A Happy Family

I Think I Have Fallen For You

Author's POV




3 weeks later...
Seunghyun and Tiffany decided to move to another place. Now, they are living in their new house happily, without their parents or maids or bodyguards. It's only them. Tiffany never wants to work at the company, so she is now, a housewife. Well, a sweet housewife.
Tiffany wakes up and yawn. She sees her husband laying next to her, still sleeping. Seunghyun looks like an innocent baby when he is sleeping, though. Tiffany smiles at him and kisses his cheek slowly, not trying to wake him up. She knows that Seunghyun is very tired. They just came back from their honeymoon at Bora-Bora island, but Seunghyun went to work already. She can guess that he must be feeling so tired right now, so she does not want to wake him up.
Tiffany goes to the bathroom to take a bath, and she changes her clothes. She walks downstairs, straight to the kitchen. "Hmm.. What should i make for breakfast?" she asks herself. She keeps thinking and thinking, not realizing that 15 minutes were already passed. "Jeez, i can't think of anything! I'll make waffles" So, after 15 minutes thinking, she finally decided to make a very regular breakfast menu, waffles. Well, she thinks that would be fine, because Seunghyun likes waffles. So, she starts making it. While she is very busy cooking, she hears Seunghyun's voice.
"Fany? Why didn't you wake me up?" asks Seunghyun. He looks fresh, because he already cleaned himself. He is ready to go to work. "I can help you"
Tiffany smiles at her husband. "Good morning. No, just sit down. The breakfast is almost ready"
Seunghyun nods and sits on the chair, patiently waiting for the beakfast. Tiffany lets out a chuckle. She still can not believe that the stubborn Seunghyun can listen to her commands, without any complaints. Finally, the waffles are ready. Tiffany puts it on the plate and serves the waffles. She pours black coffee and gives the coffee to Seunghyun.
"Waffles? Wow, it's very nice to have a wife" says Seunghyun, with a mocking tone.
"Yeah, just keep mocking me" says Tiffany. She looks annoyed.
Seunghyun laughs. "I am just kidding, honey. Speaking of honey, where is that honey jar?"
Tiffany blushes. She still feels awkward whenever Seunghyun calls her 'honey'. She can not hide her smiling face. Still smiling, she hands Seunghyun the jar. "Work again?" she asks.
Seunghyun nods, while munching his waffles.
"You know... You don't have to work today" says Tiffany, using her aegyo. "I am going to feel lonely. I don't like being alone"
Seunghyun wants to stay at home, he really does. And to be honest, he can not stand Tiffany's aegyo. But, he can not leave his work. "I have works to be done, Fany. Just go with Jessica or Taeyeon, okay?"
Tiffany sighs. She fails, again. "Fine, probably i will do some shopping" She eats her waffles.
"I'll accompany you on the weekend, okay?" says Seunghyun.
Tiffany nods. She swallows her food. "By the way, i feel sick"
Seunghyun stops eating. "What? It's terrible. What do you feel?"
Tiffany takes a sip of her coffee. "I feel dizzy, soooo dizzy. And sometimes, my stomach hurts so badly. Oh yeah, i also kinda lose my appetite. I don't know what's wrong. It's been 4 days that i feel sick like this. Sometimes i really want to throw up, but nothing comes out of my mouth"
Seunghyun's face lightened. "You.. You're.."
Tiffany frowns. "I am what?" she asks in confusion. Why Seunghyun looks so happy? She feels sick, and he feels happy? What kind of husband is that? He has no sympathy at all.
"Fany, you are probably pregnant!" Seunghyun screams in excitement. He is pretty sure that his wife is pregnant. His mother already explained to him about the pregnant wife. So, he is sure that Tiffany is pregnant, without a doubt. Period.
Tiffany stays calm and stares at Seunghyun. God, he looks so happy and excited. "Should i go to the hospital today?"
Seunghyun nods few times. "Absolutely! As fast as possible" says Seunghyun. "Just make an appointment with doctor Sandara Park. She is one of the best SP OGIN doctors that i have ever known. But, i am sorry that i can not accompany you"
Tiffany smiles. "I know, it's okay. I know that you're busy. I will make an appointment for today and i'll tell you the news right after it. Don't worry" 
Seunghyun smiles at his wife and grabs his briefcase. "Then, i'll be going. Bye, bring me some good news, kay?" he says, then he kisses Tiffany's forehead. He always does that before he goes to work.
"Okay, bye. Work hard, oppa" says Tiffany, while showing him her eye-smile. Then, she waves him goodbye. After she loses Seunghyun from her sight, she walks into the house. She calls the hospital  and asks the receptionist to make an appointment for her and doctor Park. The appointment is going to be at 4.30 pm. "I still have so much time. What should i do?"
Tiffany's POV
I am eating my strawberry ice cream, while i am focusing my eyes on the television's screen. I am watching the Desperate Housewifes DVD season 8. I love that movie. So funny, but so much drama. It suits my taste. It comes to the great part, when suddenly i hear my phone vibrates. Oh, ! Who the hell is texting me at a time like this? Does this person know that i am very busy... Watching DVD? I grab my cellphone, after i paused the DVD, of course. I open the text, and... BOOM!! Oh God.. Not again.
That Yoona 
Tiffany-ssi, sorry for texting you. But can you please meet me at the usual cafe at 2 pm? I need to talk to you. Please come, i beg you.
P.S. I got your number from Siwon oppa
What? She needs to talk? What does she want? Just give up already. And, by the way, she doesn't even change her phone number. It's still the same like when we're still in high school. I used to be very close to her. But it turned out that she was such a backstabber. Correction, she IS still a backstabber. And, she calls me with '-ssi' now? What's wrong with that girl? Well, i think i should meet her. I am bored, after all.
So, i am watching a few more episodes before i get ready for my appointment. But, before that, meeting that girl. Im Yoona.
Yoona's POV
She is sitting right in front of me, without even care to look at me. Why did i text her to come? It feels like i want to kill myself right now. But, i just think that i really need to apologize.
"Ti-Tiffany.. -ssi?" Why the hell am i stuttering? Relax, Yoona. Relax... "I need to apologize.."
"For what?" she asks, coldly. Since when did she become more like Seunghyun oppa? Oh, probably since they got married. Yeah, i know that.
"For being mean all this time to you, for stealing your boyfriend. Well, ex. For being such a . For ruining our beautiful friendship.." I stop for a moment. I can feel my tears are filling up my eyes. Oh, ! Don't even dare to cry, Im Yoona! "For.. Hurting you so badly all this time. I am so sorry. I was stupid and narrow-minded, and... I didn't know what i was doing. I was just jealous at you. Be-because... Everyone liked you, even though you didn't do anything special. They liked you, you didn't have to try to get their attentions, because they always looked at you. Me? I couldn't be like you, even though i was trying my best"
"So... That's why you were backstabbing me?" asks Tiffany, in a low voice. I am pretty sure that she can see my tears right now.
I nod. "At that moment, i was trying my best to shine brighter than you. I was tired for always living under your spotlight. That's why i was trying to find your weakness, and i found one"
"Siwon" she says, without any expressions on her face. She is really mad, or hurt. I don't know the difference.
Again, i nod. "Yeah, because i knew that you really loved him back then" I answer her, with a husky voice. "That's why i thought that, if i could make him mine, i could crush you. I didn't know what i was thinking. But, he fell to my trap. And he left you, because he chose me. He was so stupid, wasn't he? But, i was the most stupid person on earth" I force a chuckle.
She stirs her ice tea. She looks deep into my eyes. "What about Seunghyun oppa?"
"Well, at first it didn't have anything to do with you. But, i have to admit that i was really loved him. Even though i knew that he would leave me, but i was trying my best to keep him by my side. Silly, i know. But, i was just a girl who's deeply in love. But then you came, and you introduced yourself as his fiance. I felt heartbroken, hurt, and angry.." I explain everything to her. I let out a big sigh. "I wanted to ruin your marriage, i promised myself to ruin your marriage. He left me, so i wouldn't let him have his happy ending. That's what i thought"
Tiffany smiles at me. It's a sincere one. "Then, why didn't you do it? As long as i remember, you're the type of girl who would never take back everything that you already said. Am i right?"
"Yes, you are right.." she still remembers that? Is that a good, or a bad thing? "Be-because... When he saw you with Siwon, i could see that he was mad and jealous. He could not hide his feelings, it's shown. Then, he grabbed your hand and you guys went out, just like that. He didn't care about the stares, he just wanted to make you go away from that place. At that time, i knew that he loves you. I knew that there was nothing i could do to ruin your marriage. I lost to you, Tiffany. I lost, again. But... I didn't know why, i felt relieved"
Tiffany just stays quiet and keeps stirring her ice tea. She looks down, she doesn't look at me. Tears are falling down from my eyes. I can not stop it anymore. Regret. Yeah, i regret everything that i have done in my entire life. We used to be bestfriends, and i ruined it. She trusted me, but i betrayed her, without any second thoughts. I feel so miserable right now.
"I am so sorry..." I say in a very low voice, and tears keep streaming down my face. "Can we start our friendship.. All over again? Please, Tiffany. At least, please forgive me..." I look down, i am crying out loud now. I don't care anymore. Just stare at me if you guys want to, people. I don't care. I don't ing care..
Suddenly, a hand holds mine. "I forgive you, Yoona" I look up. I can see her smiling face. But, she is crying. She is crying too? "What you did was wrong. But... I understand. Jealousy. I feel that too sometimes. I understand. Thank you for realising your mistakes. I am so proud of you, Yoong"
Yoong. How i miss that name. She's the only one who calls me with that name. "So... Can we start all over again?" I ask her. My face's lightened a bit.
"No" she says. I am stoned. What? Why not? She forgives me, so.. "I forgive you, but i can not trust you anymore. So, even though i really want to have our friendship back, but i obviously know that we can't. Yoona, just pretend like we don't know each other, just forget about everything that happened between us. Just go away, far far away, from my life. Can you do it? Probably someday, we would meet again, in a better way" she gives me a weak smile.
I stay quiet for a while. Then, i take a deep breath and i nod. "Okay. Bye, Fany" I grab my bag and stand up. But, before i go out, i look at her and smile. "Congratulation on your wedding, by the way. I wish you a happy life with him, i really do" Then, i go out without looking back. Still feeling guilty and still crying...
Seunghyun's POV
I am working in such a hurry because i really want to go back home as soon as possible. I really want to go to the hospital with Tiffany, but i have to finish my work. Being an owner of a company is not as easy as it seems. But, i kinda feel happy because the New York and London companies have decided to work with this company. Worldwide, i am so proud of myself and my co-workers. We've done a pretty good job.
I look at my watch. ! 7.45 pm already?! I need to go home. I am preparing myself to go home, when suddenly my cellphone vibrates. Bad moment. Who is texting me? Probably it's Tiffany, asking me to go home fast. I open the text.
Im Yoona
Hello, oppa. First of all, i want to say congratulation on your marriage. Tiffany is a good girl, you're very lucky to have her. Second, i want to say that i am very sorry because i annoyed you. I loved you so much, that's why i didn't want to let you go and i kept bugging you. I even threatened you about ruining your marriage. I am so sorry. But, i will go now. I won't disturb you and your wife anymore. Goodbye, oppa. This time, forever.
I let out a sigh. Finally, that girl is giving up. But, to be honest, i feel sorry for her. I hope she will find her happiness, with a good guy that really loves her. She isn't that bad, after all.
Tiffany's POV
I have just finished cooking the dinner, when i hear someone rings the doorbell. It must be him. I open the door, and i see Seunghyun smile happily at me. "I'm home" he says, and kisses my cheek. Aah.. How i love this.
"Dinner is ready. Let's eat" I say, while smiling back at him. He nods and puts his shoes on the rack.
While we are eating, he asks me. "So... How did it go? What's the doctor said?"
I look at him, and stop eating. He stops eating as well. "Well.." I stop my sentence. I know that he is extremely curious right now, but i just love playing him like this. He looks impatient. "Doctor Park said that i am almost 3 weeks pregnant"
He jumps off his seat like a little kid. "Really?" he asks, with a wide grin on his face. I can feel his joy. Of course, i am happy, too. He hugs me tightly. "My wife is pregnant. Thank you, God!" he screams.
"Oppa... You don't have to scream like that" I say to him, feeling a little uncomfortable because he hugs me very tightly.
"But, i am just so happy. Aren't you happy, Fany?" he says, while breaking the hug. Finally. 
I grin. "Of course i am, oppa. We are going to be parents. Do you want it to be a boy, or a girl?"
"If it's a boy, i would do sports with him. Like, basketball, baseball, horseback riding, and many more. I also would like to play with him, just creating a bond between a dad and his son. But, if it's a girl, i would treat her like a princess. I would spoil her, hug her, kiss her. And i would cry when i have to let go off her hand and gives it to the proper man" Seunghyun kneels down and rubs my belly, and he smiles. "But, whether it's a boy or a girl, i would love them, without any doubts. So, it's clearly the same for me. Just give birth to a healthy baby, Fany"
A tear drop from my right-eye. Tears of joy. "I will try my best. But, oppa.. If the baby's born, would you still loving me like now? I know it sounds silly, but.."
Seunghyun looks at me. I am blushing right now. That was such a stupid question. He stands up, right in front of me. Uh-oh, he is going to yell at me because of that stupid question. I close my eyes, ready for his yelling. But, instead of yelling, he is holding my hands.
"Of course i would, Fany" His forehead touches mine. I feel safe, whenever he does that. "You're the love of my life, i know that. And you accept me for who i am. I am very grateful because i have you. Let's raise our child, or i hope children, together. Let's grow old together. Let's build a very happy family. I loved you back then, i love you now, and i always will"
I let my tears drop. Jeez, my husband is very cheesy sometimes. But, i find it kinda romantic. I love him so much. "I love you so much, oppa" I say to him. Then, we kiss. And after that, we both laugh.
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desyprameswari #1
Really a good story!
ShoutEric #2
Chapter 20: Dam Great Story TopFany <3
mirantialimin #3
Chapter 20: daddy seunghyun so cute. happy ending.....
Chapter 20: happy ending..... aaahhh topfany saranghae keke....
TwistedIceQueen #5
Chapter 12: I swear these cliff hangers are killing me... =p
Woofanynminyul4ever #6
Chapter 20: author-nim you almost made me get a heartattack...I thought that something bad might happen...
Chapter 20: Uwah! I really thought Khun was gonna do something to destroy TopFany~ Hahahaha~ Love it~ I'll have Nichkhun then~ *shot* xD
HwangMinJi #8
Chapter 19: I hope Khun doesnt ruining Topfany moment,, jebalyo,,, T.T but keep going author!! great Story! ^^
FanyGG #9
Chapter 19: Aww Khunfany moment surely broke my heart :( I hope fany could be more open to Khun, at least be a good friend if it's not love. Hope top can understand them too, this is a great chapter. I like it^^ pls update soon :)