Chapter 16: You have to know

My Girlfriend's a GHOST!?

Kevin's POV


"Hey are you still upset?" Seohee asked me looking alll worried. Ahh~~ This is how it feels like, when you're inlove. "Hey! Are you even listening to me?" Seohee said snapping me from my daydream.

"Huh, What was that?" I asked her.

"I said are you still upset?" 

"Oh well, kind of. since your sunbae stripped me of being your protector. It hasn't even been a month!" She nodded to me. This is unfair! I can't protect her anymore! I shook my head to clear out those thoughts. It doesn't even matter if I'mm stripped as her protector. I'm still going to protect her anyways. Not as a protector but as her boyfriend. 

"YA! You're spacing out again! Pabo!" I heard seohee said then pouted. I was about to pinch her cheeks when my hands went through her. Oh yeah, I forgot, My girlfriend's a ghost 

"What are you going to do, huh? Mr. Woo Seung Hyun?" She teased me.

"Since when did you know my real name, Ms. Name Seo Hee?" I replied.

"Since the day I've met you." Then I chuckled. I heard a groan coming from Yewon-noona. 

"Huh? My head.. ugh! It hurts!" I saw Yewon-noona rose from her bed. "Opp---I mean Kevin. What happened? What happened to that old man?" She asked me looking all ashamed of herself.

"that ghost? Oh he's being punished for what he has done." I said and sat on the chair near her.

"I'm so sorry, Kevin. I'm sorry for all the things that I have wrongly done to you. I'm sorry for taking away something that I am not supposed to." She said to me as she washed her face with her hands and cried. I patted her head and smiled. She looked at me in shock.

"I already forgot it when you fought with the ghost and saved yourself. Eventhough I hated you back then, you are still my noona." I said to her . What is the word 'forgive' when you are not going to use it, right?


"Kevin.." She said then begin crying again. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Don't worry about it, noona." I assured her.

"I'm sorry, Seohee." She said then looked at Seohee

"You can see me?" She asked with her eyes wide open.

Noona nodded and smiled. "I guess when that old man was inside me he left some parts of him." 

I stood up looking all worried. Noona shook her head then calmed me down. "I believe it wasn't the awful and evil ones. I assure you." Then I sat again and sighed. I saw her smile at me, then at Seohee.

"You guys make a perfect couple." She said geniunely but I can feel some parts of her voice was hurt.

"Thank you." Me and Seohee said in unison. Then she laughed and we joined her as well. I hope things wil always be like this. No problems.

"Seohee take care of Kevin okay? He's still kind of awkward towards girls. You will need to teach him to be more of a friendly and comfortable type, okay?" Noona said 

"I know that, unni. He's like the most awkward guy that I have ever met!" Seohee said agreeing to Yewon-noona.

"Hey, You girls are teaming up against me! Two against one? No fair!" I teasingly said then we laughed again.

"KEVIN!!!!" I heard someone called me from the door. Then I saw my members rushing towards the room.

"You okay?"
"What happened?"
"Why are you here?"
"Did I just heard you laughing with this noona a while ago?"
"You're friends with this noona now!?"
"Are you even sane?" 
"What did you do to her, noona?"
"Hyung! Please! Don't be like this!" 

I heard all of them said all at once that I don't even know who I am going to answer back first or more importantly. I don't even know who says who.

"I'm fine. I'm not crazy okay? I just made up with Yewon-noona. I think its about time that Ill forgive her, right?" I said

"But that's impossible! Juts before I saw you act all bonkers when you saw even just her hair or her back! and now.. WHAT!? Forgive!? Forgive my !" Xander-hyung hissed as he crossed his arms in annoyance. 

"I am in my right state of mind for pete's sake! Im changing my ways now so please just accept it okya? Im not a kid anymore. If you want someone to treat as a kid then do it to our maknae not me!"

"Hey~~" Dongho complained. 

"Okay." I said then stood up. "I think its time to go home and Yewon-noona needs to rest." 

"Since when did you worry for that noona?" Kibum-hyung asked in confusion.

"SInce now. Okay now come on guys." I said psuhing them all out of the room.

"Thanks Kevin." Yewon-noona said as we walk out of the door.

Then I saw them all froze.

"Did" -- Eli
"She"-- AJ

Then they looked at each other then at me. 

"What did you call him?" Soohyun asked Yewon-noona

"Kevin." She said in a chuckle.

"That's a first!" I heard AJ said .

"stop it. Let's go home. Kaja (let's go) Kaja!" I said then pulled Soohyun along with me who went to Yewon-noona asking if she bumped her head or something 

"Bye Kevin! Bye Seohee! Thank you, you guys!" She said. Then I smiled at her and so is Seohee who even waved at her. My members looked at her once again in confusion as I pulled them out. 

"Is she crazy? There's no girl inside the room except her! Maybe she bumped her head so hard that she became crazy." Soohyun-hyung said. I just shrugged then smiled. I took a glance at Seohee who was chuckling.


We went back to our dorms and all of us went to our rooms to sleep and do some other things. I went to my room adn locked it just in case my members will come in and disturb me. 

"Your members are funny."  Seohee said.

"You dont know that half of it." I said to Seohee who was walking around my room. Then I remembered the CD.

"Seohee, I just saw a CD that guy I bumped into I think a long time ago. and I haven't had the chance to show it to you." I said then showed the CD that says, 'For Nam Seo Hee' 

"Can we play it?" She requested. I just nodded in agreement then played the CD on the player.


It was a video message of the guy that I bumped into. He was wearing his eyeglasses and his hair is all in a mess but looks kinda good on him.

"He's so familiar. I think I saw him before." Seohe said then the guy started talking. I know, I saw him before too. I don't know where. 


"Hi Seohee, How are you? You know what? I miss you so much. Do you miss me too? I can still remember that promise that I'll treat you for ice cream before you had that awful accident." Then he chuckled but I know it was forceful. "Do you think of me while sleeping? because I always think of you. Even as Im sleeping, Im wishing that I can see and talk to you in my dreams. You are always on my mind. Please wake up. Jaebal (please). I promise I'll be even nicer and loving just wake up." Then I saw him in tears. "You are the reason why I'm living but now that you're in that bed sleeping, and I don't even have the assurance of you waking up, makes me more in pain. I'm might be breathing and talking to you but seeing you there, I am nothing but an empty shell as I die inside. Please comeback, Nam Seo Hee. Come back to me." Then the video ended.

"O..oppa.." She said in a shaky voice. I saw Seohee fell from her knees, stunned. I went to her then I saw her eyes wide open in shock as her tears are starting to fall. 

"Kevin I..." She began to say.

"Are you okay?" I managed to say eventhough Im panicking deep inside. 

"Kevin.. I remember everything." 





Seohee remembers everything!! Oh no? or YAY? 

HAHA!! well, find out on my next update. It's almost done T^T

Here I am again, Thanking you guys for reading this crappy story /laughs awkwardly/

Okay, so I dont proof read any of my stories. so sorry for my wrong grammars and typos


See you guys on my next update!!




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Chapter 20: Omg, im crying at the ending. So amazing ;u; -uglysobbingsounds- Author-nim jjang!
valeriemillenia #2
Chapter 20: Totally awesome fanfic ^^
Chapter 20: omg! i couldnt stop reading it such a great story!! Ur amazing authornim ..
99kissme #4
Chapter 20: Amazing story ,you can b e a great author,,hwwaithing,,im crying haha
Chapter 20: Totally loving this!! Amazing story,author-nim!:)
Whimsical_Princess #6
Chapter 20: Awesome story really amazing
kevin7 #7
Chapter 20: It was so sad an i really like it
Chapter 20: SNIFFS *hugs author* *cries IT WAS SO GOOD!
Chapter 19: NO NO NO NO AUTHORNIM!!! T~T