
When Sunhee and Himchan got home, Himchan took a shower while Sunhee started on dinner for everyone. The other three would be joining them later, they were out picking up something for dessert and finding a few fun party games to play. 

Sunhee was pulled away from her cooking when a knock sounded on the door.  She looked at the clock and frowned. Could they be done already?  She went to the door and opened. It.  “Yoona, I can’t believe…” Sunhee’s words died on her tongue.  “Appa?  W-what are you doing here?”

Sunhee’s father smiled.  “Can’t a father visit his daughter?” 

“Of course.” She said, still startled by his sudden appearance.  “It’s just, you never do.”

“Well, it’s about time I did then.”  He said entering her apartment and making himself at home on her couch.  “I think I shall make a habit of visiting more often once you and Jinsung are married.  I will need to be around once I have grandchildren.” 

Sunhee just gawked at her father.  Was he serious?  “Appa, I’m not going to marry Jinsung.”

Her father’s face tightened.  “I’m afraid you don’t have a choice in the matter.  Jinsung’s father and I have already agreed upon it.”

“Well, that’s nice and all, but I can’t marry him.” 

“And why not?”  Her father asked.

It was then that Himchan happened to wander into the living room completely and dripping wet.  “Sunhee, honey, where are the towels?  I…” Himchan’s eyes widened and his voice trailed off when he noticed the man on the couch.

Sunhee’s father rose from the couch.  “Who are you?  What are you doing in my daughter’s house…?” He eyed Himchan, “And prancing about in the no less?”

“Appa.”  Sunhee interjected.  “This is, Himchan, my husband.”

Her father’s eyes widened.  “Your…” He shook his head.  “No, you are marrying Jinsung.”

“I told you, I can’t, Appa.  I’m already married.”  Sunhee tried to reason.

“No!”  Her father declared.  He grabbed Himchan by the arm and dragged him toward the door.  “You will marry Jinsung.”  He opened the door and shoved Himchan into the hallway.  “If you know what’s good for you, you will leave here and never come back.”  He said before slamming the door shut, leaving Himchan in the hallway. 

Himchan couldn’t believe what had just happened.  He tried the door but it was locked.  He heard Sunhee and her father having a heated conversation and then he heard a loud slap.  Had that man just slapped his wife?   Himchan snarled as he tried to kick the door open.  He stopped however when he noticed he was no longer alone.

“Nice package, oppa!”  Yoona exclaimed with a smirk.

Himchan’s hands flew to cover said “package”.

“Well, Channie.”  Yongguk drawled as he moved closer to him.  “It seems we’ve caught you in a rather compromising position.  What happened, did your wife finally realize she made a mistake and kicked you out?”

Himchan snarled at him but turned his attention to Yoona.  “You wouldn’t happen to have a key, would you?”

Yoona continued to smile at Himchan as her eyes swept over his body.  “Of course I do.”

“Yah!”  Yongnam yelled.  “Stop devouring him with your eyes.” 

Yoona just laughed and dug in her purse to find her key.  “What are you doing out here in the anyway?”

“Sunhee’s father showed up.”  Himchan stated.

Everyone’s eyes widened and Yoona found the key quickly.  “Well, now I can show him the pictures I took of that sleaze, Jinsung.”

Yoona opened the door and they found Sunhee on the floor with her father standing over her, yelling.

“You will marry Jinsung!  If you refuse I will disown you and you will be dead to me.”  He yelled down at his daughter.

Himchan ran to Sunhee and pulled her away from her father.

“What do you think you’re doing, get your hands off my daughter, you sick ert!”  Her father demanded.

Yoona went up to the angry man and handed him her phone.  “Slide your finger across the screen to see the next picture.  I took several.”  She said with a smug smile.

Sunhee’s father looked at all the pictures and then tossed it back to Yoona.  “That could be anyone.” 

“Yah!”  Yoona cried.  “I saw him with my own eyes.  It was Jinsung.  I know him so I think I would recognize him when I see him.  Is this really the kind of man you want your daughter married to?”

“He comes from a good family.  Joining our families would be a very good thing for business and personal reasons.”  He countered.

“Well, it doesn’t matter now anyway because she’s already married.  Kim Himchan is a wonderful, decent man who loves your daughter.  That should be more important to you than some prestigious family name.” 

“K-Kim you say?”  Sunhee’s father asked.  “Kim Himchan?”

Everyone frowned, everyone except Himchan.

“Yes, that is my name.”  Himchan said with a sigh.

“Kim Himchan of Kim Enterprises?”  Sunhee’s father prodded his eyes gleaming with greed.

“Yes.”  Himchan sighed again.  It seemed his secret was out.  He, Kim Himchan was the son of one of the biggest business mogul’s in Seoul.  He had tried to hide his heritage, not because he was ashamed, or disowned, but because he wanted to make a name for himself on his own merit, and his parents respected his wishes and supported him wholeheartedly.  And Sunhee’s father was demonstrating why he wanted to make a name for himself and not live in his father’s shadow, reaping the benefits from something he had no hand in building.  Once he made a name for himself, he would return and work alongside his father, as someone who’d earned his place, not simply inherited it.

“Well, I think I can agree to this marriage then.”  Sunhee’s father smiled proudly, thinking he had just gained some sort of newfound status.  He then frowned as he studied Himchan more closely.  “Why don’t you get dressed, son, so we can talk.”  He looked at his daughter.  “Come here, dear, let me congratulate you.”

Sunhee shook her head and clung to Himchan. 

Himchan held her close.  “We need a moment to talk, would the rest of you please entertain our guest.”  Himchan said with a pleasant smile as he swept Sunhee away into his room, finally putting some clothes on.  He examined her face and gritted his teeth when he saw the red mark on her cheek. 

“So, you’re like rich or something?”  Sunhee asked as she tried to put everything together.

Himchan shook his head.  “My father is rich.  I’m still making a name for myself.  My father will give me access to the family’s money when I have returned to work alongside him, after I have proven myself to the world.  I do not wish to ride on the coattails of my father.  I want to be known for the deeds that I myself have done.  I expressed this desire to my father and he respects my decision.  He said he was proud of me and knew it would make me a better man.  I believe he is right.  Because if I just abused the privileges I was born with then I would be no better than Jinsung.”

Sunhee smiled at him and then kissed him.  “I am very proud of you myself, Kim Himchan.”  A smile tugged at his lips when she used his full name.  “You are honest, humble, and hardworking.  My mother used to tell me if I could find a man who lived by the three H’s then I would know nothing but happiness.”  She rested her forehead against his.  “She was right.”

Himchan smiled and kissed her.  “I’m just glad you’re not angry with me for not telling you.”

Sunhee laughed.  “Are you kidding me?  I’m married to the iest man alive and I just found out that he’s rich as well.  I’d have to be stupid to be angry.”

Himchan laughed as well and hugged her to him.  “I love you.”

“I love you too, oppa.  We are in this together no matter what.  And I love you for you, not for your family name.”

“That means a lot to me, thank you.”  He said kissing her forehead.  “So what are we going to do about your father?  He seems to think he is going to be gaining something for himself out of our marriage.”

“I think it’s about time my father learned that it’s not always about him.”  Sunhee could see by the look in Himchan’s eyes that he agreed. 




A/N: Ah, my lovely, wonderful readers. *sigh*  Alas, our story is coming to a close.  I think there will only be one or two more chapters to this.  It saddens me greatly b/c I LOVE these characters SO MUCH.  I felt the same way when I finished my other story as well.  I have a hard time letting go of my imaginary friends when they are done playing with me and telling me their story. (That doesn’t sound crazy at all, right...right?)  I have another story brewing inside my crazy mind that I will start working on and see where it leads to, so hopefully I will have something new for all of you soon.  I really enjoy interacting with all of you and reading your sweet comments.  And I am glad that you have enjoyed my writing.  Writing is my passion in life and it makes me feel so happy when others enjoy the things I create with my overactive, vivid, crazy imagination.  Thank you all for your support.  You have given me the confidence boost I have needed to look into trying to publish some of the other writings that I have done.  I’ve actually written a novel, and several short stories, but I haven’t done anything with them b/c I always felt that maybe it just wasn’t good enough.  But thanks to all of you I now think that it just might be.  I love you all.  I hope you enjoy the rest of THIS story.  And if you haven’t checked out my other story, then get your over there, what are you waiting for?!

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Chapter 17: I enjoyed this one....I think this is a quarter of the reason Himchan moved a place up above Yongguk on my list. I have plans myself for this boy, but aw I just enjoyed this story so much. Do I always have to tell you that you have the best writing style for me right now. We need to hurry up and collaborate a massive story together to let the forces of sweet combine in a way that will explode the hearts and minds of fangirls everywhere!!! Now, I'm going back into hiding to figure out what the heck you have going on in Twisted...

I swear that you and thinking about that story made me have that really messed up story about flying on the ceiling last night.
Chapter 17: Dear Readers spoilers ahead!
Author-nim you made me so nervous making me think that Himchan was dead, all i can think was, he's not dead, he's not dead but luckily he isn't and while thinking of those words i was predicting at the same time that it was her father and i'm happy i'm right but, Sunhee is really lucky to have husband like him! BTW for the 3rd time great story you made author-nim!!! :)
Chapter 17: Oh my God. I can't stop laughing whenever Yongguk teases Himchan to no end. Hahahaha :))
I almost died at the last chapter cos I thought Himchan died but I suddenly thought, 'eh, wouldn't that ruin the happy ending?' And I let out a sigh of relief when I read that it was actually Sunhee's father. Whew!
Anw, I really love it! Omo! You've become one of my fave authors on AFF now. :3 I love how you write your stories author-nim. They never fail to amaze me. Thank you! *grins* ♥
Chapter 14: I couldn't stop laughing every time Yongguk got involved XD
I just love this version of him so much it hurts hahaha
Thanks for the wonderful story~!
Chapter 17: Wow! I loved reading this. Youngguk is so funny!! Your concept was awesome :) Thank you so much for writing this.
Chapter 17: Just wanted to thank you for having written this story it was so cute and simple and every morning I woke up to see an update was sure to be a good day. So thank you :)
Chapter 17: OMG. I thought Himchan died too and I was like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HEEE WASN'T READDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" I was bawling and stopped reading but then I got the guts to read again and I saw that it was the dad x'D
Chapter 17: OTL I thought it was Himchannie that died, I almost cried and I'm pretty sure my study hall teacher thinks I'm weird.. lol.
I am really sad to see this end as well, I too have grown attatched to the characters..
But.. all great things must come to an end </3
Thanks so much for the amazing story<3 ^^
Chapter 17: Thanks for the good read, I appreciated it. I admit I was surprised because I thought it's Himchan who died, but I knew you're too soft-hearted to do that to your characters. This isn't a melo, hasn't been one and will not be one. Happy to part with Sunhee and Himchan in good terms :)
Chapter 17: LOVE IT WITH A PASSION!it was fantastic al the way through! im going to miss them though. *sigh* good bye my friends. i will miss you! don't forget about me. XD