Chapter 18: I'm not scared of you

My Girlfriend's a GHOST!?

Kevin's POV


"Damn it K.Will!! Don't you ever show up in a non-surprising way?" I asked him. 

"Okay, maybe next time I will. I'll keep that in mind. Show.Up. In. A. Non. Scary. Way. Got it!" he said while writing it on his notebook.

"K.Will, where is Seohee? Why can't I see her?" I asked in a pleading tone hoping he'll answer.

"Well, as I said before, she's kinda upset." He said nonchalantly.

"What happened?" Was it because of that video? Does she knows the guy in there? Is that it? Is it true that she remembers everything?" I said K.Will bombarding him with questions.

"Relax, Kevin. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. She's okay and as for her memories being remembered? Yeah, it is true." K.Will said gloomily.

"Why are you so down? Don't you have to be happy for her and all?" I asked in concern while I flashed a smile on him

"well, you know uhmmm.... I might miss her and such.. hmmm..well, since she's going to be human again." He replied scratching the back of his neck in an awkward manner. I really feel that it wasn't really the reason why he's that gloomly. I mean it is obvious that this sunbae is making excuses.

"BINGO!!" He said out of the blue. "I'm lying."

"How did you---?" Oh right! he's a mind-reader. I forgot. 

"Double BINGO!!" He said again. "Sorry no prize. However, even if you'll squeeze it out of me, I will never tell you why I'm that gloomy." He said. I just rolled my eyes at him. "Okay so I'm going."

"WAIT!!!" I said stopping him


"Where is she? Can I talk to her?" I asked.

"You know the answer to that, Kevin. She was always there. She just doesn't want you to see her. Didn't I told you that it's almost time?" He said making me confused again. 

"What is coming? Almost time for what?" I asked but he just disappeared. Damn that annoying sunbae! He's always confusing me. But if what he says is true then I'm 100% sure that she is the music room.

I went out of my room and grab a jacket and went out without even telling my members.


You know the answer to that, Kevin. She was always there. She just doesn't want you to see her. Didn't I told you that it's almost time?


Why doesn't she want me to see her? Did something bad happened to her? Already time for what? I asked myself as K.Will's words echoed in my head again. K.Will can be very annoying ang confusing sometimes but he was always reliable when it comes to helping people, especially when it comes to his confusing words of wisdom. 


I went inside to see no one. Everybody in the univeristy were now in their dorms since it's almost 12 midnight. We don't really have curfews in here so I'm okay with it. I called Seohee's name as the thunder crakled and shouted outside. Then the rain started pouring after that. This was like the first time i discovered her as a ghost.


"Seohee!!!! Seohee!!!!" I called her but there's no reply. "Seohee!! Show yourself to me. I know you're there. Why are you so scared of me seeing you? I thought we already talked about this?" 


"Scared?" An eerie voice echoed throughout the room as a frail and scary laugh comes after it. The lights then suddenly went out probably because of the storm outside. I can only see a figure right in front me. It was the figure of Seohee in her scary form. 


"Seohee?" I asked checking of that is really her. Then my hair started rising when a gust of cold wind passed me. My heart was racing like I was so scared. Then I saw Seohee advancing towards me and got a hold of my neck as she pushed me hard on the wall.


"What.. is. .ha..happening?" I asked her gasping for air. She was choking me. She was going to kill me. I don't even know why? "Seo.. hee?" 


"I'm gonna kill you, Kevin and after that, I'm gonna haunt your members until they can't sleep a wink." she said in a scary voice that feels like she was threatening me. Her eyes were not the gentle and warm eyes that I always see anymore. No, they were all gone. All I can see in her eyes were anger, revenge and the urge to kill. Her pale face looks more scarier than before. I'm not going to lie. I am scared. My eyes started stinging as tears fell from my eyes.


"Your tears wont work on me." She said as she tighten the grip on my neck. So I'm going to die like this? well, I think I kinda like it since I'm going to die in the arms of my love---I mean in her hands so I just closed my eyes and wait for it to happen.


"Kevin, What do you think you're doing? Can't you see that Seohee's chance will be removed whe she went on the dark side? She will forever loose her chance. Do you want that to happen?" I heard a voice inside my head said that sounds like K.Will. I managed to look inside the room and there I saw K.Will looking at me with his knitted eyebrows while shaking his head. "You are the only one that can save her.You have to save her before teh darknes will totally consume her whole." He said in a pleading tone. I haven't heard K.Will begged like this before. Is this the reason why he was gloomy earlier? But he's right. Seohee will regret this in the end. I dont want her to be like the other ghosts roaming around aimlessly. I want her to live. 


"Seohee.. You are not a killer." I managed to say eventhough I was gasping for air. I saw her eyes widen in shock as she loosen the grip on my neck. "You are more than this. Don't be like those other ghosts. You still have a chance.." I said earning a smile of relief from K.Will. Then I saw Seohee cried then let go of my neck. She then hugged me, but as expected there were no warm. It was all cold. 


"i'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Kevin." Seohee kept on repeating it to me as she cried her heart out. "I'm so sorry I was consumed by my own anger."


"It's okay. It's okay. I forgive for you. I know you didn't mean it." I said comforting her. I saw K.Will waved goodbye at me and mouthed 'thank you'. I just  flashed him a smile.

"I was so consumed into thinking that you're the reason and I didn't listen to anybody else's views. I just shut my mind and thinking of killing you for revenge." She said while crying.


"what do you mean?" I asked pulling her out of me and held her shoulders.


"You still don't remember? You are the reason for my accident."






Okay!! another update for you lovely subbies out there!!!

OMG!!! It's almost done T^T 

I'm gonna miss this story so much T____________T


Oh well, I still need to write a sequel for my other story so I have to end this and also I don't have enough ideas so might as well, end it than going on a loooooooooong hiatus that doesn't have the assurance of it finishing in time. SO yeah. So sorry subbies OTZ


See you on the next update!! Love you!!!




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Chapter 20: Omg, im crying at the ending. So amazing ;u; -uglysobbingsounds- Author-nim jjang!
valeriemillenia #2
Chapter 20: Totally awesome fanfic ^^
Chapter 20: omg! i couldnt stop reading it such a great story!! Ur amazing authornim ..
99kissme #4
Chapter 20: Amazing story ,you can b e a great author,,hwwaithing,,im crying haha
Chapter 20: Totally loving this!! Amazing story,author-nim!:)
Whimsical_Princess #6
Chapter 20: Awesome story really amazing
kevin7 #7
Chapter 20: It was so sad an i really like it
Chapter 20: SNIFFS *hugs author* *cries IT WAS SO GOOD!
Chapter 19: NO NO NO NO AUTHORNIM!!! T~T