
The rest of their Sunday was spent with Sunhee chasing Himchan around the apartment like a hormonal male and Himchan trying to avoid her like a on her wedding night.  It was ridiculous, even to him.  Sunhee was so determined to have them be able to interact like a normal couple, and Himchan couldn’t really blame her.  From what she’d told him about Jinsung, if the situation were reversed, he would be doing the same.  And because of this he felt angry with himself for not giving in completely and just going along with her wishes, but then he also couldn’t do that because he knew if he did he would end up destroying the façade of him being gay.  Which was what he wanted wasn’t it?  He absolutely hated it that she saw him that way.  He wanted her to see him for the man he was, not the man she thought him to be.  After all this inner debating, Sunhee did something that made him simply not care anymore.  He would give in to her desires and if it made her question his uality, then that was fine with him.

Himchan had been stealthily slipping out of her grasp all day.  When he’d been fixing food she had tried to trap him in the kitchen with a back hug, but he’d managed to escape her grasp.  When he’d been putting away his laundry she’d plopped onto his bed and tried to get him to kiss her again.  It was like this all day.  He finally got a reprieve that evening when she went to take a shower. 

He slumped down on the couch and heaved a great sigh, head thrown back and eyes closed, finally some peace and quiet.  He must have fallen asleep because the next thing he knew someone was straddling him and whispering into his ear.

“Oppa, are you mad at me?”  Suhnee’s voice hummed along his skin.

Himchan sighed.  “No, honey, I’m not.”  He opened his eyes to find her staring at him with big puppy dog eyes.

“Then why have you been avoiding me?”  She asked with a cute pout.

Why was he avoiding her?  “It’s just…” He started but was cut off when she wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him.

“I’m sorry, whatever it is, I’m sorry.  Please, don’t be angry with me.  I need you.  I need to make this work.  I...I...I don’t want to marry Jinsung.”  She broke down, sobbing against his chest.  “I need you, oppa.”

And that was what did it for him.  He hugged her in return and tried to calm her down.  “Sunhee, It’s all right.  I promise I will make this work.  I won’t let your father force you to marry Jinsung.  Even if I have to marry you for real just to get you out of it, I will.”  He blurted.

Sunhee pulled back and looked at him, tears running down her cheeks.  “You’d do that for me, oppa?”

Himchan thought about it.  “Yes, I would.” 

“But what about Yongguk oppa?” 

“He wouldn’t care.” 

Sunhee frowned.  “You two have the strangest relationship.”

Himchan sighed.  “That’s because we’re not in a relationship.”

Sunhee gasped.  “Omo, did you break up?  Was it because of me?”

Himchan groaned.  “No, nothing like that.  It’s just…never mind.”  He wanted to explain, he was dying to explain, but he also didn’t want to upset her.  “It’s late we should probably get some rest.  We both have work tomorrow.”

Sunhee lowered her eyes.  “Oppa?”


“Can I sleep with you?”

Himchan’s eyes widened.  “What, why?”

“Well,” Sunhee began nervously, “it’s just that last night...well, I’ve never slept so soundly before.”  She looked up at him shyly.  “Oppa, you make me feel safe and you’re really nice to snuggle with.”

His heart skipped a beat at her words.  This girl was simply too much.  She was practically begging for him to make her his and she didn’t even know it.  Himchan swallowed as he tried to keep his cool.  He opened his mouth to say something but she cut him off.

“Please, oppa?”  She begged cutely, batting her eyes.

Himchan couldn’t help it when he cupped her face and drew it close to his.  Her eyes went wide as he gazed into them from up close.  “Aren’t you afraid I might try something?”  He asked, his lips brushing ever so slightly against hers.  He heard her breath catch and it made him smile.

“I’m not afraid of you, oppa.”  Sunhee whispered.

“What if I told you I wasn’t gay?”  He asked boldly, but he was surprised when she didn’t even react to his question, she simply sat there staring at him. 

“Are you?”  She finally asked.

“Not in the slightest.”  He breathed against her lips.  “Do you still want to sleep with me?”

Sunhee smiled.  “Oppa, you’d really say anything to get out of this wouldn’t you?”

“Believe what you will, honey, just remember, I’m not the one who said I was gay.”  He traced a finger down her jaw.  “Those were Yoona’s words.”

“Yoona wouldn’t lie about something like that.”  She shivered as his finger trailed down her neck.

“No, but she could’ve been grossly misinformed.”  He said as he tilted her head up and placed small kisses on her neck.

Her body shuddered again.  “Oppa, why are you being like this?”

“You were the one who suggested we act like a couple.”  He nuzzled the side of her face.  “Isn’t this what couples do?”

“Oppa,” Sunhee gulped, “you’re confusing me.”

He pulled back and looked at her.  “Then sleep in your own room.”  He said lifting her so he could get off the couch.  He was done playing.  He was done pretending.  He was simply done.  After what he’d told her, if she came to him tonight he might not be able to hold himself back.


He wasn’t surprised when he heard his name called out softly from the door to his room, and he wasn’t surprised when she opened the door when he didn’t respond, and he certainly wasn’t surprised when she came to his bedside and whispered his name again.  He’d known she would come to him; he’d been waiting for her to do so.  He grabbed her and pulled her down onto his bed, hovering over her.  She let out a small shriek but didn’t fight him.  He leaned down and kissed her, pouring his passion into it.  When he pulled away they were both breathless.  He stared down at her intently, making sure he had her attention. 

“Are you still confused?”  His voice low and full.

Sunhee shook her head.  “No, not anymore.”

He pressed his body against her.  “It this what you want?  Do you want this?” 

She nodded, her breath quickening.  “Yes.” 

Himchan grinned wickedly.  “It’s about time.”  He purred.  He leaned down and claimed her lips again as they began to make love.


A/N: Dun, dun, dun.  And the plot thickens.  What do you think will happen next?

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Chapter 17: I enjoyed this one....I think this is a quarter of the reason Himchan moved a place up above Yongguk on my list. I have plans myself for this boy, but aw I just enjoyed this story so much. Do I always have to tell you that you have the best writing style for me right now. We need to hurry up and collaborate a massive story together to let the forces of sweet combine in a way that will explode the hearts and minds of fangirls everywhere!!! Now, I'm going back into hiding to figure out what the heck you have going on in Twisted...

I swear that you and thinking about that story made me have that really messed up story about flying on the ceiling last night.
Chapter 17: Dear Readers spoilers ahead!
Author-nim you made me so nervous making me think that Himchan was dead, all i can think was, he's not dead, he's not dead but luckily he isn't and while thinking of those words i was predicting at the same time that it was her father and i'm happy i'm right but, Sunhee is really lucky to have husband like him! BTW for the 3rd time great story you made author-nim!!! :)
Chapter 17: Oh my God. I can't stop laughing whenever Yongguk teases Himchan to no end. Hahahaha :))
I almost died at the last chapter cos I thought Himchan died but I suddenly thought, 'eh, wouldn't that ruin the happy ending?' And I let out a sigh of relief when I read that it was actually Sunhee's father. Whew!
Anw, I really love it! Omo! You've become one of my fave authors on AFF now. :3 I love how you write your stories author-nim. They never fail to amaze me. Thank you! *grins* ♥
Chapter 14: I couldn't stop laughing every time Yongguk got involved XD
I just love this version of him so much it hurts hahaha
Thanks for the wonderful story~!
Chapter 17: Wow! I loved reading this. Youngguk is so funny!! Your concept was awesome :) Thank you so much for writing this.
Chapter 17: Just wanted to thank you for having written this story it was so cute and simple and every morning I woke up to see an update was sure to be a good day. So thank you :)
Chapter 17: OMG. I thought Himchan died too and I was like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HEEE WASN'T READDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" I was bawling and stopped reading but then I got the guts to read again and I saw that it was the dad x'D
Chapter 17: OTL I thought it was Himchannie that died, I almost cried and I'm pretty sure my study hall teacher thinks I'm weird.. lol.
I am really sad to see this end as well, I too have grown attatched to the characters..
But.. all great things must come to an end </3
Thanks so much for the amazing story<3 ^^
Chapter 17: Thanks for the good read, I appreciated it. I admit I was surprised because I thought it's Himchan who died, but I knew you're too soft-hearted to do that to your characters. This isn't a melo, hasn't been one and will not be one. Happy to part with Sunhee and Himchan in good terms :)
Chapter 17: LOVE IT WITH A PASSION!it was fantastic al the way through! im going to miss them though. *sigh* good bye my friends. i will miss you! don't forget about me. XD