Chapter 8: Helping You

My Girlfriend's a GHOST!?

Kevin's POV


"Can you help me find my body?" Seo Hee asked me looking so serious at me.


"I don't know if I am capable of helping you about that." I said with uneasiness as I scratch the back of my neck. 


"Well, you see, you're the only person that can actually help me right now since you're the only person in this world that can see me." She said to me looking so pitiful. "Please?. In return I'll grant you three wishes!"


I just nodded and smiled at her. "Really? You would do it?" She asked me and I nodded again in response. Helping a ghost huh? "Oh my gosh!! Thank you! Thank you Thank you, Kevin! You're definitely a life-saver!" She said and was about to hug me but she just went through me. Cold. That was the feeling when Seo Hee went through me. Then my hair raised up because of that.  "Oops! Sorry. I wasn't able to control my feelings. I am just happy today!" Speaking of feelings, Isn't that the sole reason why I am here is because I wanted to hear her reply on my confession?


"Uhm, Seo Hee." I called her then she looked at me smiling. Damn that smile makes my heart beat so fast! "I just want to know what is your response for the thing that I said earlier or was it yesterday?" I asked since it was almost 2 in the morning. 


"Hmm.. I don't know really, Kevin. For now, Let's be friends okay? I am actually happy that I have a friend like you and ruining it for like the first week is kinda awful don't you think?" She explained to me.


"It is not ruining actually. It's making new memories. Like upgrading a program into a more amazing one." I said to her. I really don't accept 'I don't know' answers because it's making me more confusing than I am right now. 


"I'm so sorry, Kevin. I just don't wanna rush the feelings that was supposed to be not forced, right?" She explained to me again. I just feel that she is more mature than I am. DAMN IT! I am so awkward toward girls! -____-


"But can you at least call me oppa since I am older than you?" I requested to her.


"Well, Of course! I like calling older boys oppa." Seo Hee said in agreement. "For now, Could you keep this a secret between you and me. I hope you won't tell other people about my existence, because if the person or people I mean are one of my relatives the chances of me being alive again will not be happening."


"Okay. I promise" Then she offered her pinky finger to me. "But you ca----"


"I know. I can manage. Don't you ever worry." Then I raised my pinky finger and she wrapped it around her pinky as well but I was able to feel anything. It is just like a cold wind running through my fingers. "Sorry about that" She said to me.


"It's okay"


After that , I went back to my dorm to see that all of my members were already asleep. I went to my room across the hallway and sat in the study table there. I grab my Mac and searched reincarnation of a ghost on google and the results were unclear. t wasn't really answering my questiosn at all.


"You know you don't really need to search it. I can tell you if you're really that curious." I heard somebody said from behind me. I looked at it immediately and I fell on my seat. 

"What in the world!? Who are you??" I asked the man standing in front of me. I was so sure I locked the door and no one can enter the dorm and same with my room unless he's a....


"Yes, Yes.. go on" he said to me.


Wait. He can read minds?


"Uh, yeah. Isn't it obvious?" He said as he titled his hat on the right side. "Hi, The name's Kim Hyung Soo. But you can call me K.Will if you don't mind." He said and offered his hand to me. I accepted it with shaky hands. He's The K.Will-sunbaenim that Seo Hee's referring to?


"The one and only" He said as he sat on the edge of my bed. 


"Stop reading my mind! I don't like it." 


"Oops! Sorry! I'll stop now." He said then his face suddenly turned serious. "Now, Let's get down to business shall we?" I just nodded. Still wondering why can a ghost like him hold me and touch things. 


"Well, techinically I am keeper. Spirit Keeper to be precise. I was given actually this kind of powers to protect a certain spirit that I was ordered to protect and defend." K.Will explained to me. I just nodded in agreement. 


"So when you mean spirit is it...?" Then I saw him nod. 


"Yes. Seo Hee though is a different case actually. The one from above is actually giving her another chance live again. This is like one of in a lifetime-oh! spirit-time if you dont mind- chances that were given to a spirit."


"why is she given that chance though?" I asked in curiousity.

"Well, That accident was actually not supposed to happen. She didn't have to actually go there and save this "guy" from being hit by a truck." He explained. "Don't tell her by the way. She has to know these things by herself if you'll tell her, I'm gonna haunt you every night and you won't like it." He threaten me and put a flashlight below his head to scare me. This sunbae-nim is so weird.


"So, Is there a reason why you are telling me this?" I asked him


"Well, so that you can know a clue on what you are things you are about to see and know." He said. "These chances are like heavenly--which they are since it was ordered from above-- and a lot of ghost roaming around here are envious and wanted to grab onto that chance too so having you to look after Seo Hee while I'm gone and busy in my meetings and all is a great help."


"This only a chance for her! How can other spirits take it?"


"Okay. The difference between a ghost and a spirit is really DIFFERENT! A ghost is like a spirit that has malicious views with them while a spirit is a one that has a pure soul and is sometimes easily vulnerable with the temptations of ghosts."


"Seo Hee, Do you consider her as a ghost or a spirit?" I asked him getting all concern for Seo Hee.


"My Hoobae there is a neither. She is a soul. That is because her body can still be used. She is neither a spirit nor a ghost. But if one of each were to influence her, She might get into trouble and worst is that she can loose her chance." 


"But how can a spirit or a ghost take that chance though!" I asked wanting for more answers. 


"Chill, Kevin. Okay. So Seo Hee has this pretty ring on her right ring finger. That is the bond to her chance. So she must protect her like it is her life." He said. "That is where you stand. You have to protect her against the ones that wanted to take that ring from her whether it is a spirit or a ghost. Do you understand me? The council above already approved you into helping her so its okay. " He said to me.







Hope you guys will LIKE it :D 


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Chapter 20: Omg, im crying at the ending. So amazing ;u; -uglysobbingsounds- Author-nim jjang!
valeriemillenia #2
Chapter 20: Totally awesome fanfic ^^
Chapter 20: omg! i couldnt stop reading it such a great story!! Ur amazing authornim ..
99kissme #4
Chapter 20: Amazing story ,you can b e a great author,,hwwaithing,,im crying haha
Chapter 20: Totally loving this!! Amazing story,author-nim!:)
Whimsical_Princess #6
Chapter 20: Awesome story really amazing
kevin7 #7
Chapter 20: It was so sad an i really like it
Chapter 20: SNIFFS *hugs author* *cries IT WAS SO GOOD!
Chapter 19: NO NO NO NO AUTHORNIM!!! T~T