I'll Ruin You No Matter What

Make It Up

"Zelo what happened? What did she say? Jongup asked

"She told me that they're not kissing"


"She told me that she's just removing something from his eye"

"Tch! Zelo oppa don't tell me you're gonna believe her? It's so obvious that she's just lying so that she can have both Sungjae and you."

"Removing something from his eye! Seriously don't fall for that" Kyungmi added

"But she might be telling the truth" Jongup said 

"I don't know, I really don't know what to believe anymore"

"Zelo I'm your bestfriend so whatever decision you make or whether you believe her or not, I will support you ok, I have to go for now I have something to do so I'll leave you there, Zelo I know you know what is the right thing to do"

"Yeah I hope so"

"Yah Seo Kyungmi why are you always following us aren't you gonna leave? Leave him alone ok!!" Jongup asked

"Nope I'll stay here for a while Zelo oppa need someone to comfort him"

"Zelo I'm going now don't listen too much to that girl"


Zelo nodded and Jongup left, leaving Zelo with Kyungmi.


"Zelo oppa you know I'm a girl too and for me I can sense that Kim Yuri is seriously not telling the truth!! You know there are girls like that, pretending to be true and all but on your back they have a lot of guys flirting with. That is what I think, so I'm not telling you to believe me but oppa I'm warning you, maybe you don't really know her."

"And you know there are a lot of girls out there who are more deserving, you know, it means that you don't really need to stick to that kind of girl, someone who is sooo untrue and a big major cheater. You just need to look around, Zelo oppa"


Zelo glanced at her you can see thru his eyes that he's really confused whether she's going to believe Kyungmi or not then he looked away.


"Yuri's not like that"

"Are you sure? You see it yourself and most of the people who saw the picture says that they're completely kissing how bout that?"


"What what?"

"You said most of the people who saw the picture?"

"Yeah don't tell me you didn't know?"

"Didn't know what?

"Oh my god you seriously don't have any idea"

"Would you just tell me"

"You take a look" Kyungmi handed Zelo her phone with Yuri and Sungjae's picture

"Someone publicize that picture and become a hot topic since this morning. So I guess someone saw it beside from us and spread it in the whole school. No one would believe her and if you believe on her lies everyone will say that you are really one big idiot for believing her, what now?"

"That means everyone in the school knows?"

"Absolutely, that's just right for her she's a bad person, she deserves that"

"Everyone now thinks she's a bad person"

"Because she is, aren't you thinking, she already cheated on you but you still thinks she's not worthy of that, why are you being like that?"

"What if she's telling the truth?" 

"Oh come on I already told you a hundred times that she is not and majority of the school thinks that too. You wouldn't believe that she's obviously telling a lie, what kind of excuse is that, removing something from the eye, that is so lame and old can't she think of any much better excuse than that"?

"I don't want to believe you but something in me tells me that you're right"

"Because I am, everything can change in your 2 years relationship, who knows?"

"And Sungjae is her bestfriend since middle school"

"Exactly she will chose Sungjae over you since she know him much better"

"Zelo oppa you should trust your guts and realize that what I'm telling you is the truth"

"You're right, I can't believe her, I never thought that she could do this to me, I've always loved her"

"I feel bad for you oppa you love her with all your heart and that's what she pays you in return, such a bad girl"


And that's how Seo Kyungmi brainwashed Zelo, now he hates Yuri more than ever.


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Babyangel11 #1
new reader..
Blue27 #2
Chapter 25: YOOK SUNGJAE!!! Why didn't you confessed???!!!! O_o

it took you a long time to update..
But I'm glad you're back! ^O^
Blue27 #3
Chapter 24: POOR SUNGJAE~~~I really feel bad for him.. :(((
It Kinda took you a long time to update..
I'm really missing this fic..
Though I have school~
Update soon please!
soshiramen #4
sungjae :( Poor him :(
Chapter 23: Even though I like Zelo and Yuri this couple...but I feel sorry for Sungjae><
Blue27 #6
Chapter 23: COME ON!! CONFESS SUNGJAE!! :3
Chapter 23: Awe, poor Sausage! :(
Chapter 22: Awe, heartbroken! T^T
Update soon!
Chapter 21: LoL, Zelo's so clingy! XD
Chapter 20: Hehe, lost couple, update soon!