This Is Bad

I Think I Have Fallen For You


Nichkhun's POV
I was just arrived at my luxury apartment with a bright smile on my face because my family's company was getting known by world. It was already almost 10 pm. I opened the door and i found her, sitting hopelessly on the floor. 
"You're home?" she asked, with a cold expression. "Have you eaten? I cooked pasta for tonight. I haven't eaten anything. Maybe we can eat together"
"Get up" I said, while pulling her up. "Why did you sit there? You're going to catch a cold. Let's eat" I said that, even though actually i had eaten dinner. I just didn't want her to feel sad or disappointed. I dragged her to the dining room.
"Don't you forget something?" she said, expression-less. What was wrong with her? I was so tired that night, and i did not want to play a game, any kinds of game.
"No, i don't" I answered, sarcastically. "Sorry, babe. But i am very tired right now. I am not in the mood to play a game with you. Maybe we can do that tomorrow"
She chuckled. "Is our anniversary just a game for you?"
I opened my eyes widely. What did she say? Our.. Anniversary? What? Now? I looked at the calendar and yes, it was June 18th, our anniversary date. 2 year anniversary. I face-palmed. I held her hand. "Sorry, baby. I totally forgot. What do you want? I will give you anything you want. Just tell me. I'll do anything"
She shook her head. I saw a tear dropped from her eye. "No need.." 
"Baby, please don't cry.." I wiped her tear. "I promise you that i won't forget our anniversary again. Ever. Please, forgive me"
She let go off my hand roughly. "It's all just about work for you, Nichkhun. I always thought that you didn't care about me, and today you just prove to me that i was right" Tears were streaming down her face. I had never seen her cry like that. It was the first time i saw her cry, and that was because of me. I felt like a loser. "You don't care about me, do you? Even just a little bit"
"Baby, that's not true" I raised my voice. I felt hurt because of her words. Why did she say that? How could she say that? After everything that i have ever done for her? "I love you, and of course i care for you. I really care about you, please don't say that again. Try to believe me"
"I tried, Nichkhun. I tried.." she stopped for a second. "But, i am tired.." she cried even louder. "I'm tired, Khunnie... I am tired to try to understand you. I am tired in believing you. I am tired for trying"
I was stoned, did not know what to say or what to do. All i could do was just listening to her, to every word that she said. Was i that bad? Did i really hurt her that bad? "So, what do you want?" I asked her, in a husky voice. Hearing her said those words really hurt me, so i cried. She was tired. What was that supposed to mean? I didn't get it. I didn't understand everything that she said that night. I wanted to pretend like i didn't hear anything.
She wiped her tears and looked deep into my teary eyes. "Choose"
"What are the choices?" I asked her again and looked at her sad face. God, i felt extremely miserable. How could i make her cry like that? I was such a jerk. She was my fiance, i should have made her happy, not crying like that. I was useless.
She took a deep breath. "Work or me?"
BOOM! I could feel my world were tumbling down. Those were the worst options ever! I loved her, but i could not leave my work. It was my duty to run the company. She could not make me choose those. "Baby, you know i really love you, right?" she just nodded, still crying. I felt like dying to see her cried like that. "I want to marry you, but i can not choose between work and you. Work is important for me and you know that, too. It is my duty, baby. I can not just leave it like that"
She stepped back. "Work.." she was standing few meters away from me. "Or me?" she asked me again, with a very husky voice.
"Baby.." I mumbled. It was tough, very tough. I could not choose. "Please, don't make me choose"
"You choose work, then?" she gulped. "You choose work, Khunnie? Answer me" I just stayed quiet. I wanted to say that i chose her, but my tongue was tied. It was even hard for me to breathe. She laughed, with tears were still falling down from her eyes. "Okay, i get it" She ran to her room and slammed the door.
I followed her to her room while calling her name. When i opened the door, i saw her busy putting her clothes into her suitcase, with tears streaming down her beautiful face, which was already all red because of crying. She knew i was there, but pretended like she was all alone.
My face turned pale. "Ba-baby, what.. What are you doing?" I stuttered. I walked slowly toward her. 
"Don't you even dare to come near me" she said, with a very cold tone.
I swallowed my saliva. "W-why are you putting your clothes inside your suitcase? What is this supposed to mean?"
She looked down. She already stopped her tears. "I am leaving" she said, while zippering her suitcase.
"What do you mean by you're leaving?" I asked her, in confusion, with fear in my eyes. She was going to leave me? No, it could not happen. It was just a dream. A worst nightmare. "No, you can't leave me. You're my fiance. We are going to get married soon. You can't" I walked closer to her. 
She touched our engagement ring on her ring finger, with a gloomy face. Then, she pulled the ring and gave it to me. "Here, i am returning this" she said coldly, and grabbed her suitcase. Then, she walked out her room.
I ran to her and hugged her tight. "No, you can't do this to me. You can't" I screamed. I was a player, i loved to play with women's hearts. But, i loved her, i really did. With all my heart. And i would not let her go. Never. "Take this ring, and put it back on your finger. Now"
She did not hug me back. She said coldly, "Let go off me, Nichkhun-ssi"
Nichkhun-ssi? She called me Nichkhun-ssi? Great. She acted like a stranger to me. "Please, don't leave me. I beg you" I pleaded. "Please, baby. I can not live without you. You are my life. Please, please..." I cried out loud. I didn't care anymore. I would do anything, ANYTHING, to make her stay, even being a crybaby. I didn't care. "You can't do this to me. Don't leave me, please..."
"I said, let me go" she said, not even looking at me. I looked at her face, she didn't even cry anymore. What was with the sudden change? 
I gave up. I let her go. And she dashed off the door, but she turned back. She looked at me and forced a smile, a very weak smile. The weakest smile that i have ever seen. "Thank you for everything, Nichkhun-ssi. I won't disturb you anymore. Goodbye" Then, she walked away.
I was stoned. I could not even move. I kept thinking in my head that it was just a lie, or even a dream. I could not take it, i really couldn't. I loved her, i really did. She was my life. I never planned that one day i'd be losing her. Never. I fell on my knees, wanting to cry. But, my tears were not coming out. I didn't know why. I was dumbfounded. It was the worst night that has ever happened in my life.
Flashback ends
I am drinking a can of beer while looking at the stars from my balcony. Same apartment, but it doesn't feel the same anymore. I had never loved this apartment because all i could feel was just loneliness, until i met her. Until i dated her. Until i became her fiance, the person that she loved the most.
I sigh. "How are you right now, baby? I hope you're doing fine" I laugh at myself. What am i doing now? Talking to the stars? I must be drunk. "Have you got married already? I miss you so bad.."
I grab my guitar and starts singing. The song that fits my condition and feeling perfectly. The song of my heart. Even though she can not hear this song, at least it would probably make me feel better. I hope so.
Same bed but it feels just a little bit bigger now
Our song on the radio but it don't sound the same
When our friends talk about you all it does is just tear me down
Cause my heart breaks a little when i hear your name
It all just sounds like ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh~
Mm.. Too young too dumb to realize
That i should've bought you flowers and held your hand
Shoulda gave you all my hours when i had the chance
Take you to every party cause all you wanted to do was dance
Now my baby's dancing, but she's dancing with another man
Although it hurts, i'll be the first to say that i was wrong~
Oh i know i'm probably much too late
To try and apologize for my mistakes
But i just want you to know~
i hope he buys you flowers, i hope he holds your hand
Give you all his hours, when he has the chance
Take you to every party, cause i remember how much you loved to dance
Do all the things i should have done
When i was your man
Do all the things i should have done
When i was your man
{ When I Was Your Man - Bruno Mars }
I chuckle. For some reasons, i pretty positive that she is someone else's right now. Married, maybe. Someone else's wife. I do not want to think about that. Because it just hurts me even more. I am hurt already, i do not want to make it even worse. 
I envy Seunghyun. He is also a hardworker, but he got married already. He must be having a very amazing wife. Because his wife can accept his condition as a hardworking man. When will i get married? I have no idea...
Tiffany's POV
Today is Saturday. Seunghyun told me that he wanted me to meet with his bestfriend since junior high. I was very excited. Finally, i get a chance to meet his friends. Well, one of his many friends. But, it's fine by me. Because that person is my husband's bestfriend. 
I am busy in my closet, trying to find clothes that i should wear. We are going to have a dinner, so probably i should wear something elegant and classy. I already changed Sooyoung's diaper and -fed her, so now she is sleeping. And my mother is here also, so i don't have to bring Sooyoung along. I want to have fun tonight. Luckily, i already dropped few pounds. So, i can fit to any kind of dresses that i have. 
I hear Seunghyun's voice from downstairs. "Tiffany, hurry up! We are going to be late. He's a busy man, we can not let him wait"
"Okay, i am almost done!" Uh-oh, this is not good. I am far from almost done. Jeez, whatever! I grab a black, classic dress and wear it right away. And i put some light makeup and a black heels. I brush my hair and let my hair fall down without wearing any hairpins. I check myself on the mirror. Well, not bad... It's better than coming late. I go downstairs and Seunghyun is already inside the car. 
I open the car's door and sits beside him. I am riding shotgun. "Sorry. Do i look okay?" I ask him, nervously.
He is checking on me, from top to bottom. He nods his head. "You look good" Then, he starts the engine and off we go!
Seunghyun's POV
We finally arrive at this fancy restaurant. I talk to the receptionist that i already made a reservation. Tiffany is standing beside me, looking around.
"Yes, Mr. Choi. Your friend is already here. Please come this way" he shows us the way to the table. And i see Nichkhun is sitting there, drinking his wine. 
I tap Nichkhun's shoulder. "Hey, man. Sorry we're late"
Nichkhun stands up and gives me a friendly, manly hug. "It's okay. Only 3 minutes late" he turns to Tiffany. "Is this your wife?"
I laugh. "Of course she is. Who else could she be?" I look at Tiffany, while smiling. "Fany, this is my bestfriend, Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul. And, Nichkhun, meet my wife, Stephanie Choi"
Tiffany lends her hand. "Annyeong. Tiffany imnida. Nice to meet you" she says, while showing her eyesmile.
Nichkhun shakes her hand. "Ah, annyeong. Nichkhun imnida. Nice to meet you, too" he shows her his eyesmile. Oh yes, Nichkhun also has a famous eyesmile. That smile makes women can not resist him. Like, it is his charm point.
I can see that Tiffany is blushing. What? She can not resist that, too? Oh, God. But, i don't have to be jealous. She is mine now. And we have a baby already. We order the foods and start talking to each other while waiting for the foods to come.
"So, Tiffany-ssi. What do you like about Seunghyun?" Nichkhun asks her. I am kinda happy for his question because i really want to know as well. She never tells me, i think.
Tiffany thinks for a while. "Mm.. I don't know. Everything..?"
My face turns red all of a sudden. I try my best to hide it. She likes everything about me? Seriously? She loves me that much?
Nichkhun laughs. "Seunghyun's face just turns into a tomato. Haha, it's rare"
Tiffany looks at me, then she smiles. "You're right, Nichkhun-ssi. It's kinda rare to see his face like that"
"Stop it, you guys! It's not funny" I say, feel annoyed. He has not changed at all. He still loves teasing people. Well, it's my bestfriend that i know.
We continue talking, then our foods arrive. We eat our foods and do a little chit-chat, while eating. It's pretty fun, laughing and mocking. I think they get along well, Nichkhun and Tiffany. Thank God. ! I feel my stomach hurts. Stomachache? At a time like this? I can not take this, i need to go to the restroom. "Sorry, guys. I need to go to the restroom" Then, i walk fast to the restroom, leaving the two all alone.
Author's POV
Tiffany takes a sip of her red wine. The situation is awkward without Seunghyun.
"So... How are you?" Nichkhun asks, trying to start the conversation.
"I am fine" Tiffany replies, awkwardly. She is cold-sweating right now. She can not act like this, can she? "Uhm.. How about you?"
"Not good" Nichkhun answers, while sipping his wine. He looks at Tiffany with a smile on his face. "Wanna know why?"
Tiffany shakes her head. "Please, don't tell me. I guess i don't need to know your problem, Nichkhun-ssi. We just met an hour ago"
Nichkhun let out a chuckles. "-ssi, eh? Just call me Nichkhun"
Tiffany gulps. "Whe-where is Seunghyun? W-why it takes him so long in the re-restroom?" God, she is stuttering. This is bad, extremely bad.
Nichkhun looks deeply into Tiffany's eyes. "Or.. Maybe you would like to call me with a nickname. So.. Khunnie, maybe?"
Tiffany stands up off her chair all of a sudden. Her face turns pale. "I-i am going to check on him. Please, excuse me" Then, she runs away.
Nichkhun chuckles. He calls the waiter. "Can i have more wine, please?" Then, the waiter leaves. He comes back and pour the red wine into Nichkhun's glass. Nichkhun says thank you and the waiter leaves again.
Seunghyun comes back from the restroom just to find Nichkhun sitting alone, no sign of Tiffany. "Where is Fany?" he asks his bestfriend.
"I don't know. She said she wanted to check on you" Nichkhun answers, calmly.
Seunghyun takes a sip of his wine. "What do you think about her?" 
"I like her" Nichkhun says, while smiling.
"Back off, she is my wife, dude!" Seunghyun says, jokingly. He knows that even though Nichkhun is a playboy, but he never steals Seunghyun's girls. Never. Seunghyun trusts him.
Nichkhun laughs. "I mean, i like your wife. You have a great wife, you're one lucky man. I envy you even more, Seunghyun"
Seunghyun grins. Thank God Nichkhun likes Tiffany. He thinks they will get along just fine. He has nothing to worry about, then. "I am going to look for Tiffany. Wanna come with me?"
Nichkhun shakes his head. "Nah, i think i am going to the balcony instead. Goodluck on finding your wife, buddy" he says, the he gives Seunghyun his eyesmile.
Tiffany's POV
I am still panting. I hope he won't chase me. I take a deep breath. What is wrong with me? It's just a guy named Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul. I should go back and ask Seunghyun to take me home. But, i need a reason. Oh, yeah. I just have to say to him that i am tired. Yes, that's it! I take a deep breath once again, but..
"Mi Young" I can feel a lightning strikes right into my heart. I feel like crying right now. Mi Young? That's my Korean name. And i never let anyone call me Mi Young. But, i just... But, that person knows. Yes, that person often called me Mi Young.
"Why are you avoiding me..?"
I gulp and look at that person. "A-ah, Nichkhun-ssi. I am not avoiding you, i am just looking for fresh air, that's why i ran away" I force a laugh. "Why would i avoid you, anyway? We need to go back. Seunghyun must be worried right now"
He grabs my hand. "I demand an explanation, Hwang Mi Young. Or, should i say, Choi Mi Young?" I can sense coldness in his voice. This is bad. God, please help me... I am scared.
"Nichkhun-ssi, my name is not Mi Young. Maybe you're drunk. You should go home" I try to let go off my hand, but i can't. He's too strong. "Can you please let go off my hand, Nichkhun-ssi?"
"Why did you leave, Mi Young? Why?" he asks me. I can see he is tearing up. He is crying? "Do you have any idea how i felt? You hurt me, Mi Young. You really hurt me. I haven't seen you for almost four years, and now here you are, being someone else's wife. My bestfriend's wife"
I try my best to ignore him. I am just busy trying to let my hand go. "Nichkhun-ssi, please let go off me. You hurt my wrist" I say, in pain. It hurts, my wrist hurts. 
"YOU HURT MY HEART, STEPHANIE HWANG!" he screams. Nichkhun screams at me. He never screamed at me before. Not even once. My tears are filling up my eyes. I don't want to cry, not in front of him. 
"I-i don't.." I can not continue my sentence. My head goes blank. I can not think of anything. I just can not see him cry. I don't want him to scream at me like that. Not in a million years.
"You should marry me, Fany.." he says, with a very husky voice. "I should be the one who married you, not him. It should be me.."
I wipe my tears. "Nichkhun-ssi, please let me go. Please.." he still isn't letting go. I sigh. "Khunnie.."
He lets go off my hand. Finally! I run away from him. I can hear his mumbling something.
"I still love you.."
I pretend like i don't hear anything and just keep running away. Yes, i know him. I know him very well. He was my ex-fiance... 
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desyprameswari #1
Really a good story!
ShoutEric #2
Chapter 20: Dam Great Story TopFany <3
mirantialimin #3
Chapter 20: daddy seunghyun so cute. happy ending.....
Chapter 20: happy ending..... aaahhh topfany saranghae keke....
TwistedIceQueen #5
Chapter 12: I swear these cliff hangers are killing me... =p
Woofanynminyul4ever #6
Chapter 20: author-nim you almost made me get a heartattack...I thought that something bad might happen...
Chapter 20: Uwah! I really thought Khun was gonna do something to destroy TopFany~ Hahahaha~ Love it~ I'll have Nichkhun then~ *shot* xD
HwangMinJi #8
Chapter 19: I hope Khun doesnt ruining Topfany moment,, jebalyo,,, T.T but keep going author!! great Story! ^^
FanyGG #9
Chapter 19: Aww Khunfany moment surely broke my heart :( I hope fany could be more open to Khun, at least be a good friend if it's not love. Hope top can understand them too, this is a great chapter. I like it^^ pls update soon :)