Chapter 21

Competition For School or Love?

Chapter 21

Minho's POV

-Why are my friends so nosy? Why must I tell them so much? They'll spoil my chance with her if they do anything wierd. I flopped on my bed and sighed. What if Key actually likes her?Baek Yuni... What a beautiful girl. So helpful and wonderful is every way... Anyways, I think I should make a move before my friends do. But Monday is the trip. Ahould I make a move on her tomorrow? Aish! Stupid Key!! If he didn't ask maybe I wouldn't have said so much! But if things work out, then the camp trip will be awesome!  Okay, tomorrow it is.


Onew's POV

-RING DING DONG RING DING DONG RING DING DING DING DING DING DING! I clicked my alarm clock and started my day to look as handsome as I can and make my house as presentable as I can for _______! I looked at my clock. 9:31 AM. So that means I have 2 hours and 29 minutes and my parents are at work. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and changed into a pair of jeans and  a t-shirt. Then, I vacumed the enitre house, wiped the counters, made a simple breakfast and ate it, baked cookies and fried chicken wings to share with her later and tucked some chairs in. And just when the clock strucked 12, my door bell rang. I opened the door and _______ came with a backpack.

-"Hey Onew!"

-"_______, come in!"

-"It smells good. Did you bake cookies?"

-"And I fried chicken wings. So, can you help me pack? Even though I have the list, I'm not sure what to bring and what not to bring."

-"Sure. Let's go to your room."

-"Would you like something to drink?" (LOL Flower Boys Generation anyone?)

-"Water is fine."

-"Okay, wait here." I quickly got two cups of water and our snacks onto a tray and lead her up the stairs.

-"Oppa, your house is really neat and bright." She said, gesturing to the opened curtains of my window. She sat on my bed as I set out snacks on my night table.

-"Your house is too." She smiled.

-"Okay let start with your clothes first. And we'll put it on your bed and then we will decide what order we should put they in." She said munching on a cookie. I liked how she said "we" and not "you" or "me".

-"Okay, 7 pairs of socks, underwear, t-shirts and pants. And 2 sweaters. How's that?" Is she going to comment on my cookies?

-"Perfect. you're the boss here."

-"You're cookies are really good oppa. Here, let me wash my hands and I'll help you fold your clothes."

-"You don't need to wash your hands. Do you really think my cookies are good? Are you sure you want to help me fold my clothes?"

-"Your cookies are daebak! You should put it in the bake sale. And of course I'll help you. You should put everything in a set-socks, underwear-shirts and pants. So when you need an outfit, you can just get it." She's going to fold with my underwear? That's so akward!!!

-"It's okay, oppa. I'll fold everything else but your underwear. Just remember to put it in later araso?" I nodded. How did this girl know???

-"Look through your closet. When you see something you want, throw it at me and I'll fold it." And that's what we did. She didn't comment on my clothes either. She's so cool!

-"Next, I brought you a small bag. Inside, there are band-aids,  a bottle of hand sanitizer and rubbing alcohol, a small flashlight, and extra batteries. " She finshed in her bag and brought out the bag.

-"Next is hygenic products. Bring deodourant, cologne, tooth brush, tooth paste dental floss, shampoo, soap and conditioner. Do you have small containers? Or do want to use mine?" She brought out a set of small empty bottles from her bag.

-"That way, your luggage won't be as heavy."

-"Sure. But first let's eat snacks and study!"

-"Yeah, the test is soon." It was kind of akward. We both sitting on my bed next to each other, hugging my pillows. We blushed and looked away at the same time.

-"This," I said gesturing to our closeness, "is quite akward." She nodded.

-"Whatever, let's get to work. So, let's start with science..."

An hour later.

-"...the answer is 36cm right?" No answer. "Right?" I looked at _______ to find her dozed off on  my bed. I guess she was really tired. I placed my blanket on her and pecked her forehead. She will never know. XD I grabbed the bottles off the bed and headed to my bathroom to fill the bottles. When I came out to clean the dishes, I realized we ate all the snacks. She ate most of it meaning she likes my cooking I guess. That's a good sign. I finished cleaning and packing so I decided to study, sitting on the foot of the bed. I felt her twitch and looked at her. She woke up. Aw, she looks so cute when she has just woken up.

-"Sorry Oppa, I fell asleep."

-"It's okay. It's late, you should go home before your mom looks for you." She smiled.

-"Okay." She pecked my forehead and ran  down the stairs.


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Key's more feminine than me... I jelly. XDDD<br />
update again soon!<br />
LUNAshin #2
Update soon!!!
thanks for the update~!<br />
kekeke, i bet Key will be having his own girlfriend now. (just hoping) ;D<br />
update soon~
:D :D :D :D<br />
<br />
need I say more?
Sparklicious22 #5
OMO!!!!!! i luv it!! this just made my day :DDDDDDD
flowergirls #6
Omooooo!!!! I was so shocked:O I thought he was like going to kiss her on the forhead not the lips!:OOOOOOO
boredomadedis #7
OMG!!!!!! I did NOT see that coming! Awwwwwwwww! My heart is soo overwhelmed with all this love!! Onew is sooo romantic! Loooove love love it!
AWWWWWW~ update again pronto! :)
flowergirls #10
I smell love in the air:)