The Wedding

I Think I Have Fallen For You

Tiffany's POV



"You look beautiful, Fany" my future mother-in-law compliments me. "The wedding gown really suits you. Thank God we chose this one"
"Thank you, auntie" I smile at her. Finally, this day has come. My wedding. At the end of the day, i will be Mrs. Choi Seunghyun. Wow, i can't even imagine that. It feels unreal.
"What's with the auntie?" she pouts. "Call me mother from now on, okay? You are going to be my daughter, anyway" she checks on my appearance and smiles at me. She looks so young at the age of 54. "We still have time before the wedding. Do you want me to tell you a story?"
I nod. What story? Is it about her? Or about Seunghyun? I have no idea.
"I married with Seunghyun's father because of our parents'" she begins the story. "I loved someone else back then, and his father loved someone else, too. We didn't love each other, at first. Here comes to the funny part, Tiffany" she chuckles.
I frown. "Funny part? What's funny part, mother-in-law?" So, they got married because their parents arranged their marriage? Do rich families always do arranged marriage? I wonder...
She brushes my hair, again. "I loved your father back then, Fany. Funny, wasn't it?"
I am shocked. How the hell did that happen? "Then... Why didn't you marry my father? He loved you too, right? And, to think that you loved each other... By the way, you both came from wealthy families. There shouldn't be any troubles, right?"
She smiles lightly while brushing my hair. "It's kinda complicated. Our companies didn't want to work with each other. So.. We couldn't get married. But, i love my husband right now. And, i believe that your father really loves your mother as well"
I stay quiet and listen to her. She is so gentle and pretty. No wonder my father liked her. Is this some kind of drama? I think i know what's coming next.
"So, we decided at that time that we would cooperate with each other. Things got better when Seunghyun was born and then the next year you were born. Your mother gave birth to a cute, healthy baby girl" she looks at the mirror. "See? You've grown into a beautiful woman" 
I look at her smiling face through the mirror. Seunghyun oppa, you have a kind, beautiful, and gentle mother. You should be grateful for what you have. "Do you regret your marriage, mother-in-law?" I ask her in a low voice.
She shakes her head. "No, Fany. I don't regret anything" She puts the bride's veil on my head. "I am actually very happy because i didn't marry your father. Because if i did, i would not be able to see my son and see you. I would not be able to see you and Seunghyun build a happy, big family. I am very grateful because God let you and Seunghyun live happily, together" She holds my hands. "I'm happy that i gave birth to Seunghyun. He's probably not a nice boy, but i hope you will accept him. Please make him happy, please be happy with him"
Tears are filling up my eyes. Mrs. Choi also teared up. She wipes her tears immediately. She wipes my tears. "A bride should not cry, Tiffany" she lets out a chuckle. I just laugh and wipe my tears. I show her my eye-smile. "Thank you so much, mother-in-law" I say, and i hug her.
Someone opens the door, i break the hug. "Sorry, we are late, Tiffany" It's my mother and my father is standing right behind her. They look amazed. "My daughter looks so beautiful. What do you think, darling?" My father just nods with a smile on his face.
My mother hugs me, while my father is greeting Mrs. Choi. "Thank you for making my daughter looks so beautiful, Mrs. Choi" he says.
"It is my pleasure, Mr. Hwang" she replies with a light smile on her face.
I hear the church bells ring. Uh-oh, it's time. I take a very deep breath. 
My father comes to me. "Come on, princess. Let me walk you to the altar"
I link my hand on his arm. It's time. I won't be a daughter anymore. I will be a wife, and i hope soon, be a mother. I look at my mother's eyes. Is she crying? I have never seen my mother cried  before. And my mother-in-law, she cries also. Tears of joy, yeah i know that. I smile at them before i walk out.
Seunghyun's POV
I am standing on the altar, waiting for my bride. I feel soooo nervous right now. It's even hard for me to breathe. Then, i see Mr. Hwang and my bride. God, Fany looks so beautiful. Well, she always looks beautiful, but today she looks more beautiful. They are walking to the altar. Tiffany keeps smiling at me. Finally, they arrive. Mr. Hwang let go off her hand and gives her hand to me. I hold her hand and there she is now, standing beside me, on the altar.
Everything goes smoothly. And then, it's time for us to say "I do". I put a ring on her finger, and she puts a ring on my finger.
"You may kiss your bride"
I smile at Tiffany and she smiles back at me. Then, we kiss. Everyone is cheering and clapping. We break the kiss. "I love you" I whisper.
She looks at me and she gives me her eye-smile. "I love you, too"
I think we can't sleep tonight. Finally, she is mine. Finally, she is not Stephanie Hwang anymore. But now, she is Mrs. Choi Seunghyun. My wife. Yes, Stephanie Hwang is my wife.
Author's POV
Tiffany and Seunghyun are lying on the grass at the Han Riverside. They are looking at the stars. They are lying next to each other. 
Tiffany looks at her ring finger. "I still can't believe that i am your wife, oppa" she chuckles. "It feels like a dream. It feels unreal"
Seunghyun looks at his wife and smiles. "But, it's real. You are my wife, Fany"
Tiffany smiles. She starts tracing Seunghyun's face. She loves doing that. "Don't cheat on me, okay? If you do, i'll kill you" she laughs.
"I won't ever do that" Seunghyun let Tiffany tracing his face. "I have the most amazing woman in the world. There's no way i will cheat on you"
"Jeez, cheesy Seunghyun" Tiffany chuckles. Tiffany gets up and she kisses Seunghyun's cheek.
"What was that for?" asks Seunghyun in confusion. Even though he likes the kiss.
"No reason. I just wanted to kiss you" says Tiffany. She grabs Seunghyun's hands. "Let's go home oppa. It's our first wedding night, after all" 
Seunghyun gets up and holds her hand. They are walking to Seunghyun's car. "You know what?" he  says.
"What?" Tiffany looks at his husband with an innocent look.
Seunghyun whispers to her ear. Tiffany looks shocked and hits his shoulder. "Are you trying to kill me, Mr. Choi Seunghyun?!" Tiffany raises her voice. Seunghyun runs away. He laughs at Tiffany.
"Don't be mad, Mrs. Choi" he says, still running away.
Tiffany watches his childish act with a grumpy face. But, she smiles at him. "Bingu"
"I want to have a big family. I want ten children"
Sorry for the short update T^T. What do you think? I think i am going to end this story. Well, probably in one or two chapters. Please leave comments, subscribes, and votes. Thank you! ^^
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desyprameswari #1
Really a good story!
ShoutEric #2
Chapter 20: Dam Great Story TopFany <3
mirantialimin #3
Chapter 20: daddy seunghyun so cute. happy ending.....
Chapter 20: happy ending..... aaahhh topfany saranghae keke....
TwistedIceQueen #5
Chapter 12: I swear these cliff hangers are killing me... =p
Woofanynminyul4ever #6
Chapter 20: author-nim you almost made me get a heartattack...I thought that something bad might happen...
Chapter 20: Uwah! I really thought Khun was gonna do something to destroy TopFany~ Hahahaha~ Love it~ I'll have Nichkhun then~ *shot* xD
HwangMinJi #8
Chapter 19: I hope Khun doesnt ruining Topfany moment,, jebalyo,,, T.T but keep going author!! great Story! ^^
FanyGG #9
Chapter 19: Aww Khunfany moment surely broke my heart :( I hope fany could be more open to Khun, at least be a good friend if it's not love. Hope top can understand them too, this is a great chapter. I like it^^ pls update soon :)