Chapter 17

Competition For School or Love?



Chapter 17

Key's POV

-Like we planned, we met up at the coffee shop we always went to. First the first time I realized there wasn't a name to this coffee shop. Yeah, I'm trying to stall here. I don't want to go in or Jonghyun and Eun Ha will kill me and Taemin wouldn't look up to me anymore and Minho would start giving lectures on how girls should be treated. Trust me, I so DO NOT need that. I eventually nade my way through the door and sat next to Taemin.

-"Hiya! What were you thinking Kibum." No greetings? KIBUM??? What happened to Key? Tsh, manners Dino, manners.

-"Uh, hi? And I was thinking Onew was going to crack at some time?"

-"Key, if Onew and _______ don't get together, I swear I will kill you." What a great best friend. Now all I need to do is get her on my side. Maybe I'll find a girl that I find interesting...

-"Chill out, Eun Ha. I already have plan B."

-"Hyung, are you sure it's going to work this time?"

-"We're going to go through A to Z then AA to ZZ  then AAA to ZZZ and so on until we get them together." I shot Minho a dirty glare and continued talking.

-"The plan is simple. You know how we are going to meet up on Saturday? Guess what? Onew hyung is going, not me."

-"But how will Onew hyung go out knowing she will be there?" Taeminnie, as much as I love him, he has a lot to learn.

-"We are going to get him to hang out with you, Taemin and Minho."

-"Huh? But what about setting them-"

-"Taemin and Minho's part of the mission is to call Onew out to hang out. Be persuasive. Eun Ha, your job is to convince her that it's a date, not a studying session. Jonghyun, you are going to call _______, will I'm supposively puking because of food poisoning. And Onew after because Minho and Taemin are sick. And me, I am going to make it the most romantic date possible."

Minho's POV

-I can't believe they talked me into this. I am now hiding behind a bush in a tux, trying to "observe the situation" while Key is going on a shopping spree. Taemin went with Key to get a new wardrobe and they better get my new soccer ball they promised. _______ dressed up really pretty today and was sittingon the swing. I looked at my watch: 2:03. Right on time, the phone rang. Good job, Jonghyun hyung!

-"Oh really?...Tell him I told him get well soon." She got off the swing and just in time, Onew bumped into her.

-"Onew oppa, what are you doing here?"

-"I was suppose to wait for Taemin and Minho but they were sick."

-"I was going to wait for Key, but he got sick too."

-Onew started scratching his head. "My friends and I were planning on eating at the new French restaurant across the school. We made reservations, and I wouldn't want to waste it. So, would you come with me?"

-_______ was hesitant at first and I held my breath. She has to go! I can't keep hiding around like this!

-"Sure, oppa. I have time."

-"Great! Let's go!" He hooked arms with her and they headed for the cafe. I decided to report to them before I follow them.

To: Key, Jonghyun, Taemin, Eun Ha

From: The Flaming Charisma

They are headed for La Lune. Hope you people are enjoying your date and your shopping spree!! AND YOU BETTER GET ME MY NEW SOCCER BALL AND YOU OWE ME A LARGE ICE CAP DOUBLE MILK, SINGLE SUGAR! Thanks :P


To: The Flaming Charisma

From: Key

There is such a great deal here! I got so many Chanel and LV bags and scarves! They were half off!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!?!??! HALF OFF!!! I got so many now!! Taemin has as many pairs of Converse as there is in the colours of a rainbow!!!! 

-Oh Key....

To: The Flaming Charisma

From: Taeminnie


-And I thought he had the easy job.

To: The Flaming Charisma

From: Jonghyun and Eun Ha

Yeah, Yeah we'll get your Ice Cap. ;) JONGHYUN DON'T BE SO RUDE! ): I AM NOT RUDE! :P

-Yeah, they better get it. And I think I need a girlfriend too. -____-"

-There. Now let's see what I missed. I took a short cut so I'd be in the restaurant before them. I sat in the corner with the menu hiding my face. I got a clear spot. But in a couple minutes, beads of sweat formed on my face and I loosened my tie. Wow, it was hot in this restaurant.

-"Can I help you?" The waiteress looked at me with a star struck expression. Uh-oh. Great, they just walked in and now I have a waiteress who seems to take interest of me. Oh crap.

-"Uh I'll have a cup of tea with a steak medium rare please." I saw her bend down to take my menu. Disgusting, a . I could tell. She batted her eyelasses at me and my eyes twitched on their own.

-"I'll be right back." I nodded and took another menu from the next table to cover my face and tried to listen to their converstaion.

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Key's more feminine than me... I jelly. XDDD<br />
update again soon!<br />
LUNAshin #2
Update soon!!!
thanks for the update~!<br />
kekeke, i bet Key will be having his own girlfriend now. (just hoping) ;D<br />
update soon~
:D :D :D :D<br />
<br />
need I say more?
Sparklicious22 #5
OMO!!!!!! i luv it!! this just made my day :DDDDDDD
flowergirls #6
Omooooo!!!! I was so shocked:O I thought he was like going to kiss her on the forhead not the lips!:OOOOOOO
boredomadedis #7
OMG!!!!!! I did NOT see that coming! Awwwwwwwww! My heart is soo overwhelmed with all this love!! Onew is sooo romantic! Loooove love love it!
AWWWWWW~ update again pronto! :)
flowergirls #10
I smell love in the air:)