Winter's Silence


With a name meaning snow princess, and her voice no longer one that comes from , but rather a musical instrument, Sulhee must overcome her doubts, fears, and her unspoken love for her crush, Hoseok. Will she be able to be triumphant or will this girl of winter forever remain in her sad silence?


It was when Sulhee was fourteen that the accident had happened. Her father had picked her up from her violin lesson and a drunk driver had crossed their path on the way home. Sulhee had had to watch her father die in front of her while she too lay injured and bleeding. She had escaped with her life, a broken leg and arm, and permanently damaged vocal chords, but her life had become voiceless and fatherless in one tragic moment. And now, seven years later, she endured bullying from uninformed, uncaring, jealous, spiteful girls. 


A/N: This story is written for my friend, ChoiEunJi, here on AFF. Enjoy!


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Chapter 1: Um. Excuse me Liz. This is freaking fantastic. You are the best author even Ohmygoodness. I am so excited to see where you take this!!!