Chapter 2

Winter's Silence

            Sulhee sat in her room on her bed, staring at her phone and Hoseok’s number. She had ignored Yoongi and Jimin the rest of the day and shut herself in her room when she finally got home. Now, here she sat, staring at her phone, wondering if she should text her crush. He had given her his number after all, so it meant he wanted her to text him, right?

            Her fingers hovered over the screen, anxiety welling in her. What if she said something stupid and he didn’t want to talk to her anymore? He was the one who had given her his number; she had to make sure she sent the perfect text. She hesitantly tapped her fingers over her phone and hit send. Staring at the text she just sent, “Hey, Hobi, it’s Sulhee, the girl with the sad eyes. It was really nice to meet you today. I hope we can become better acquainted.”

            Sulhee groaned inwardly and flipped her phone out of her hands before collapsing back onto her bed and mentally berated herself. Why was she so dimwitted and socially awkward? That had to be the lamest text in the history of lame texts. Her mind was pulled from her woeful thoughts by a buzzing sound coming from somewhere in her room. She shot upright and blinked at her phone as it glowed and bounced around on the floor as it vibrated. It couldn’t be…

            Sulhee snatched her phone like a viper snatching prey and stared at the screen, dumbfounded at the text that greeted her eyes, “Hey, sad eyes, I was hoping you would text me. I thought it was great to meet you too, and I would really like to get to know you better as well. You can be my first girl friend…as in friend that’s a girl…I mean…you know what I mean, right? Sorry, I’m not really good with this social stuff. I’m just glad we can get to know each other.”

            Sulhee blinked a few times as she processed his words. She was thankful he seemed to be more socially awkward than she was, and she was also hopeful that their friendship might open up possibilities for more eventually. After all, good relationships start off as friendships, right?

            With a smile on her face, and her spirits lifted, her fingers seemed to fly as they tapped back a response, “Maybe we could each lunches together from now on? You could join me with my brother and best friend. Same time, same place tomorrow? We always eat lunch in the courtyard and chat before our next classes.”

            She stared at her phone, eagerly awaiting a response from Hoseok. When her phone buzzed it startled her but she devoured his words with her eyes, “Sounds perfect. It’s a date. See you tomorrow, sad eyes.”

            Sulhee bit her lip and smiled, butterflies dancing in her stomach. How had she gotten so lucky? This new turn in her life almost made her forget about everything else. She did worry about Bora though. Would Bora up her game in tormenting her when she noticed that Hoseok hung out with her now too?

            She shook her head, not wanting to worry about that right now. She wouldn’t let anything diminish the happy warmth she felt in her heart at the moment. She plugged her phone in to charge and set it on her nightstand then pulled the covers up and snuggled into the softness of her bed, closing her eyes and drifting to sleep with pleasant thoughts of the handsome Hoseok.

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Chapter 1: Um. Excuse me Liz. This is freaking fantastic. You are the best author even Ohmygoodness. I am so excited to see where you take this!!!