
When Himchan returned home that night Sunhee was in the shower so he went about preparing dinner like he’d promised.  When she finally joined him she smiled brightly at the sight and smell of the delicious food.

“Oh, oppa, I don’t know how I’ve managed without you.”  She said as she sat down and happily dug into the food he’d set before her.  “You must have been a famous chef in a previous life.”

Himchan just smiled.  “Sunhee, I’ve been thinking,” he paused and her eyes were glued to him, waiting to hear what he had to say, “I think you’re right.  We should act like a couple when we are together.  It will make it easier for us when we meet with Jinsung and your father.  We should learn about each other’s families and such so we don’t get caught in a lie.  And…if you want to sleep in my room then you can.”  He sighed.  “I too must admit it was nice to have someone to hold while I was sleeping.”

Sunhee simply smiled at him.  “Oppa, you’re the sweetest, you know that?”

He just smiled again, not knowing what to say and feeling a little uncomfortable about his daring suggestion.

“I talked to my father today.”  Sunhee said quietly.

Himchan eyed her waiting to hear more. 

She sighed.  “I hope you don’t mind.  I told him I have a fiancé.  He didn’t believe me, of course, and when I told him I would be bringing you to our meeting with Jinsung he just laughed and said that if I just bring some random guy or a friend he’ll be able to tell.”  She looked down at her plate.  “I don’t know what to do.”

Himchan couldn’t bear to see her so sad.  He got up and pulled her along with him, wrapping her in his arms.  “I won’t let you down.  When he sees us together there will be no doubt in his mind that we are a couple.”  He said leaning down so that his lips were inches from hers.  “Sleep with me tonight.”  When she stiffened in his arms he added.  “We will share our stories with each other so we can know each other completely.”

She nodded slowly.  “A-all right.”

Himchan smiled.  “Why do you sound so nervous?”

Her eyes searched his for a moment.  “Because I’m suddenly wondering if you were telling me the truth last night.”

His smile widened.  “Does it matter as long as I am willing to help you out of this arranged marriage?”

“I don’t know anymore.”  Sunhee admitted.

Himchan pulled her against him even tighter and ran the back of his fingers along her cheek.  “Does this make you nervous as well?”

“I…I…” Sunhee said shakily.

Himchan released her and chuckled, shaking his head.  “Then how are we going to convince your father we are a couple if I make you nervous with such a small display of intimacy?”  Himchan asked, but he suddenly found himself stumbling backward as Sunhee attacked him with a kiss.  He got over his shock quickly though and returned the gesture.  He didn’t want this to end.  He wanted this to be real, for them to be real; he wanted her to be his. 

The clearing of a throat pulled him from his thoughts and forced them to break the kiss.  To Himchan’s horror stood Yongguk at the front door, a smug smile splayed across his lips.  Yongguk would torment him about this forever, and he was suddenly very nervous as to what Yongguk might do or say.

“When no one answered and I found the door unlocked I let myself in.”  Yongguk explained, still grinning.  “Am I interrupting something?”

Sunhee backed away from Himchan, embarrassed, but Himchan pulled her back into his embrace and she looked up at him questioningly.

“We are simply practicing.  We need to be familiar with each other, in order to pass as a couple.  Weren’t you the one who said if we were going to pretend to be a couple we needed to act like one?”  Himchan stated, glaring warningly at Yongguk to leave it alone.

Yongguk leaned against the door and folded his arms.  “Well, it seemed pretty convincing to me, keep it up and I think you’ll fool everyone.”  He said with a wink.  He looked at Himchan.  “I came by because I needed to talk to you.”

“Don’t you know how to use a phone?”  

Yongguk smiled.  “Of course, but seeing you in person, Channie, is always so much more fulfilling.”

Himchan just rolled his eyes and released Sunhee from his arms, smiling down at her reassuringly.  “I’ll be right back, honey.”

Sunhee gave him worried eyes.  “I didn’t upset Yongguk oppa did I?”  She asked quietly.

“Sweet Sunhee, if you are worried about whether or not you’ve made me jealous, trust me, I’m not jealous in the slightest.”  Yongguk smiled slyly. 

Sunhee frowned at his words.  “O-oppa?”  She stuttered slightly, nervous about what she was about to ask.

“Yes, Sunhee?”  Yongguk cooed.

“Are you and Himchan oppa in a relationship?” 

Yongguk grinned.  “No.”

She swallowed hard.  “Are either of you gay?”

His grin widened.  “I think you already know the answer to that question.”  He winked at her.  “But don’t worry, you’re in good hands.  Channie wouldn’t hurt a fly.”  He clapped Himchan on the back.  “Come on, pretty boy, let’s go talk.”  Yongguk said pulling Himchan along with him to his bedroom. 

Sunhee was left standing there, lost in her thoughts.  She recalled the first time she met Yongguk and the mischievous grin he’d had on his face when she had insinuated that he was Himchan’s boyfriend, and then Himchan’s reaction to Yongguk’s playfulness.  Her eyes widened as she thought back to the first time she met Himchan and the look of horror in his eyes when Yoona said he was gay and that everyone knew he was.  He’d been shocked.  She went through every interaction with Himchan and with Yongguk in her mind, her heart racing; Himchan wasn’t gay, and neither was Yongguk.  Himchan had even told her so last night.  And he had never been the one to say he was.  That was Yoona’s assumption and then hers as well.  She suddenly felt like she couldn’t breathe.  She was living with a straight man.  She’d slept in the same bed with him, she’d kissed him, and she…she was falling for him.  Even before she knew he was straight she’d already started to develop feelings for him and if she wasn’t mistaken…

Sunhee headed toward Himchan’s bedroom.  She heard the two men talking, but that didn’t matter to her, she didn’t care what they were talking about, there was something she needed to find out and there was only one way to do it.  She opened the door without knocking, startling them.  Her eyes met Himchan’s and she started toward him.  He didn’t say anything, he simply watched her as she approached.  She stared at him intently.



“Kiss me.” 

Himchan was startled by her request.  “Now, but…”

“Now.”  She said firmly.

“I told you she was a smart girl, Channie.”  Yongguk said with a chuckle.

Sunhee ignored him and kept her eyes on Himchan, waiting for him to make a move.  When he hesitated she took matters into her own hands.  She grabbed his face and planted her lips on his.  He was stiff at first but melted into it quickly and that was all the confirmation she needed.  She broke the kiss and stared at him for a moment before turning around and bolting out the door.

“What just happened?”  Himchan asked breathily.

Yongguk just laughed at his friend.  “She just figured it out, babo.”

Himchan gave him wide eyes.  “Which part?” 

Yongguk shrugged.  “Both, like I said, she’s a smart girl.”

Himchan’s eyes remained on his door.  She knew now.  She knew he wasn’t gay, she knew that she liked him, and he was pretty sure she had just figured out that he liked her as well.  What was he going to do?

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Chapter 17: I enjoyed this one....I think this is a quarter of the reason Himchan moved a place up above Yongguk on my list. I have plans myself for this boy, but aw I just enjoyed this story so much. Do I always have to tell you that you have the best writing style for me right now. We need to hurry up and collaborate a massive story together to let the forces of sweet combine in a way that will explode the hearts and minds of fangirls everywhere!!! Now, I'm going back into hiding to figure out what the heck you have going on in Twisted...

I swear that you and thinking about that story made me have that really messed up story about flying on the ceiling last night.
Chapter 17: Dear Readers spoilers ahead!
Author-nim you made me so nervous making me think that Himchan was dead, all i can think was, he's not dead, he's not dead but luckily he isn't and while thinking of those words i was predicting at the same time that it was her father and i'm happy i'm right but, Sunhee is really lucky to have husband like him! BTW for the 3rd time great story you made author-nim!!! :)
Chapter 17: Oh my God. I can't stop laughing whenever Yongguk teases Himchan to no end. Hahahaha :))
I almost died at the last chapter cos I thought Himchan died but I suddenly thought, 'eh, wouldn't that ruin the happy ending?' And I let out a sigh of relief when I read that it was actually Sunhee's father. Whew!
Anw, I really love it! Omo! You've become one of my fave authors on AFF now. :3 I love how you write your stories author-nim. They never fail to amaze me. Thank you! *grins* ♥
Chapter 14: I couldn't stop laughing every time Yongguk got involved XD
I just love this version of him so much it hurts hahaha
Thanks for the wonderful story~!
Chapter 17: Wow! I loved reading this. Youngguk is so funny!! Your concept was awesome :) Thank you so much for writing this.
Chapter 17: Just wanted to thank you for having written this story it was so cute and simple and every morning I woke up to see an update was sure to be a good day. So thank you :)
Chapter 17: OMG. I thought Himchan died too and I was like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HEEE WASN'T READDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" I was bawling and stopped reading but then I got the guts to read again and I saw that it was the dad x'D
Chapter 17: OTL I thought it was Himchannie that died, I almost cried and I'm pretty sure my study hall teacher thinks I'm weird.. lol.
I am really sad to see this end as well, I too have grown attatched to the characters..
But.. all great things must come to an end </3
Thanks so much for the amazing story<3 ^^
Chapter 17: Thanks for the good read, I appreciated it. I admit I was surprised because I thought it's Himchan who died, but I knew you're too soft-hearted to do that to your characters. This isn't a melo, hasn't been one and will not be one. Happy to part with Sunhee and Himchan in good terms :)
Chapter 17: LOVE IT WITH A PASSION!it was fantastic al the way through! im going to miss them though. *sigh* good bye my friends. i will miss you! don't forget about me. XD