Chapter 22

Competition For School or Love?


Chapter 22

Your POV

-I woke up earlier than usual just to get ready. Why? Today is finally the trip! I'm so excited! I wonder if oppa finished packing. Why am I wondering that? I just hope he remember the towels. Well, I'm all packed! And I can't wait to have 7 days with my friends! Only my friends. We were going camping in eights: SHINee, Eun Ha, me and Yuni. I'm not that familiar with Yuni. But she's really smart so I'm guessing Nah! I dragged my luggage onto the luggage department and after greeting a million people, I sat down in the back of the bus. We were all waiting for the other people to board, and I was listening to Mr. Simple and trying to fall asleep at the same time when I hear a couple with familiar voices arguing. But I was too lazy to turn around to see who it was.

-"SIT ON THE WINDOW SEAT." The boy said.

-"DOES IT MATTER?" The girl asked.








-Curiousity took over me and I turned around. Eun Ha and Jonghyun. Oh wow guys. Well, I must do something incase Eun Ha wants to sit with me. I want to sit with Onew...OKAY and I want their relationship to be bettter. So-

-"HIYA! I'm trying to sleep here!" I shouted. They both muttered an apology. Eun Ha was standing up and she looked kinda crushed.

-"You," I pointed at Eun Ha "Sit there". I pointed to the seat next to Jonghyun.


-"Sit." I used my scary voice. It's working!!! She sat next to Jonghyun with a large gap between them. I pushed Eun Ha right next to Jonghyun, took out one of his ear buds and put it in her ear. I tilted her head on to his shoulder, and put his head on hers. There. Perfect.

-"Don't you guys dare move." They looked kinda horrified but satisfied at the same time. I went back to my seat and closed my eyes. After a couple minutes, I opened one eye to find Jonghyun's arm around her and they were both sleeping under a blanket. Aww! Ha! I'm so cool!! I took out my phone and took a picture. They're so cute!!! They'll thank me later. I was so close to sleeping when...

-"HIYA! YOU DIDN'T BRING HAIR GEL?" Followed by a sound made by heavy luggage.

-"Hyung, I don't need it."

-"Yes, you do."

-"I brought chicken! We can BBQ later."

-"Key, we're going camping, not fashion show. Onew, don't eat so much chicken meat. It's not healthy."

-That was definitely Minho, Onew Key and Taemin. They boarded the bus loudly and Onew sat beside me, Taemin with Key and Minho was alone.

-"Sorry I'm late!" Yuni dashed on to the bus and sat next to Minho. Was it just me, or did Minho just smile really big? Ohhh~~~ I looked over to see Jonghyun and Eun Ha sleeping and Key telling Taemin the importance of hair gel. I turned to see a smiling Onew, waving a baggie of food in my face.


-"Thanks." I took a piece and ate it. It's so good!!!! Well, I just kept feeding the both of us until I remembered the towels.

-"Oppa, did you pack towels?" He nodded.

-"That's good. I was scared you were going to forget."

-"Pabo." He pinched my cheeks gently and smiled. Awww~~ He's so cute when he smiles. Just then, our teacher announced that we were going to have a bathroom stop at a food court. Only about 10 people got off, including me and Onew. None of our friends bothered and most of them were sleeping. After washing my hands, I sat down on a chair, looking out the window in the food court, waiting for Onew. He came with two cups of hot coffee and sat across me.

-"_______, let's play a game of rock, paper, scissors. Best 2 out of 3. Winner gets to flick their finger on to the loser's forehead."

-"Oppa, you flick hard though."

-"I'll go easy on you."


-"Rock, paper, scissors!" He got paper and I got rock. DON'T LOSE _______! CAN'T LOSE TO HIM!

-"Rock, paper, scissors!" I had scissors and he had paper. HAHA. A tie. In the third round, we both got rock.

-"Rock, paper, scissors!" He had scissors and I had paper. Oh man, he got a point and I 'm going to get a major headache! I closed my eyes.

-"I'm ready." I told him. I could tell he was leaning towards me and I could feel warmth coming out of him. I was ready for the pain, but instead I felt a soft, warm pair of lips land on my own. Startled, I opened my eyes. He then took a step back and smiled.

-"Saranghae." He whispered.

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Key's more feminine than me... I jelly. XDDD<br />
update again soon!<br />
LUNAshin #2
Update soon!!!
thanks for the update~!<br />
kekeke, i bet Key will be having his own girlfriend now. (just hoping) ;D<br />
update soon~
:D :D :D :D<br />
<br />
need I say more?
Sparklicious22 #5
OMO!!!!!! i luv it!! this just made my day :DDDDDDD
flowergirls #6
Omooooo!!!! I was so shocked:O I thought he was like going to kiss her on the forhead not the lips!:OOOOOOO
boredomadedis #7
OMG!!!!!! I did NOT see that coming! Awwwwwwwww! My heart is soo overwhelmed with all this love!! Onew is sooo romantic! Loooove love love it!
AWWWWWW~ update again pronto! :)
flowergirls #10
I smell love in the air:)