
When they told Sunhee’s father about Himchan not having access to his family’s fortune until Himchan had made a name for himself and then returned to his father’s side, it angered Sunhee’s father.  He simply couldn’t understand Himchan’s wishes.  Her father’s greed was so great that he told them to not contact him until they had come to their senses; which meant until Himchan obtained his fortune.  They had let him go, there would be no reasoning with him, and they were both fine with that.  

“Well, should we still enjoy our evening?  I think we could all use a little laughter right now.”  Yoona suggested.

They all agreed and ended up having a wonderful time together.  They ate, played games, and Himchan and Yongguk had a rap battle.  Sunhee hadn’t known either of them could do so and it was quite entertaining.  They listened to all the hilarious adventures the three men had when they were younger, and Sunhee decided that Trouble should be their middle names. 

Growing up the twins hadn’t known about Himchan’s family fortune because Himchan’s family lived in a very humble home and never boasted of their wealth.  Even now, Himchan’s family lived in a modest home that would only hint that his father simply had a very good job, not that he was the owner of a company that made more money than you could dream of.  Yongguk, of course, had given Himchan a hard time about any and every little thing he had ever spent money on for Himchan and proclaimed that henceforth Himchan would be footing the bill for everything.   

Yoona brought some soju with them; she and Yongguk ended up drinking most of it though.  Yoona got drunk to the point she could no longer tell the twins apart. When she tried to put the moves on Yongguk, Yongnam decided it was time to leave, while Yongguk on the other hand kept messing with Yoona in her drunken state, trying to convince her that he was indeed his brother.  Himchan actually stepped in and saved his friend when he noticed the murderous look in Yongnam’s eyes.  He went over and plopped himself down in Yongguk’s lap, startling his friend in the process.

Himchan smiled down at Yongguk.  “I thought you only had eyes for me?”  Himchan teased.  He noticed, out of the corner of his eye, Yongnam nodding at him in thanks as he carried his drunken girlfriend out the door.

Yongguk simply stared at Himchan for a moment before his lips twisted into a grin.  “Of course I do, Channie.”  Yongguk said gripping Himchan’s chin in his hand.  “You are, after all, the prettiest in the land.”  He said leaning in closer to his friend, the stench of alcohol heavy on his breath.

Himchan rolled his eyes and got up abruptly.  “Babo.”  He reached in his pocket and pulled out his wallet, shoving a wad of won into his friend’s hand.  “You’re drunk.  Catch a cab home and sleep it off.”

Yongguk looked at the money and then up at his friend, a smirk appearing on his lips.  “Is this all I’m worth to you?” 

Himchan gave Yongguk a stern look.  “Bang, be grateful I’m giving you anything at all.  I pretty much saved you from being murdered by your own twin.  As far as I’m concerned you owe me a life debt.”

Yongguk’s smirk turned positively sinful.  “You want me as your personal slave, Channie?”

Himchan took a deep breath, as he tried his hardest to remember that his friend was inebriated and therefore even more annoying than usual.  He grabbed Yongguk by the arm and dragged him toward the door.

“So, my Channie likes to play rough, huh?”  Yongguk teased.  “I’ll have to remember that.  Sunhee, darling, make a note of that, will you?”  He then started laughing hysterically.  “What am I saying, you already know that, don’t you?  Is he an animal, Sunhee?  I bet he is.  I always pegged him as such.  Ah, Channie, you’re a god among men you are.”  Yongguk started growling and barking as he tried flinging himself onto his friend making it nearly impossible for Himchan to get him to the door.  “Who’s up for a ?”  He shouted just as Himchan finally opened the door and unceremoniously dumped him into the hallway.  Yongguk pouted as he looked up at his friend.  “No then?”

Himchan’s eyes narrowed.  “No, Bang, and there never will be.  Now, go home and get some sleep.”  He said closing the door on his friend before he could say anything else.

When Sunhee and Himchan found themselves alone they smiled at each other.  The evening had turned out to be quite entertaining.

Himchan’s smile, however, quickly turned into something more predatory and when he advanced Sunhee let out a girlish shriek and made a mad dash for the bedroom, excited by the look she’d seen in his eyes. 

It thrilled Himchan when she ran, his heart pumping as he chased after her.  He collided with her body, tackling her onto the bed and trapping her underneath him.  “Where do you think you’re going, honey?”  He asked as he started showering her with little kisses.

“I love you, Kim Himchan.”  Sunhee whispered in his ear.

Himchan’s lips curled into a smile.  “I love you too, Mrs. Kim Himchan.”

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Chapter 17: I enjoyed this one....I think this is a quarter of the reason Himchan moved a place up above Yongguk on my list. I have plans myself for this boy, but aw I just enjoyed this story so much. Do I always have to tell you that you have the best writing style for me right now. We need to hurry up and collaborate a massive story together to let the forces of sweet combine in a way that will explode the hearts and minds of fangirls everywhere!!! Now, I'm going back into hiding to figure out what the heck you have going on in Twisted...

I swear that you and thinking about that story made me have that really messed up story about flying on the ceiling last night.
Chapter 17: Dear Readers spoilers ahead!
Author-nim you made me so nervous making me think that Himchan was dead, all i can think was, he's not dead, he's not dead but luckily he isn't and while thinking of those words i was predicting at the same time that it was her father and i'm happy i'm right but, Sunhee is really lucky to have husband like him! BTW for the 3rd time great story you made author-nim!!! :)
Chapter 17: Oh my God. I can't stop laughing whenever Yongguk teases Himchan to no end. Hahahaha :))
I almost died at the last chapter cos I thought Himchan died but I suddenly thought, 'eh, wouldn't that ruin the happy ending?' And I let out a sigh of relief when I read that it was actually Sunhee's father. Whew!
Anw, I really love it! Omo! You've become one of my fave authors on AFF now. :3 I love how you write your stories author-nim. They never fail to amaze me. Thank you! *grins* ♥
Chapter 14: I couldn't stop laughing every time Yongguk got involved XD
I just love this version of him so much it hurts hahaha
Thanks for the wonderful story~!
Chapter 17: Wow! I loved reading this. Youngguk is so funny!! Your concept was awesome :) Thank you so much for writing this.
Chapter 17: Just wanted to thank you for having written this story it was so cute and simple and every morning I woke up to see an update was sure to be a good day. So thank you :)
Chapter 17: OMG. I thought Himchan died too and I was like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HEEE WASN'T READDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" I was bawling and stopped reading but then I got the guts to read again and I saw that it was the dad x'D
Chapter 17: OTL I thought it was Himchannie that died, I almost cried and I'm pretty sure my study hall teacher thinks I'm weird.. lol.
I am really sad to see this end as well, I too have grown attatched to the characters..
But.. all great things must come to an end </3
Thanks so much for the amazing story<3 ^^
Chapter 17: Thanks for the good read, I appreciated it. I admit I was surprised because I thought it's Himchan who died, but I knew you're too soft-hearted to do that to your characters. This isn't a melo, hasn't been one and will not be one. Happy to part with Sunhee and Himchan in good terms :)
Chapter 17: LOVE IT WITH A PASSION!it was fantastic al the way through! im going to miss them though. *sigh* good bye my friends. i will miss you! don't forget about me. XD