Chapter 9: Our Mission

My Girlfriend's a GHOST!?

Kevin's POV


This is really tiring!!









And More Practice...


Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer 
had a very shiny nose. 
And if you ever saw him, 
you would even say it glows. 


Wait! Why is that song being played? It's not even Christmas right now! It's the summer! What in the world. 


-____________- <---- MY ANNOYED FACE!






I immediately rose up from the bench that I am lying down and looked at the person who's calling me.


O_______O <-----My surprised face


"Noona!?" I said in shock. What is Han Ye Won-noona doing here? WHAT IN THE WORLD IS HAPPENING? I thought she already graduated from this university. And for crying out loud!! She's like 30 now. No, actually She's 28 but who cares! She's turning 30 after 2 years! Why does she keep on calling me 'oppa'?


"Noona, stay away! I don't want to talk or see you right now." I said angrily. The reason why I am awkward towards girls is because of  Yewon-noona. You guys don't even know what kind of things she did to me during the practice of the musical that I participated to. Not only did she took my first kiss away but also she stole something that has to be offered for the girl who I REALLY LOVE. ohh the horror!


All of the other reindeer 
used to laugh and call him names. 
They never let poor Rudolph 
join in any reindeer games. 


"Oppa~~" She said to me doing the weirdest strangest aegyo that I have ever seen. "Don't call me 'noona' I'm feeling old because of that" 


Because you are! -_-


DAMN IT! Why does she have to go here and ruin my day!


"Come on!" I was so shocked that I gone stiff, because she just put her arm around mine! I don't want to be with this girl!! I tried removing my arm to her but she did it once more then I heard her say something. "If you want to stay a clean guy with a clean image I would like you to shut up and not complain."  She said in a scary voice. NO! I don't want her here!! HELP SOMEBODY!!


"Yewon-noona!!!!!!!!!!!" I heard somebody called her and I saw Eli and Hoon coming towards us. Eli immediately went to me and pulled me away from Yewon-noona. "Kevin, You're late for our practice! I was looking all over for you. Hi, Yewon-noona." Eli said and smiled at Yewon-noona awkwardly. All of my members know what happen. 


Then one foggy Christmas Eve 
Santa came to say: 
"Rudolph with your nose so bright, 
won't you guide my sleigh tonight?" 


Then I heard the song again. Maybe that's why that song is playing. It was because of that time--UGH! I don't want to remember that!


"Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose" I said as I covered my ears and rock myself like a crazy person. 


"Oh no, Eli-hyung Eotteokae (What are we going to do) ?" I heard Hoon asked Eli.


"Oh boy, He just lost it." I heard Eli said but I didn't paid any attention to it and continued singing.


Eli's POV


DAMN IT! Why does Yewon-noona have to show her face to Kevin. Oh our poor Kevin getting all crazy again. I would admit when I first heard about what happened to him when he was with that noona. I was really angry and wanted beat the crap out of her eventhough she's a girl!


I mean, How can she do that to our poor, innocent Kevin.


"And if you ever saw him, you would even say it glows." I heard Kevin sang. Oh boy, He really lost it. 


"Kevin? Kevin!" I said and shook him but he won't budge and continue on singing. Oh how I despise that Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer!


"What is happening to him? Why is he singing that song? Isn't that the song when I ---------" 


Hoon and me said to stop her from saying it.  "We'll be going now. I hope you don't let Kevin see you again or you'll have to face me."

"Yeah! and me too! so is the rest of UKiss!!" Hoon said and helped me carry Kevin in my back and we started to walk away.


"Really? Eli? Let me see to what extent that threat will take you and you(look at Hoon) and so is the rest of Ukiss to prevent me from getting to Kevin. He is  mine and only mine." She said to us looking all evil and all. 


"Let's see where that obsession of yours will take you." I said talking to her without any respect.




Hoon and I started to walk away but I stopped halfway. "Oh and by the way, Kevin already has a girlfriend so stop being all obsess to him you ugly woman!" I said to her and motioned Hoon to run as fast as he can. I know what will happen to Yewon-noona after that and you will not like it. 


"WOO SUNG HYUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I heard her yelled at the top of her lungs. 




Hello, Here again!! I just can't stop thanking you guys for reading my fanfics! You don't even know how happy I am because of this. 


HOORAY FOR MY 17 SUBBIES!!! Love you all.


Hope you like this chapter. Comment below if you want (because I want to hear your thoughts about this)


oh, yeah. So the Rudolph thing will be revealed many on the next chapter so stay tuned. Bye guys! Thanks for reading!!






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Chapter 20: Omg, im crying at the ending. So amazing ;u; -uglysobbingsounds- Author-nim jjang!
valeriemillenia #2
Chapter 20: Totally awesome fanfic ^^
Chapter 20: omg! i couldnt stop reading it such a great story!! Ur amazing authornim ..
99kissme #4
Chapter 20: Amazing story ,you can b e a great author,,hwwaithing,,im crying haha
Chapter 20: Totally loving this!! Amazing story,author-nim!:)
Whimsical_Princess #6
Chapter 20: Awesome story really amazing
kevin7 #7
Chapter 20: It was so sad an i really like it
Chapter 20: SNIFFS *hugs author* *cries IT WAS SO GOOD!
Chapter 19: NO NO NO NO AUTHORNIM!!! T~T