
My Girlfriend's a GHOST!?




A year had passed. I managed to live my life the way I wanted it to be. Nothing changed. Not even a single one.


Nam Seo Hee . . .


That name. It still makes me smile just saying or hearing it. I tried to convince myself that it was a dream. After all those sleepless nights, nightmares and days that I was like a crazy man staring out of the nothingness, I managed to stop myself from thinking about her. Also, with AJ's psychiatric knowledge, I was able to tell myself that she was never real from the very beginning. She will never be. . She was just a figure of my imagination. . . Nothing more.


I completely forget about her.




Seo Hee


A year had passed. I am very happy with my life now. I am thankful for every day that God had given me. Also, a year had passed when I was in coma.


Kevin Wu . . .


That name. . . It never failed me to make my heart race. I don't even know why. Have I seen him before? Yes. In music shows singing and dancing. Besides that there is nothing else. Dreams! Yes! I kept on remembering those odd dreams that look so real. I really had the feeling that it really did happen. Only one thing that bothers me is that I can't see the face of the man in my dreams. It was as if they blurred his face for me to recognize it. I bruhsed off those thoughts and convinced myself that it was only a dream. Eventhough it seems so real, it can never be real because dreams are only just a work of your mind. A figure of your imagination. . . and nothing more.  .  .


"Seohee!!! Come down and eat your breakfast!! You'll be late for class." I heard my brother yelled at me. I can remember from my dream that he even made a video for me crying and pleading me to wake up from my coma. Yes, He was my brother. Nam Yoon Do but he preferred to be called by his English name, Eric Nam. . .

"The university changed a bit while you were asleep so be careful okay?" He said in a worry while giving me a pancake. 


After breakfast, we went to our own paths. Eric-oppa was in the foreign division of the university teaching foreign students music and language. I, however, is not a teacher but a regular student here in the university.


Even as I am walking towards my class, I still can't help but think about who the blurry guy in my dream is. 

I shook my head in disbelief.


My dreams can never be real. . . .






Yes it is trus, a year had passed that seemed like a century for Kevin during the times when he was struggling if Seohee was even real or not. Seohee, on the other hand, had completely forgotten about it. It was a deal from the heavens. If she choose to remember the things that have happened, it will remain to her mind but only in a dream. A dream that she thinks that did not happen it reality.


"If you guys are really destined for each other then fate will lead you to him." Those were the words that K.Will had said to her last hoobae. Yes, Seohee was K.Will's last and after her, he will  be going up in the heavens and remain at peace.


However, it seems that destiny was not on their side. They go to the same school, took some classes together but never gotten a chance to exchange glances with each other. They even bumped and brushed shoulders with each other but it still it didn't work. . .


It never did. 


"Hello?" Kevin said answering the phone while walking in the university corridors.

"Kevin sorry but I forgot my music sheet in the music room. Can you grab it on your way home?" Soohyun asked Kevin in a pleading manner so Kevin had no choice but to agree with his hyung.

"He's always forgetting things!" He muttered to himself as he opened the music room's doors and grabbed the sheets layed on the table. He was about to leave when he can't help but notice the piano sitting in the center of the room, waiting to be played. He didn't know what soul entered him that he began playing it. (A/N: Play My Reason - Kevin Wu)


Meanwhile, Seohee had lost her way in the university. Her oppa was right. The university had changed a lot when she was in a coma. She doesn't know where to go or who to talk to. There were a few students left roaming around the halls and most of them were in their dorms already. Seohee was about to call her brother when she heard a very familiar song. Her heart hammered inside her chest as she open the doors for the music room and saw a young man singing.


Kevin Wu . . .


Seohee held her chest as she was staring at the man singing in front of her. It was like this had happened before. Then flashes of memories came rushing inside her head as tears began to form on her eyes. 


 I saw him sat in the seat and played the piano. At first, he was only pressing random keys but eventually played in the end. He wasn't singing, he was just humming to himself and after I finished the song, I can't help but clap. I turned to my direction and look at me.He saw me but I'm not alarmed since I know I am a ghost that he can never see.I wiped the tears in my cheeks since it was really a nice song for me.

"Who are you?" he asked me. My eyes widen in shock. He can see me? He can see me!! So I ran towards him and looked at him face to face. Our faces are just inches away. I saw him pulled away

"You can see me?" I said excitedly.

"Of course! What kind of question is that?" he said to me looking all weireded out. 

"jinjja? jinjja jinjja???You're not kidding?" I asked him as I clasped my  hands together. I am just happy that he can see me.

"No. I am not kidding." he said in annoyance. I let out a sigh of relief and I can't help my tears to fall. I saw him stood up not knowing what to do. "W-what's wrong?"He asked me with his stuttering voice.


Kevin finished the song with a smile and he turned to look at the door, a very familiar face had made his heart race.


Nam Seo Hee . . .


The girl he thought was just in his dreams. A figure of his imagination, was standing in front of her eyes. There it hit him that those dreams were real. SHE was real. He curled his eyebrows fixing her gaze on the beautiful girl in front of her.


"Seohee..." He softly said with his soothing voice. "You're ... real?" He asked her. All those times thinking she was only an imaginary character in his dreams dissolved in a matter of seconds.

"Seohee.." He called again with longingness on Kevin's voice as walked towards her. The girl stood there, stunned and not moving. These were all so fast to her. The man that had a blurry face in her dreams. That face has one now, and it was Kevin Wu. Everytime, Kevin would say her name, it was like her heart would stop and listen to him say it.

"K-Kevin..." She managed to say as the young man walks towards her. "I always see you." She said letting her tears fall down. Kevin brushed his thumb on her cheek and wiped her tears.

"I can touch you." He said in amazement. "I can hold my girlfriend." He continued making Seohee's heart hammered inside her chest. Seohee held her boyfriend's warm slender hands that cupped her face.


"I thought you are not real"

"I thought so too but here we are." Seohee said smiling at the man in front of her.


Ah yes, this man... this man is who I will love for the rest of my life.


"You are always in my dreams." Kevin said and Seohee just replied with a smile that made Kevin's heart beat so fast.


This girl.. I know for sure that she will be the only girl that I will love for the rest of my life


"I love you" Kevin said as his eyes were glistening like the night sky above. 

"I love you too." Seohee replied looking straight at Kevin's shining eyes.


"Always and forever." Kevin added with a smile

"Always and forever." Seohee said as their heads are slowly moving closer to each other and lips were slowly touching one another.



"I will love you even in my afterlife."--Seohee

"I will always love you and love you even more each and every day that we woke up together." ---Kevin





This is the ending my beloved readers!!

I hope you'll like it. not so cliche is it?

Thank you so much to the readers that are always there so support me and comment throughout my story.


You really don't know how much I am touched by this.

I never expected a lot of you to read my story to be honest but here we are.




Take care. 

Till we meet next time





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Chapter 20: Omg, im crying at the ending. So amazing ;u; -uglysobbingsounds- Author-nim jjang!
valeriemillenia #2
Chapter 20: Totally awesome fanfic ^^
Chapter 20: omg! i couldnt stop reading it such a great story!! Ur amazing authornim ..
99kissme #4
Chapter 20: Amazing story ,you can b e a great author,,hwwaithing,,im crying haha
Chapter 20: Totally loving this!! Amazing story,author-nim!:)
Whimsical_Princess #6
Chapter 20: Awesome story really amazing
kevin7 #7
Chapter 20: It was so sad an i really like it
Chapter 20: SNIFFS *hugs author* *cries IT WAS SO GOOD!
Chapter 19: NO NO NO NO AUTHORNIM!!! T~T