Old Friend

I Think I Have Fallen For You


Hello guys! Sorry for the long update >< Listen, i wanted to end this story, but i have decided to extend this story because of your supports. Please comments, long comments are appreciated. You guys give me inspirations, so thank you so so much! Okay, enough with the talking. Please, enjoy! ^^ and please keep supporting me. Thank yeeww
Author's POV
"Congratulations! It's a girl" says doctor Park with a bright smile on her face.
Seunghyun let out a big sigh, huge relief. He is glad that his baby is healthy and her mother's okay as well. A tear drops from his left eye, a tear of joy.
Doctor Park looks at Tiffany, who is extremely exhausted right now. "Mom, would you like to hold your baby?" she asks Tiffany.
Tiffany shakes her head slowly. "Can you please bathed her before i hold her? I am kinda afraid because she's still red" 
"Fine. The nurses and me will bathed the baby" Doctor Park answers, while smiling. She finds Tiffany's answer is pretty interesting. Of course she is afraid, doctor Park knows that very well enough. She turns to the father, Seunghyun. "What about you? Wanna hold the baby?"
"I have the same answer as her" Seunghyun says, while pointing at the exhausted Tiffany. His beloved one.
Doctor Park chuckles. "Funny parents. Don't worry. It won't take long for us to bathed your beautiful baby" she gives Seunghyun a wink and she leaves the operation room, holding the red baby.
Seunghyun sits beside the bed and holds Tiffany's hand. "So.. How are you feeling right now?"
"Sleepy, tired..." Tiffany answers in a weak voice.
"Then just go to sleep, honey" Seunghyun says, while patting Tiffany's head. He smiles at his wife. "Did it hurt?"
Tiffany nods. "To be honest, it still hurts. But, thank God you're here"
Seunghyun is really really really happy because of her last sentence. He does not even know why. It just feels right. "Just go to sleep, baby" he says, in a very gentle voice. Seunghyun is not a gentle type, but when it comes to his wife, it is a whole new different story.
"Wake me up when my baby's here, okay?"
"I will" says Seunghyun. Then, he kisses Tiffany's forehead.
It only takes seconds before Tiffany is really falling asleep. Seunghyun just stays quiet, doesn't know what to do. He keeps thinking how happy he is right now. He finally has a family that he has always wanted. A normal family. This is like a dream that finally comes true for him. This kind of family that he has always wanted ever since he was just a little kid.
Seunghyun looks at the sleeping Tiffany and draws a smile on his face. He is so proud of her. Tiffany and his newborn baby are definitely the best presents for him. He can not ask for more. Wait... He wants more. He wants ten children, remember? He wants a son as well, not just a daughter. It is just not enough for him. He wants a big, big family. Because he doesn't want to feel lonely anymore.
Seunghyun holds Tiffany's hand. He looks at her wedding ring and smiles. "Fany.." he calls Tiffany, even though he knows that she has already fallen asleep. "You don't know how much i love you" he continues. "I love you more than i love myself. You don't have any idea how happy i am right now. To have you, to have a daughter. To have a normal and almost a complete family, because i told you already that i want ten children. So.. That means our family aren't complete yet." Seunghyun chuckles. "Thank you for loving me, thank you for being an amazing wife for me. Thank you for giving birth to a beautiful, healthy baby. I'm so proud of you and i promise that i won't ever leave you and our baby. I'll stay by your side, forever.."
"Bingu" Tiffany says, with her eyes closed. A tear drops from her eye.
Seunghyun's face is burning red. "Yo-you're not sleeping?!" he asks, in shockness. "You tricked me? I thought you were sleeping"
Tiffany chuckles. "Your words were so embarrassing. I could not even go back to sleep. Why did you tell me those words? Bad moment, Seunghyun" she says, while wiping the tears.
Seunghyun smirks. "But, i think you're happy because of my words. You're even crying"
Tiffany wants to deny him. But, instead of denying, she says, "Tears of joy. You're right. I am happy, extremely happy" she opens her eyes and flashes her eye-smile at Seunghyun. "It's not just you who are happy. But, i am happy, too. We are the happiest parents on earth right now"
Seunghyun nods his head. "Yeah, and i am the happiest husband in the world"
"Dear God... Cheesyness overload" Tiffany says, in a mocking tone. "I remember that moment when you forced yourself to smile at me"
"Don't remember that" Seunghyun says in nervousness. He does not want to remember about that. To think that he was being an extremely jerk toward her, it kills him. He wants to forget about his old-self. "I have changed, okay?"
Tiffany let out a chuckle. "I know, baby. I know. I am just thinking, you know? Just comparing the you in front of me right now, and the old you" Tiffany looks at Seunghyun who looks down in desperation. Tiffany thinks that her husband really hates his old-self. "I kinda miss the old you, you know?"
Seunghyun stares at Tiffany in confusion. "Why? I was a jerk, Fany. I got your bestfriend pregnant"
"It was an accident, right?" 
Seunghyun nods. "Yeah, i know. But still..." Seunghyun stops talking for a moment. He hates his old-self. He really hates it. How could he be so cruel to the most amazing girl in the world named Stephanie Hwang? He must have been out of his mind. "Just.. Don't look back, Fany. Just look at me, not the old me"
Tiffany holds Seunghyun's right hand. "I don't care, Seunghyun" she intertwines her fingers with his. She smiles widely at him. "I love you, the old you, and the you right now. Even though you were being such a jerk back then, but i've always thought that you have a very good heart deep down inside. And, now you prove that to me"
Seunghyun's left hand touches Tiffany's right cheek. He looks deep into her eyes. "I love you, baby" Then, he leans forward to kiss her. They are only a few inches apart, when suddenly...
"Mr. and Mrs. Choi, here is your baby" Doctor Park barges in with a huge smile on her face. Her smile disappears when she sees Seunghyun and Tiffany. "Oh my, sorry for interrupting. I want to leave you guys alone, but your baby's here"
Seunghyun and Tiffany are blushing. Their faces suddenly become red. Seunghyun gulps and walks to doctor Park. "Can i hold her..?" he asks in nervousness.
Doctor Park smiles and nods her head. She is handing the baby to Seunghyun so he can hold her. Seunghyun holds his baby carefully. "She's so cute. She looks like her mother" says Seunghyun, with a smile on his face.
Tiffany looks at Seunghyun's face. She can see his tears. He is crying? Is this really happening? Choi Seunghyun is crying? Seriously? Tiffany draws a light smile on her face. She never sees Seunghyun as happy as he is right now. To see him like this, makes her really, really, really happy.
Seunghyun approaches Tiffany with a grin on his face. "Look, Fany. She looks like you. I feel like i am holding the mini you"
"Can i hold her?" Tiffany asks her husband.
"Of course, baby" Seunghyun answers, while handing their baby to his wife.
Tiffany holds her baby with such a happy feeling. Yes, she is tired. Yes, she is exhausted. But, she is happy, extremely happy. She feels like the happiest person on earth. She looks at her baby's innocent face. How cute is she?
"What is her name, baby? Have you thought about it?" Seunghyun asks.
Tiffany nods, while smiling at her beautiful baby. "Sooyoung. Choi Sooyoung"
Few days later, at Seunghyun's and Tiffany's house...
"What? You're going to work?" Tiffany asks, while raising her voice at her husband. "What am i supposed to do with our baby? You're going to leave me?"
"I am sorry, honey. I have a meeting today, a very important meeting" Seunghyun answers, while tying his tie. "Can you please help me with this tie, Fany?"
Tiffany sighs and helps Seunghyun tying his tie. "I hate you" she pouts. "I need you to take care of Young, you know? I can not do that by myself. I am new to this kind of thing. And to be honest, i think that i am not a good mother, yet. I need my husband because i am not experienced. What if i make mistakes? What if she gets hurt because of me? And, and.."
Seunghyun cuts her sentence by giving her lips a soft peck. "You're a good mother. Try to believe in yourself" Seunghyun tries to calm his wife. "And i promise you that the meeting won't take long"
"Promise?" Tiffany asks, while using her aegyo. Even though it is an important meeting for her husband, but she really hopes that Seunghyun will stay. She knows that she is being selfish, but she really needs Seunghyun's help.
"Yes, i promise baby" Seunghyun chuckles. "Your aegyo won't change anything" he kisses Tiffany's forehead. "I am going. See you later"
"Come back soon" Tiffany says, while waving a goodbye.
Tiffany's POV
I sigh. My back hurts. I have just finished my daily routines, which were swept the floor, mopped the floor, cleaned the entire house, watered the plants, -fed, changed Sooyoung's diapers, tried to stop Sooyoung's tears. And.. I haven't cooked for dinner. So, one more duty to go. Hwaiting! I look at the clock. 4.00 pm. I still have time to have some rest. I need to rest, or i am going to pass out. I am walking to my room, want to rest. When suddenly, out of the blue, someone knocks on the house's front door. "" I literally mouthed . Who is that? So annoying!
"Oh, wait. It's probably Seunghyun" I smile and runs to the front door. I open the door with a bright eye-smile. "Welcome home, honey"
I open my eyes wide. "Mo-mother in law?!?!" Dear Jesus, i am going to die because of shockness and embarrassment. Anyone, please help!!!
Seunghyun's mom coughs. "So.. Can i come in?"
"Su-sure, mother! Welcome" I force a smile, trying to hide my embarrassment. I mistook my mother-in-law as my husband. Stupid Ppany! "Sorry if our house is too small for you. Do you want a drink? Tea or coffee, maybe?" 
Mother-in-law chuckles. "Dear, please relax. I know that you must be extremely tired right now. Why don't you take a rest while i'm here?"
I frown. "Bu-but.." I have no idea why she is here. I mean, i am happy because she's here. But, why? And rest while she's here? What was that supposed to mean? I suppose to accompany her, right? Not leaving her and take a rest.
"Seunghyun called me and asked me to come here, to help you. But, i was busy so i couldn't come earlier" she explains her reason. Oh, i see. So, Seunghyun asked her to come and help me. Smart hubby. "Where is the baby?" she looks around. 
"She's in the nursery's room, mother" I answer her question, with a smile on my face.
She glares at me. "I know. I mean, where is the nursery's room?"
I face-palm. Oh, of course. I am being stupid, AGAIN. "Mother, please come this way" I show her the way to the nursery, which is located on the second floor. I open the door and let her come in.
She looks surprised. "Everything in pink? I wonder.."
"Haha" I force a laugh. "We-well, mother.. It's because the baby is a girl. That's why" I try to explain the reason, which is totally a lie. Of course everything in pink because i love pink. And to be honest, Seunghyun kinda likes pink also. That definitely has nothing to do with our baby.
Mother-in-law smiles. "I know you love pink, Fany. And Seunghyun, too" I gulp. Okay, of course she knows about that. She walks toward the crib, and looks inside. "Too bad, my grand daughter is sleeping. I want to hold her"
"Yes, mother. She has been sleeping for almost 2 hours now. She was crying all day, even though i already -fed her. I did not know why" I say. Yes, that's true. Sooyoung kept crying, even though i already -fed her and changed her diapers couple times. "Thank God she is sleeping now"
Mother-in-law turns to me and asks me, "What did you do to make her sleep, dear?"
I think for a while. I even forget how did to make her sleep. I am so forgetful these days. I am still too young to forget things. Ah, i remember! "I sang a song for her"
"You sang a lullaby for her? That's good, Tiffany" she smiles at me. "Babies love that. They often want their parents to sing for them. It makes them feel happy and relax. You have a lot to learn, my dear"
I smile, the nervous one. "Mother, are you going to teach me?"
"Of course i will. It is my duty"
"Thank you, mother" I flash my eye-smile.  We are talking and laughing, when suddely i hear the phone rings. I walk downstairs and pick up the call. "Choi residence. Can i help you?"
"Fany, it's me" Oh, it's Seunghyun. "I am going to come home late, business problem. Sorry"
"It's okay. Your mother is here" I say, while smiling. I feel bad for him. He's always busy. He must be tired. I wish i can do something for him.
"Okay then. Is everything alright?"
I nod, but he can not see it, of course. "Yes, everything is alright. Don't come home too late, okay?"
"Okay" he answers. I bet he's smiling right now. I know him too well. "I need to go now. Bye, Fany. I love you"
I chuckle. "I love you too, baby" then, he hungs up. I already miss him, even though i saw him in the morning. Please come home fast. Probably that's why Sooyoung could not stop crying. She missed her father. 
I see my mother-in-law walks downstairs. "He's going to come home late?" she asks.
I nod in disappointment. "Ah, i'll cook now, mom. You must be hungry"
"No, just have some rest" she says, while smiling. "I'll cook. I am a great cook, you know?"
"No, mother. You're the guest. I am the one who should cook" I insist.
She shakes her head and pushes me to my bedroom. "Just rest. I'll cook for you. You are my daughter-in-law, after all" she winks at me and goes to the kitchen.
I am dumbfounded. 'Daughter-in-law'... It really sounds good. I smile and lay on my bed. Haah.. So comfy. I close my eyes. God, please let me sleep for few minutes.
Seunghyun's POV
I look at my watch, it's 7 pm already. I am late! I drive faster and finally arrive at one of the most famous bar in Seoul. I go in and i see that person drinking. I don't know, maybe tequilla. Or gin and tonic. I don't know the difference. I approach that person. "Sorry, i'm late" I say, in a cool tone.
"Hey, Seunghyun!" he says, in excitement. "I haven't seen you. Where have you been, buddy?"
"I've been busy, i guess" I answer, while scratching my head. "Work"
He smirks. "And marriage life?"
I nod. "Yeah, and a baby girl to take care of"
He looks shocked, but in a good way. "You have a baby already? Wow, that's fast. Good job, man"
I just smile and sit next to him. I call the bartender and order a glass of vodka. My favourite drink, like, ever. After my vodka arrives, i start the conversation with him. "So, about the project. Have you made the decision to cooperate with my company?"
"Can we talk about something else first?" he chuckles. "About your wife and child, maybe? Relax, no need to hurry"
"What to tell about them? What do you want to know?"
He thinks. "Hmm... How's your wife doing? Are you happy to have a baby girl?"
"She's doing fine. She is a great housewife to be honest. And yes, i am very happy right now. I want a son, actually. But, i think a daughter is much better" I answer, then continue. "But, i still want a son"
He laughs. "I envy you, Seunghyun" I look at him. What in the world? He envies me? There's just no way. He continues, "I want to have a wife and kids as well. But, all i can have is just my work, work, and work. I pity myself, you know?"
"Don't you have a girlfriend?" I ask him and drink my vodka. "You're always popular, right? Ever since high school, middle school to be exact"
He sighs. "I DID have a girlfriend. A fiance, actually.." he finishes his tequilla. "But, it didn't go smoothly" he takes a deep breath. "She decided to break up with me because i was always busy with works. I didn't have time for her. I think she was tired of me. Of course she was"
I hit his back tenderly. "Don't think about that, man. It's not your fault" I try to cheer him up. He has been my bestfriend ever since junior high. "That girl was dumb. She must be regretted it. Trust me"
"No, she did the right thing" he smiles. A weak smile. "I was the dumb one for letting her go just like that. She was the most amazing thing, i swear" he looks at me. "Sorry, just forget what i said. By the way, i am very sorry because i could not come to your wedding ceremony"
"It's okay, i know that you were busy" I laugh. "You're the owner of your family's company, right?"
He nods. "Speaking of company, i've decided to cooperate with you. I'll give you the details tomorrow"
I smile in satisfication. Yes! "Thanks, buddy. It's going to be nice, working with my bestfriend since junior high" I let out a chuckle.
"My pleasure" he says, then he raises his glass. "Let's toast"
I raise my glass and we toast for our bright future. "Bye the way, i want you to meet my wife"
"Okay, when?" he asks. Then, he drinks his new glass of gin and tonic. He is such a strong drinker. He hasn't changed, has he?
"What about Saturday?" I ask him. I know that he is busy, so maybe Saturday is a free day for him. I hope. I really want him to meet Tiffany, because he is my bestfriend, and Tiffany should meet him.
"Fine. Just call me, okay?" he stands up. "I have to go now. Bye, Seunghyun. See you on Saturday" 
"Bye, Nichkhun"
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desyprameswari #1
Really a good story!
ShoutEric #2
Chapter 20: Dam Great Story TopFany <3
mirantialimin #3
Chapter 20: daddy seunghyun so cute. happy ending.....
Chapter 20: happy ending..... aaahhh topfany saranghae keke....
TwistedIceQueen #5
Chapter 12: I swear these cliff hangers are killing me... =p
Woofanynminyul4ever #6
Chapter 20: author-nim you almost made me get a heartattack...I thought that something bad might happen...
Chapter 20: Uwah! I really thought Khun was gonna do something to destroy TopFany~ Hahahaha~ Love it~ I'll have Nichkhun then~ *shot* xD
HwangMinJi #8
Chapter 19: I hope Khun doesnt ruining Topfany moment,, jebalyo,,, T.T but keep going author!! great Story! ^^
FanyGG #9
Chapter 19: Aww Khunfany moment surely broke my heart :( I hope fany could be more open to Khun, at least be a good friend if it's not love. Hope top can understand them too, this is a great chapter. I like it^^ pls update soon :)