High School's Memory

I Think I Have Fallen For You


Tiffany's POV
"Oppa, i want to go to the amusement park!" I said, while clinging onto him. "My friends said that amusement park just got new rides. I want to try them"
He chuckled. "Fine, we'll go on Sunday, okay? Do you want to bring your best friends along?"
I shook my head. "No, i don't want to. I want to spend some time with you, oppa"
"Aigoo~ my baby is being honest. Good girl!" he said, while laughing and pinched my cheeks.
"Aaww.." I said, in pain. "That hurts, oppa!" I acted angry. I pouted.
He looked at me with a very guilty expression. "Baby, are you okay? I am so sorry.." He was rubbing my cheeks, when i looked deep into his eyes. I really, really, really, loved him.
"I'll forgive you, oppa" I said, with a smirk on face. "But you have to kiss me"
He frowned. "I see.. So that's want you want, eh?" He leaned his body closer to me. "Okay, i'll give you your medicine" Then, he kissed me. It was a very gentle kiss, a kiss that i really liked back then. I loved him so much, i would not let anyone or anything break our romantic relationship. That was what i thought...
I was dating Siwon oppa for almost 4 years. I had been dating him since junior high. He was my senior, a year older than me. He was not just a boyfriend to me, but he was also a bestfriend, a brother, a family. He was everything to me. He was like my oxygen, because without him, i could not breathe. It was true, not just some cheesy words. But, that was all true. Choi Siwon was my life and i didn't know what to do without him.
He was there when i needed him the most. He said he loved me more than ten times a day. When we kissed, i could see the stars shane so brightly. His kiss was gentle and sweet and romantic. I couldn't describe it. When he said he loved me, i could see nothing but his sincerity. I knew that he was always being honest with me.
But, on that Sunday...
I was checking my appearance on the mirror. I looked beautiful, i thought. I looked at the mirror with a bright smile on my face. When suddenly, i heard my phone rang. I grabbed my cellphone, and picked up the call immediately. "Oppa, where are you?" I asked him, still smiling.
"Fany, i am so sorry. But we have to cancel our date for today" he said. He sounded nervous.
"What? Why, oppa?" I asked him. I felt extreeeemely disappointed. How could he cancel our date like that? The date should be a very precious moment for both of us.
"It's... My cousin, Sooyoung just came back from L.A last night. And i have kinda a family moment or something like that. Like, having lunch together.. (?)" he answered. But, i could tell that he was nervous when he said those words. 
I was disappointed. But, as a girl who was deeply in love with her boy, i believed in him. "That's fine then, oppa. Have fun. And please say to Sooyoung unnie that i miss her so much. Probably she would like to meet me, and we can do some shopping together" I flashed an eye-smile. I like Sooyoung unnie. She was like my own big sister. She was such a caring, lovely woman. Cheerful but graceful at the same time. I really adored her.
He chuckled. "Okay Fany, i will" he said. "Ah, gotta go. Bye, baby" Then, he ended the call.
I frowned and sighed in disappointment. "No 'I love you'?" I asked myself, while looking at the phone's screen. My cellphone's wallpaper was my picture with him. Too bad.. I really wanted to go on a date with him that day. I laid down on my bed when suddenly i heard a rain sound. It was raining! Perfect... My day was extremely ruined. Well, i could not blame Sooyoung unnie, or the rain. I just felt that something was missing. But, i didn't know what that was, until a week later.
One week later...
I was walking at the hallway hand by hand with Siwon oppa. It was a boring Monday. I guess almost everyone hates Monday. He was busy explaining his reason why he cancelled our date on Saturday. Yep, he cancelled our date. AGAIN. I didn't understand what was wrong with him. He changed into somebody that i didn't even know. He was not being a romantic, kind, and caring boyfriend like he used to. Instead, he was being a lousy, complainer, excuse maker boyfriend. I really wanted to know what was wrong. But, before i asked him again, someone already gave me the answer.
Yoona, my bestfriend (back then), came to us. She looked at Siwon oppa with a very seductive look. She smiled at him. "Oppa, thank you very much for Saturday" she winked at him and left.
My jaw dropped. Saturday? She was with Siwon oppa on Saturday? Was that the reason why he cancelled his date with me? And, since when did Yoona called him 'oppa'? I didn't even know about that. "Oppa, you were with her on Saturday?" I asked him in disbelief.
He gulped. He was sweating. "Ye-yeah, sorry about that. She had um.. Homework that she couldn't do by herself. So she asked for my help. And i helped her"
"That's all?" I asked him, again. He nodded couple times, making it more suspicious. "Then, why did you lie to me about the reason?"
"It's because i didn't want you to think about things that you should not think. I know that you are a very jealousy type of girlfriend. I didn't want you to think nonsense. I am so sorry. I lied for our own goods. Forgive me, okay?" he gave me his sincere smile, i thought.
I gave him a weak smile and nodded my head. Even though i didn't believe in his explanation. I knew there was something going on between them. Maybe i should ask Yoona about this. I knew that she would never lie to me. She would tell me everything.
I saw Yoona sitting on the bench, eating her sandwich. Of course, it was lunch break. She was always eating lunch all by herself, sometimes with me. But, i only accompanied her when Jessica and Taeyeon didn't ask me to eat lunch with them, or when they were busy about some things.
I walked to her and flashed my eye-smile. "Hey, Yoong. Can i eat with you?" I asked her, while showing her my lunchbox. She nodded and without even saying anything else, i sat next to her. I opened my lunchbox and began to eat, when...
"What do you want, Fany?" she asked me. She looked irritated. "Where are your friends?"
"Umm... They are busy" I answered her. Why did she look so annoyed? She used to smile cheerfully when i told her that i was going to accompany her. "Yoong, can i ask you something?"
"Sure" she answered. "What do you want to ask?"
I looked deep into her eyes. "What were you doing with Siwon oppa on Saturday? I know it's none of my business, but Siwon oppa is my boyfriend, so.."
Yoona stood up. "You really want to know?" she asked me, with a smirk on her face. I nodded in confusion. What's wrong with her? She was not the innocent baby Yoong that i knew. She whispered to my ear. "Your boyfriend slept with me, Tiffany. Happy now?" Then, she left. I was stoned. What was that all about?
She lied. It was a lie, a big lie. I didn't believe that. I should not believe that. But, i was so pissed off that i could not even think with my fresh brain anymore. I saw Siwon oppa was talking with his gang and i ran to him with tears streaming down on my face. I stood right in front of him. I was trying to control my breath. 
"Hey, babe" he said, while grinning. "What's up? Why were you running? You miss me that much?" he chuckled. His friends laughed in disgust.
I didn't even bother to answer him. "Did you do it?" I asked him with an angry tone. 
He looked confused. "Did... What?"
"Did you sleep with Yoona?" I asked him again. I was so furious, like i was a wild dragon that could burn him into ashes with my fire.
He gasped, his friends too.  He stood up. "Baby, what are you talking about? I don't understand. What..."
I cut his sentence. "Just answer me. Did. You. Sleep. With. YOONA?" I raised my voice when i mentioned Yoona. He stayed quiet. I wiped my tears and let out a chuckled. "You did, didn't you?"
He pleaded. "I am so sorry, baby. It was a mistake. I didn't intend to do that. But, Yoona was seducing me and i could not resist her. I am guy, Tiffany. I'm just like other guys. I am so sorry, please forgive me, baby.."
Forgave him? What in the world? Of course i could not forgive him. I would not forgive him. I needed to break up with him. That was all i can do. "Say that you love me, and i will forgive you" I said to him in a cold tone.
He looked shocked. He stood still. His friends could not say anything. They kept quiet. "Baby..."
"What's wrong? Come on, say it. Say that you love me, oppa. Say it!" I knew that i was wrong. But.. I loved him so much. I could not lose him. He was my family, my oxygen. I could die if he wasn't with me. I didn't want to lose him. Never.
He sighed. He looked down. He shook his head. "I am sorry, Fany. I can't say that.."
"So, that's it? You're going to leave me because of her? How could you do this to me? How could you, oppa? How could you?!" I screamed, while punching his chest with both hands. I cried loudly. I didn't even care where i was, who were there. I did not care. "I love you so much. How could you?" I let my tears flowing.
He grabbed my hands. "Sorry, baby. I am so sorry..." He hugged me tight. "You will find a better guy, Fany. I promise, you will" he was crying as well. I knew that he felt bad.
I was angry, but what could i do? I could not do anything. I hugged him back. I hugged him for the last time, before we said goodbye to each other. No more cries, no more 'I love yous', no more sadness. I would find my own happiness, without him. The guy that i really loved...
Seunghyun's POV
I open our bedroom, and i see Tiffany is flipping a book's pages. It looks like an album or something. I see a tear drop from her eye. "Honey?" I call her in a low voice, don't want her to freak out. "Are you crying?"
She wipes her tears and smiles at me. "Yeah, just remembering the high school's life. Come here" 
I come to her and sit beside her. She points her lap, i smile. I rest my head on her lap. I am very tired because of today's work. She knows me so well, doesn't she? "Aigoo~ my wife is such a crybaby, crying because of high school's memory" I chuckle.
She flicks my forehead. I just laugh. She pouts. "What's wrong with that?"
"Don't pout, baby" I say, while caressing her cheeks. "Nothing's wrong with that. I was just kidding.  I hate seeing you pout"
She blushes and she smiles at me. "I know. I am just... High school gave me awesome memories, you know? Happiness, sorrows, sadness, laughters. I miss high school"
"But, memories are just for you to remember, baby" I say, while looking into her eyes. "It's the past and we have to move on, find our futures. Or future, if i must say. Because we're one"
She chuckles. "Cheesiness is not allowed right now, Mr. Seunghyun. But, you're right. We have to let the past go and chase the future"
I grin. I can be wise sometimes, you know? "Can we eat? I am hungry"
"Please move your head, baby. I want to get up" she says.
I get up and hold her hands. "Careful" I am being a very over protective husband right now, because she's 6 month pregnant already.
"You don't have to hold my hands like this. I can stand up by myself" she says, while standing up.
"I just want to. You're clumsy, so i have to keep an eye on you" I look at her, while grinning. "You're carrying my baby in your belly, anyway"
She chuckles. "Seunghyun, you are such a drama king, you know that?"
I nod my head. I get down on one knee and i kiss her belly. "Hey, baby. Daddy loves you so, so much" I look at Tiffany's face. "But, baby. I am so sorry. I love your mother more. Please forgive your daddy, because i love your mother more than i love you"
Tiffany pats my head and says "Jeez, cheesy daddy"
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desyprameswari #1
Really a good story!
ShoutEric #2
Chapter 20: Dam Great Story TopFany <3
mirantialimin #3
Chapter 20: daddy seunghyun so cute. happy ending.....
Chapter 20: happy ending..... aaahhh topfany saranghae keke....
TwistedIceQueen #5
Chapter 12: I swear these cliff hangers are killing me... =p
Woofanynminyul4ever #6
Chapter 20: author-nim you almost made me get a heartattack...I thought that something bad might happen...
Chapter 20: Uwah! I really thought Khun was gonna do something to destroy TopFany~ Hahahaha~ Love it~ I'll have Nichkhun then~ *shot* xD
HwangMinJi #8
Chapter 19: I hope Khun doesnt ruining Topfany moment,, jebalyo,,, T.T but keep going author!! great Story! ^^
FanyGG #9
Chapter 19: Aww Khunfany moment surely broke my heart :( I hope fany could be more open to Khun, at least be a good friend if it's not love. Hope top can understand them too, this is a great chapter. I like it^^ pls update soon :)