Chapter 11: Jelly~~ Jelly~~

My Girlfriend's a GHOST!?

Kevin's POV


I yawned and saw the sun heating on my face. I smiled to myself and remembered what happened last night. Did that kiss really happened? Was it really true? I smiled like fool then I move to th side of my bed looking all happy. Then I saw Dongho in front of me.


"Hyung? Do you think Kevin-hyung is okay?" Dongho asked.

"I can't tell, Maybe.." Eli said.


Then it struck me that the whole UKISS are inside my room. "What the??? GET OUT!!! ALL OF YOU!!!! YOU'RE INVADING MY PRIVACY HERE!! GO AWAY!!" 

"No need to be pushy! We just came here to ask you to join us for breakfast, but it looks like you are really happy while you're sleeping so we didn't bother waking you up."

"Okay, I'll be there just let me took a bath." I said to them and they all left.


After I took a bath, I grab some clothes and wore it then went downstairs. I saw them eating and I sat on a seat beside Alexander. 

"Care to explain me the reason why you're smiley all of a sudden eventhough Yewon-noona's here? Don't tell me.. You're inlove with her!?" He said to me. I started chocking with my food and drank water quickly.

"HYUNG! As if I would do that! NO WAY!! There is no way!!" I said to him. 

"Kevin, I'm confused. First you were all crazy because that noona is back and now you're all smiley. Kevin, Are you on drugs? You can always consult me. Remember I took psychology in the States, Talk to me and don't keep that to yourself." AJ said to me. 


"WHAT THE-- AJ! I'm not on drugs okay? So I don't think I need to consult you or any other psychologists in here!" I said. "Something happened last night and NO! It's not because of Yewon-noona!" I stood up and cleaned my dirty dishes and grab my bag after I was done. "I'm going now. I don't want to be late for classes." I winked and put my bag on my shoulder.

"YAH! Clashes doshen't shtart aftar 2 hoursh!!" I heard Kiseop yelled out. 

"YAH! Kiseop-ah! Stop shouting when your mouth is full goddamit! Look at what you did! Ugh! This is my favorite shirt! You disgusting little man!" I heard AJ said then I went out of the dorm. I am so happy today and I think I know why. 


I went to music room looking for my Seohee. Yes, she's mine now! HAHAHAHA! Kidding! 

"Seo---What are you doing here?" I asked and saw Yewon-noona instead of Seohee.

"Is it true? Is what Eli said true?" She asked as she was crying.

"What is?" I said sounding so annoyed.

"That you already have a girlfriend?" She said then burst into tears again.

"WHAT!? ELI SAID THAT!?" I surprisingly said making her jump. She nodded when what I said sunk into her.

oh that Eli~~ I'm gonna beat him up! DAMN! Then I saw Seohee appeared behind Yewon-noona.


"Seohee." I called her and I saw her smile.

"Seohee!? Is that what you call her? Is that the name of the witch that took you away from me?" I heard Yewon-noona said and then I got upset and yelled at her. "DON'T CALL HER THAT!!" 

Then noona was taken aback then she came out running while crying out. "How could you do this to me?" I heard her say then she disappeared.


"Sorry about that." I said to her awkwardly.

"What was that though?" She asked.

"Do you know anti-fans that singers and idols like me have? Well, she's worst than that and she even stole my first..UGH! I hate her!" I said in frustration

"Oh, Is she the reason why you're singing that Christmas carol? So she was the one that ra--"

"Okay stop. We all know that we can stop now." I said to her "But you know what? When I'm with you I all of a sudden forgot my phobia and my trauma." I saw her looked away.

"Yeah, says the one who sings weird songs." She jokingly said to me.

"I'm serious here, Seohee. You have no idea how happy I am when you kissed me yesterday." I honestly said to her. 

"Because you are seeing the pretty Nam Seohee and not the scary Seohee." She said to me and turned around. Then when she looked at me again I saw her in the scary form of her. She went closer to me and cupped my face. "Will you still like me while seeing how scary I am?" I heard her say in an eerie voice. 

"I'm not scared of you, Seohee because I know you will not hurt me." I said to her but what confused me is how can she hold me if she was a ghost. I saw her smile and then turns back into the pretty Seohee. Then I saw her hands go through my face. I guess my question's answered. 

"Thank you for being like this." I heard her say then she smiled at me. 

I suddenly remembered what happened last night and the CD that fell from the guy that I bumped into. "Seohee, there's this guy that I bumped into and he accidentally----"

"So here you are, Seohee." I heard somebody said in an eerie voice. 

"Who--Who are you?" Seohee stuttering said to him. 

"You really don't have to. Just give me your chance and no one gets hurt." The man said to her. I stood up and went in front of Seohee to protect her. The man looks like those evil villians in the movies that has those creepy posture and scary looks. 

"Move, Filthy human! Do not interfere with the ghost's matter." He said in an eerie voice but I strongly said 'NO' "Suite yourself!" He said the disappeared and reappeared behind Seohee and dragged her by the neck.

"Seohee!!!!" I yelled.

"Kevin..Help!!!" I heard Seohee said.

Then suddenly my right arm stung and then there appeared a chinese calligraphy that I don't know what actually means.


I run towards them and I tried removing the man's arm on Seohee's neck but I can't. It just kept on going through them. I forgot I am a human and they are ghosts now. 

The man laughed evily. "You won't be able to help your poor girlfriend over here. You're just a mere human and there's nothing you can do to help her. Just admit it and better yet tell me where her chance is." The man said.

Is it true that I don't have anything to do? But Seohee trusted me with her life. I need to think of something.




Okay let's just stop it here!! *U*

Thank you all for giving me your love :)

I love you guys too!!


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Chapter 20: Omg, im crying at the ending. So amazing ;u; -uglysobbingsounds- Author-nim jjang!
valeriemillenia #2
Chapter 20: Totally awesome fanfic ^^
Chapter 20: omg! i couldnt stop reading it such a great story!! Ur amazing authornim ..
99kissme #4
Chapter 20: Amazing story ,you can b e a great author,,hwwaithing,,im crying haha
Chapter 20: Totally loving this!! Amazing story,author-nim!:)
Whimsical_Princess #6
Chapter 20: Awesome story really amazing
kevin7 #7
Chapter 20: It was so sad an i really like it
Chapter 20: SNIFFS *hugs author* *cries IT WAS SO GOOD!
Chapter 19: NO NO NO NO AUTHORNIM!!! T~T