
 “Welcome to your new home.”  Sunhee said with a smile as she showed Himchan around.  Her apartment was a simple two bedroom with an open living area.  “The bathroom is at the end of the hall.  On the right is my room and on the left is yours.”  She said opening the door for him.  “I hope you find it to your liking.  Feel free to decorate it however you want.” 

She watched as Himchan entered his room and looked around.  He sat down on the bed and tested its firmness.  “Comfy.”  He said with a grin.  He nodded his head.  “I approve.” 

Sunhee smiled.  “Great.  Well, I’ll start fixing dinner then.” 

“Do you mind if I take a shower?”  Himchan asked.

Sunhee shook her head.  “There are extra towels in the bathroom closet.  I’ll see you when you’re done.  Do you mind if we just have some ramyun tonight since it’s so late?”

“Not at all.  I love ramyun.”  Himchan said with a smile.

Sunhee nodded and went to the kitchen to cook their dinner.  When the ramyun was done, Himchan still hadn’t joined her.  She went to his bedroom only to find the door open and the room empty.  She went to the bathroom door and knocked.  “Dinner is rea…” Her sentence was cut off when Himchan suddenly opened the door, a wolfish grin on his face; he wore only a towel around his waist.  She couldn’t help but stare at his leanly muscled torso.  She blinked in surprise when she felt a finger hook under her chin and close , which she hadn’t realized had been hanging open.  She blushed furiously and looked away.

“I’m flattered, honey, really.”  Himchan said with a wink.  “I suppose you came to tell me dinner is ready?”  When Sunhee only nodded he let out a little chuckle.  “I’ll be right there.  I just need to get dressed.”

Sunhee caught the movement of his hand going for the towel at his waist and she quickly turned around and headed for the kitchen.  She could hear Himchan’s playful laughter from down the hall and it only made her blush deepen.  If she had known she would be living with the world’s biggest tease she would have thought twice about him moving in with her.  But at least she didn’t have to worry about his playfulness leading to anything else.  That was one good thing about living with a gay man. 


The next morning as Sunhee got ready to leave for work she heard Himchan talking on his cell phone to someone in a rather irritable tone.  She paused just outside his door, which was ajar, and from where she stood she could see him, but he couldn’t see her.  He was pacing about as he engaged in his heated conversation.

“Yes, everyone!”  He grumbled to the person on the other end of the line.  “Yah! Don’t you dare laugh at me, this is not a laughing matter.”  He exclaimed threateningly.  “Well, I’m glad my situation amuses you, but what am I supposed to do?”  He asked sighing heavily as he pinched the bridge of his nose.  “You want me to just accept it?”  He chuckled derisively.  “I have a reputation to uphold, you know?”  He then stomped his foot.  “Yah! This isn’t funny, Bang!”  He growled.  “Fine,” He said letting out another heavy sigh, “come over tonight and we’ll talk.”  He said closing his phone with a snap and heading to the door.  His eyes widened when he saw her standing in the hall. 

“Everything okay?”  Sunhee asked carefully.

He sighed again and shook his head.  “Peachy.”  He drawled.  “I hope you don’t mind, but I invited my friend, Bang Yongguk, over tonight.  He and I need to talk.”

Sunhee’s eyebrow rose.  “Your…friend?” 

He threw his hands up in exasperation.  “I simply can’t win.”  He looked up at the ceiling.  “What did I do in one of my previous lives to deserve this?” 

Sunhee bit her lip and tried not to laugh at Himchan’s obvious frustration.  From what she’d heard she was guessing that this Yongguk guy he’d been talking to, his ‘friend’, was his boyfriend.  And Himchan had been complaining to him about everyone finding out about him being gay.  Apparently, Yongguk didn’t care if anyone knew about their relationship and found it quite humorous that Himchan was practically dying from embarrassment over being forced out of the closet.    

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Chapter 17: I enjoyed this one....I think this is a quarter of the reason Himchan moved a place up above Yongguk on my list. I have plans myself for this boy, but aw I just enjoyed this story so much. Do I always have to tell you that you have the best writing style for me right now. We need to hurry up and collaborate a massive story together to let the forces of sweet combine in a way that will explode the hearts and minds of fangirls everywhere!!! Now, I'm going back into hiding to figure out what the heck you have going on in Twisted...

I swear that you and thinking about that story made me have that really messed up story about flying on the ceiling last night.
Chapter 17: Dear Readers spoilers ahead!
Author-nim you made me so nervous making me think that Himchan was dead, all i can think was, he's not dead, he's not dead but luckily he isn't and while thinking of those words i was predicting at the same time that it was her father and i'm happy i'm right but, Sunhee is really lucky to have husband like him! BTW for the 3rd time great story you made author-nim!!! :)
Chapter 17: Oh my God. I can't stop laughing whenever Yongguk teases Himchan to no end. Hahahaha :))
I almost died at the last chapter cos I thought Himchan died but I suddenly thought, 'eh, wouldn't that ruin the happy ending?' And I let out a sigh of relief when I read that it was actually Sunhee's father. Whew!
Anw, I really love it! Omo! You've become one of my fave authors on AFF now. :3 I love how you write your stories author-nim. They never fail to amaze me. Thank you! *grins* ♥
Chapter 14: I couldn't stop laughing every time Yongguk got involved XD
I just love this version of him so much it hurts hahaha
Thanks for the wonderful story~!
Chapter 17: Wow! I loved reading this. Youngguk is so funny!! Your concept was awesome :) Thank you so much for writing this.
Chapter 17: Just wanted to thank you for having written this story it was so cute and simple and every morning I woke up to see an update was sure to be a good day. So thank you :)
Chapter 17: OMG. I thought Himchan died too and I was like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HEEE WASN'T READDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!" I was bawling and stopped reading but then I got the guts to read again and I saw that it was the dad x'D
Chapter 17: OTL I thought it was Himchannie that died, I almost cried and I'm pretty sure my study hall teacher thinks I'm weird.. lol.
I am really sad to see this end as well, I too have grown attatched to the characters..
But.. all great things must come to an end </3
Thanks so much for the amazing story<3 ^^
Chapter 17: Thanks for the good read, I appreciated it. I admit I was surprised because I thought it's Himchan who died, but I knew you're too soft-hearted to do that to your characters. This isn't a melo, hasn't been one and will not be one. Happy to part with Sunhee and Himchan in good terms :)
Chapter 17: LOVE IT WITH A PASSION!it was fantastic al the way through! im going to miss them though. *sigh* good bye my friends. i will miss you! don't forget about me. XD