with our friends and classmates." You mean 7 days with you, I thought.

-"Yeah, it's going to be really exciting. Did you finish packing yet?"

-"Yeah, how about you?"

-"No, I'm not the plan ahead type." Most of the time anyways.

-"If you want, I can come over and help you pack. It's going to be outdoors and camping so I thought maybe you want a hand." Yeah, she knows I'm the indoor type.

-"Tomorrow at 12?" I nodded. I waved the waiter to ask for the dessert menu.

-" Two chocolate mousse cake please." He nodded and ran of to the kitchen. I like that guy. He works well and quietly. Hehe. The cakes came almost immediately and we started eating.

-"You know, we can study together again, if you want." I offered. THE CAKE WAS SO GOOD!

-"Okay, I'll bring my notes." Yes! So for sure another date tomorrow. I waved the waiter for the bill and gave him a wink for the signal. Hopefully he knows what I'm trying to say.

-"Oppa! The cake was really good!"

-"Yeah! Let's come here again some other time!" She smiled and nodded.

-"Here, miss." The waiter handed her the roses and gave my change back.

-"Onew oppa, thank you! I love roses!" She looked so happy that I feel like she was a going to explode from happiness.

-"Well, I made a good choice then."

-"You're so sweet, oppa. I can't believe you had his romantic side to you!"

-"Hey! Don't underestimate me!" She giggled and interwinded her arm with mine.

-"Come on, I'll walk you home." We stood up and we started to walk home together. I heard a cough and I turned around to see a shadow. That guy looks really familiar... I shrugged and ran to catch up with _______.

-"Oppa, aside from chicken and coffee, what do you like?"

-"I like my friends, family, food, studying and winning." And you.

-"I have always wondered in a guys perspective, who do you think is most important between parents, siblings, friends, children and wife?"

-"Well, each one of those are irreplaceable. My parents love me a lot so I think I love them the same. My friends come second. And you know very well that I don't have children or a wife." I winked at her.

-"Let's say you do."

-"Well, I cna't really say becasue I've never had them before, but I think friends, parents and siblings belong in the same category. While I love my children, I have a feeling I'll love my wife more. Why are you asking?" She looked away and blushed.

-"I'm just wondering. For me, my family will be first and my friends will be second. But it's hard to decide between the two sometimes because  love both groups the same. it's just the title that makes it distatnt, you know?" I nodded.

-"I feel the same way." Then, after a couple of minutes talking about the past, we were finally infront of her house. She let go of of my arm and turned to face me.

-"Onew oppa, I really had a great time tonight. Thank you." She took one step closer to me until our toes were touching. I could feel and hear her breathing and her unsteady heartbeat. She tip-toed and kissed me on the cheek.

-"Good night, Onew oppa." She ran into her house quickly, embarrassed as I stood infront of her house gazing up her window and touching my lips. Wow.

Minho's POV

-I took the newspaper from the side to cover my face. I was video taping them using my phone. HAHAHA!! I'm so mean. But really, I just don't want Key, Eun Ha and Jonghyun to nag and ask so many questions. Then, a voice interrupted my train of thought.

-"Is that all?" Oh man, not again.

-"YES, that's all." I said for the millionth time tonight. If I look at her, will she go away? I gave her a glance and noticed she wore even MORE make up than 10 minutes ago. She looked like a clown, if you asked me. Great, I just realized that this was recording. Now I guess they can barely hear them, and Jonghyun is going to laugh his off later. Just great. I watched from the corner of my eye, as the annoying waitress slipped away. IT'S ABOUT TIME!!! Wow, Onew and _______ really have great chemistry. The SAME waiter came to hand me my steak. AISH! She bent down and scared me for life. UMMA I'M NOT GOING TO GET A GIRLFRIEND!! I'M GAY NOW! Just kidding. I looked at her and gave her a weak smile and muttered a thank you. I may be annoyed but I have manners. Yum!!! The steak was so good! I dug in and watched from my phone everything that was happening. It was like watching a drama! Yup! I finished my steak quickly to catch up with them. Hmm..Onew's standing up. Going to the washroom maybe? He walked out of the room and I saw ________ alone. Oh crap! She's going to see me! I put my head down and ate my dessert. Maybe talking with the annoying waiter isn't such a bad idea right now. I looked at my phone. Good, she's just focusing on her meal. Onew came back. Nothing extra special was happening, so I decided to check if the waiter was starring at me. Oh G*d, STILL!??!?! She's still starring at me. I sighed. Forehead, meet table. I decided to continue watching my home drama and temporarily ignore her. Roses? Oh!~ How romantic! Onew hyung must really like her then. I needed to called the waiter for the bill, because I saw them calling for the bill too. I saw the annoying waiter server another table, so I wuickly asked another for it. Phew, I , Choi Minho is one smart man. But she was the one giving me my change and a piece of paper with her phone number on it. As if I'll ever do that!  She told me to come again too. Tch, NO WAY! But of course, I didn't say that.

-"Maybe some other time." I flashed her a smile and a wink and ran as fast as I could. Oh snap, Onew and _______ already came out. I almost ran into them, but I hid in a corner. Choii Minho is the best! I am steathy and quick on my feet! I'm like a, a, .....ninjavampiresoccerplayerhotspypolitepersonwithareallynicesmileandniceeverythingelse. Yeah, that is exactly what I am. I followed them home too. And then they went into the driveway. I was about to turn around and leave but then...OHMYGOSH!!!!! OHMYNINJAVAMPIRESOCCERPLAYER....ETC!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE KISSED HIM!!!! OMG!!!! OMG!!!!!! I sprinted down the block, straigh to the cafe, where we were going to meet. They are sure going to like this. ;)

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Key's more feminine than me... I jelly. XDDD<br />
update again soon!<br />
LUNAshin #2
Update soon!!!
thanks for the update~!<br />
kekeke, i bet Key will be having his own girlfriend now. (just hoping) ;D<br />
update soon~
:D :D :D :D<br />
<br />
need I say more?
Sparklicious22 #5
OMO!!!!!! i luv it!! this just made my day :DDDDDDD
flowergirls #6
Omooooo!!!! I was so shocked:O I thought he was like going to kiss her on the forhead not the lips!:OOOOOOO
boredomadedis #7
OMG!!!!!! I did NOT see that coming! Awwwwwwwww! My heart is soo overwhelmed with all this love!! Onew is sooo romantic! Loooove love love it!
AWWWWWW~ update again pronto! :)
flowergirls #10
I smell love in the air:)