Chapter 5

Competition For School or Love?


Your POV

-Wow. I guess a lot happened last night. This was gym class, meaning I can't lose to Onew!!! We were running 200m today, and he’s really fast! It was the 100m mark and I started to sprint. HE WAS RIGHT BESIDE ME!! I started running faster and we were both looking at each other as if we were enemies. Then the next thing I knew, is that we hit a tree. The tree after the 250m mark. I opened my eyes and saw him on top of me!!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!

-“GET OFF YOU ERT!!!!” I pushed him away as I got up and ran back to the 200m mark. That was so embarrassing! Everyone was starring at us when we got back. How awkward! The girls were smirking. I hate those people who don’t understand that Onew and I have nothing with each other.

-“Are you OK, _______-shi?” Minho, this really nice guy in my gym class. He is such a gentleman! I think if I had to like someone, it would be him. Those dark eyes, curly hair and that wonderful smile....SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!!!

-“Y-yeah, I’m okay.” I felt my cheeks turn red. Whyyyyy!!!!!!!

Onew’s POV

-“What was that!?!!?” How did we run into a tree??? That is so depressing!! I saw my best friend, Minho approach her. He’s just being nice. I hate how she was all flirty when she talked to him. I’m not jealous, I just don’t want her to date Minho. It would be such a mess.

Eun Ha’s POV

-This is so not like me! I keep talking about Jonghyun to _______!!! I hope she’s not pissed. After school, I received a text from my parents saying that they are home and to go get groceries after school. So I carried my huge backpack to the store. I grabbed a basket on the way in and picked some beef, tomatoes, fruits and rice. I knew we were running out but this is going to be really heavy! Just for fun, I went to the baking isle. Something green caught my eye. It was a dinosaur cookie tin! It’s so cute! I was one of those cute cartoon ones-not those replica ugly ones. I put it in my basket and went to pay for all the food.

-“Umma! Appa!!” I gave them a big hug each and gave them the groceries. I went upstairs to my room to do my homework. When I was finished, I was just in time for dinner. After I washed the dishes, I started to get to work. I baked cookies and made chocolate in the shape of a dinosaur and went to take a shower. When I came down, they were all cooled, ready to be put in the tin.

Jonghyun’s POV

-I went to my locker and as usual, red and pink cookie tins and cards flooded out of my locker. But today, I found something different. It was a green dinosaur tin. On it, was a sticky note that read: “Here, we are even now. Thanks for taking care of me! – Eun Ha. P.S. I made this with a dinosaur theme because you snore like one. :D” I chuckled. I’ve received many gifts from girls, but this feels different. I felt all warm and my heart was pounding. Should I go check with the doctor to check to see what’s wrong with me? I opened the cookie tin and saw chocolates and cookies shaped like dinosaurs. I took one out and I couldn’t help but say this.

-“Rawr.” Just like a little kid.

Eun Ha’s POV

-It was the end of school, and _______ and Onew were probably going to be in the library again. Nerds!! Just kidding. I opened my locker to see a card stuck to the inside. There was a lion on it and very neat writing which said: “Really now? You snore like a lion. :P -Jonghyun” I couldn’t help but smile. Aww!!!!

_______’s POV


-This afternoon, Onew was here. And I studied a lot of different things too. And in the end, we were the last ones to leave again. I stood up to pack up my stuff and I saw Onew sleeping. I stood up and shook his shoulder.

-“Hiya!! Everyone’s gone already! Wake up!” He woke up sleepily and nodded. I waited for him as he packed up and then we walked out. It was raining. Just out luck.

-“Shoot.” I mumbled. He took off his jacket and put it over us. We ran and he followed me home.

-“Go!! It’s raining too hard.” He nodded and h e ran into his house.

-“_______-ah, who was that?” My mom asked.

-“It was Onew.” Our parents know each other very well and the also fantasize that one day we were going to get married. Ha-ha. Very funny.

-“Wow honey, it was very sweet of him to put his jacket over the both of you. ” Here we go again. My mom constantly gives me lectures on how “perfect”, “sweet”, “handsome” and “smart” he is. My mom is a SHINee fan girl. Onew comes over for dinner sometimes and brings the whole SHINee crew. Free loaders. But sadly, I can’t call them that because they end up bringing food too. AISH! I would hide in my room quietly until they left. And today one was of those nights, however my mom made me stay and help out.

-"_______-shi, please pass the potatoes."

-"_______-shi, please pass the beef." It was like that all dinner, I had to wash all the dishes. A pair of hands were in the basin and started to scrub and it wasn't my own. Onew? What is up with him these days?

-"What are you doing?" Skin contact!!!

-"I'm helping you."

-"I don't need help."

-"I need something to do."

-"Get a life then. You-"

-"_______!! How dare you say that to a guest!" Guest my .

-"Finish washing up and go straight to your room." I was going to do that anyway.

-"Araso, oemonin." Wow...

Onew's POV

-That was a good one. Girls always fall for that "helping" thing. How "romantic"! I should really be doing this to the girl I like, not her. But I don't have anyone I like right now. Should I play the jealousy card after ?

Eun Ha's POV

-I've been trying to study but I can't. My parents keep fighting over everything-money, me, property..etc. With this catching up, they may divorce. But divorce are all in dramas and fanfics right? Not reality. My phone rang and I was glad that there was something that will distract me from all this stress.

Jonghyun's POV

- I took a million pictures of the cookies, chocolate and tin before trying one. It was so good!!! Not only that, but there was a warm feeling inside. I ate it all in one sitting. Yummy! I decided to lay on my bed and call Eun Ha.


-"Eun Ha? Theses are so good! When did you learn to bake so well?"

-"Internet? It took me years of practise and years of allowance to become this good."

-"I could tell. You should make your own bakery and sell them. I'll set up the store and you can give me half your profit." She laughed.

-"I don't think so Jonghyun."

-"Yeah, I never thought a tomboy like you would ever be able to bake treats and look so pretty either." WHAT DID I JUST SAY TO HER?


-"Oh, nothing. See you tomorrow Eun Ha."


-"Key! You ahve to help me!" I screamed into the phone.

-"Oww! What's wrong now?"

-"My heart keeps beating!!"

-"Ohh~~ When?"

-"When I'm near Eun Ha. Am I allergic to her?" Key was laughing hysterically through the phone.


-"Oh Jonghyun. When do you realize that you actually have feelings for this girl?" I do?


-"Ok, tomorrow, keep doing what ever you're doing with her like everyday. The next day, act like your old self. Don't talk to her. If you think you have an urge to talk to her, then get her a rose." What kind of advice is this?

-"Kim. Kibum. What. The. Hell?"

-"Hey, it will work. Trust me Jonghyun, when did I ever lie to you?" Good question. Well I guess he ever did.

-"Fine, this better work."

-"You won't regret it."

-"Oh, I better not because if I do, don't call me your hyung ever again. And by the way, I have a feeling a need a rose in 2 days."

-"Okay, I'll go order one. Good luck Jonghyun!"

Eun Ha's POV

-_______'s always busy studying these days and there isn't a lot of people to talk too. I stuck a picture of a dinosaur eating a lion with a caption saying "See?? Dinosaurs are more dangerous than us!" and stuck it in Jonghyun's locker. I got one back with a dinosaur bowing. "Sorry." Aww! So cute! I kept it in my collection on Jonghyun stuff and headed off to science. Great, _______ isn't in my science class. My partner is some guy called Kim Kibum who hangs with Jonghyun. Well, he was there sitting at our usual spot and was smiling a waving. How unusual.

Key's POV

- Let's see how this girl won Jonghyun's heart. But before I could start my pro-answering skills, the teacher assigned us a lab to do. I realized this girl was pretty roguh, slamming everything down on the counter, her hair in a messy ponytail, wrinkled simple clothes...WHAT DOES JONGHYUN SEE IN HER? I started to quiken everything up so I can start asking questions.

-"_______-shi -ah! Where did you get your clothes?"

-"The mall?"

-"Do you know Jonghyun well?"

-"Not really, but we did have some encounters alright." He has a lot of explaining to do.

-"If you had to marry someone in the school who would it be?"

-"Kibum-shi, why are your questions so personal? And why were you asking all of a sudden?" The bell rang! Yes!!!

-"I gotta go!! Sorry!! Byeeee!!!"

Your POV

- Today there was a pop quiz! Guess what I got? 100%!! In your face Onew!!! He got, 99%!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Those science notes came in handy! 

Onew's POV

-I think I'll stick to studying! This is not working! She is getting better marks than me! Ok, today I'll go to the coffee shop and study. I like it there! The smell of expresso! I would go to KFC, but they kick you out after your done eating. What a shame. Hey! I should invite her and we could "study together."

-"_______-shi! Would come study with me at the coffee shop?"

-"Onew, why are you so nice to me these days."

-"I feel guilty becasue of our past. Truce?" I stuck out my hand. That was a good cover up.

-"I'm not sure. You know, even if we end this competition I will still be working hard, you know?"

-"I had a feeling you would say that. So coffee shop?"

-"Sure! See you in the coffee shop."

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Key's more feminine than me... I jelly. XDDD<br />
update again soon!<br />
LUNAshin #2
Update soon!!!
thanks for the update~!<br />
kekeke, i bet Key will be having his own girlfriend now. (just hoping) ;D<br />
update soon~
:D :D :D :D<br />
<br />
need I say more?
Sparklicious22 #5
OMO!!!!!! i luv it!! this just made my day :DDDDDDD
flowergirls #6
Omooooo!!!! I was so shocked:O I thought he was like going to kiss her on the forhead not the lips!:OOOOOOO
boredomadedis #7
OMG!!!!!! I did NOT see that coming! Awwwwwwwww! My heart is soo overwhelmed with all this love!! Onew is sooo romantic! Loooove love love it!
AWWWWWW~ update again pronto! :)
flowergirls #10
I smell love in the air:)