
Daddy Hunting



I can't believe it! I can't believe how coward that stupid is! He is really pissing me off. I lie flat on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. I recall what he had said. I think his thought of me still in love to Yunjin's father is what made him to hesitate to confess to me too. I rolled to one side of the bed. I got frustrated by tha dork.


"If only he knows." I sighed.


When I step out from the room again, I saw him and my son playing around. They both stop and stare at me. Amber smiled at me awkwardly while Yunjin has a big smile on hsi face. They stop from what they are doing when Yunjin run towards me.


"Umma, Appa will bring us to the amusement park this weekend. He told me that he is going to buy a lot of toy cars for me."Yunjin said to me happily.


"Toy cars? You like cars?" I asked him.


"Uhuh."he answered and nod his head. He then flashed his smile. Okay, I didn't expect this.


"Why don't we eat outside tonight. Besides, I did win a lot of cash in my race last night."Amber said to us with his dorky smile.


"Why don't you save it rather spend it?" I replied to him which made his smile fadde away.


"Yeah, I will save some of them."he answered and force a smile. "Come on, let's go out. Don't worry, I won't forgot to pay your five bucks."He added and grinned.


Yunjin grab my hand and drag me towards Amber. He then grab Amber's hand with his free hand and he smiled at us.


"Let's eat dinner outside now, Appa, Umma."he said to us with a wide grin.


I think my son really considers Amber now as his real Dad. Well, this will be better.




I brought them into this one fancy restaurant. I don't know but I feel really happy tonight having a dinner with them here. Krystal looks more beautiful because of her dress.  Well, Yunjin and I looked handsome too today. I pulled the chair for Krystal and she said her thanks before he sat down. We give our orders to the waiter who attended us. I roamed my eyes around and notice that there quiet a lot of people here tonight. Yunjin and her are siting on the opposite side.


"Umma, you looks so beautiful tonight."Yunjin said to her which draws a smile to Krystal's face. "Right, Appa?"he added and look at me with a sly wide smile.


"Er...uhm, yeah."I answered timidly and smile.


"You don't have to lie,you know."she said to me as she rolled her eyes.


"W-What?"I asked her confusely. I got puzzled why she seems upset.


"If you don't find me beautiful, you don't need to lie to my face."she said sounding annoyed.


"Umma, don't get mad at Appa."Yunjin said to her. At least my future son is siding me.


"You looked really beautiful tonight Krys and I am not lying. You are more beautiful than all the girls here."I said to her.


I really find her the most beautiful woman in the world, not only tonight but everyday. All my life to be exact. We stare into each other's eyes. I didn't look away. I want her to see that I really mean what I said and that I am not lying. She averted her gaze and lower down her head. I curved a smile when I notice her blush. I wink at Yunjin and he smiled at me. Well honestly, he promise me to help me win her Mom's heart. We have a great dinner together, Yunjin do most of the talking. I think he got tired because he fell asleep on our way home. I carried him into their bedroom. Krystal said her thanks before I step out from their room. Since it is still early and I am not yet sleepy, I decided to hang out in the living room for a while and watch some shows on the T.V. 


"Boring, boring, boring..."I keep saying this word as I switch from one channel to another. "Aish! Why is it that there is nothing good to watch this time?!"I mumbled to myself in annoyance.


"Hey grumpy!"Krystal called me who just arrive in the room. I turn my head to her. "Why don't you watch some movie instead. There's a lot of DVD's in the DVD rack you can choose to."she continued while pointing the rack.


I walk over to the rack and check what movie I can watch. I furrowed my brows when it all mainly chick's flicks. Some about are medical drama series. A smile was drawn to my face when I find one movie which is my favorite, Cars. It's animated but I like to watch this movie again and again. I pulled it out from the rack and insert it's disc in the player.


"Seriously? An animated movie?" Krystal said to me and scoffed.


"Hey, this is fun to watch. All about racing and okay a little bit of romance." I said to her as I sat down on the chair because she is sitting on the couch.


"Only Yunjin is the one who watch that."she said to me.


"Why don't you watch it too, Princess. I know you will love it too."I said to her and smile.


"Well, let's see."she answered and laugh.


No matter how I focus my attention to the movie, I can't help myself not to check on Krystal from the corner of my eyes. This is the first time we hang out together in the livingroom. My heart starts to pound when I remember what Key and I had practiced earlier. Should I apply it now or just stick to my original plan? Aish! I calm myself and glued my eyes on the screen.


"Uhm Amber."Krystal called me which shifted my attention back at her.


"Yeah?" I quickly answered as I turn my head to her.


"I...I have something I want to tell you."she said to me without meeting my eyes. She looks like she is the one who have some confession to do.


"Yeah? W-What is it?" I asked her. I began to feel nervous about what she might say to me.


"It is about Yunjin's father."she said to me. Interesting.


"Okay. So, what about him?" I asked her curiously.


"I lied to you."she sighed. "He is not yet dead."


I know.


"Honestly, neither of my boyfriends is his Dad."she continued and hang her head low. Okay, I didn't expect this.


"So who is Yunjin's Dad?" Iasked her. She lifted up her head and looked at me. "He is not a product of just a one night stand, isn't he?" I continued as i raise my brows.


"No! Of course not!"she replied frantically.


"Good."I sighed in relief. "So, who is his Dad and where is he right now?" I added.


"He is just around."She answered briefly. "I will tell you who he is at the right time."she continued.


"Is he someone I know? Why not tell me now?"I said to her.


"Okay, I will tell you who he is but first, tell me who that girl you love. I want you to answer me honestly."she replied looking straight into my eyes. "Game?"


I'm thinking not to accept her challenge but I really want to know who that guy who got her pregnant. I got the feeling that I know him that is why Krystal won't tell me his name. If it is Myungsoo, I will jump off from the tallest building. I think this is really the night that I will confess to her.


"Game!" I answered to her and I can see that she looked more tense.








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GEoRuth #1
Still rereading this
Chapter 39: Awesome story
YourSmile-I #3
Chapter 39: One of my faves..thanks for this amazing story
ed_peniel #4
Chapter 39: Simple
27Shinobi #5
Chapter 39: good job on this story! It was a very interesting read.
Chapter 39: Your story always interesting author-nim.. Thank you for write this story.. :)
ALKimC #7
Chapter 28: Chapter 28: In terms of this chapter in particular I don't see the problem. Krystal is still part of the family (albeit basically disowned) but the minute they hear there's a child. Overjoyed that's what's gonna happen
vic_uk612 #8
Chapter 39: Smiles of happiness is all I have for this fic, awesome one
Chapter 39: this story is so amazing.chapter by chapter make me laugh.
thank for write this story author-shi
you never fail to amazed me with your stories author-shi