My Sassy Girl

SFNY One Shots


“Cheers! “ three men shouted in glee as their glasses clinked with alcohol. The night was young and so were these men.  Donghae, Siwon and Leeteuk, or also known as the three musketeers of Seoul. No. The three most eligible bachelor musketeers of Seoul. They had it all, looks, cash and glamour. There’s no better way to put it than owning a company at the age of 26 and ruling the world. 

“I can’t believe it’s you last night as a bachelor Leeteuk.” Donghae mocked the blonde haired guy beside him.

“Shut up Donghae, I’m not yet getting married. There’s no way I’m going to say yes on that arranged marriage. What if my parents set me up to a wealthy witch?” Leeteuk hissed while Siwon patted his back to make him calm down and not to spoil their moment.

“Guys, guys. Just chill, alright?” Siwon put both of his arms to bring close the two midgets. “We’re here to celebrate and have fun. Just for a second, or two, let all those romance, stra-crossed lover thing be out. After all, we won’t have any trouble finding our own, because we are..”

“THE THREE MUSKETEERS!” they chanted along and clinked their glasses again.

“So what do you guys plan on summer? Let’s go babe hunting at Sydney! What do you say Siwon?” Leeteuk suggested. He was always the culprit of such things since he was the eldest.

“It’s fine with me, I don’t know with Donghae.” Siwon playfully shot a grinning glance at the lad before him.

“Guys, you know how Jessi is with this. We can hop the beach anytime, look for girls, but please, just please, no tagging of such suspicious photos on Facebook.” He pleaded remembering how he and his girlfriend Jessica almost broke up because of the photos he was with a random girl hugging him.

“Haha! I still remember that Bali trip. Man, was that girl really hot, and she has something on you Hae. Too bad Jessica iced you on that. By the way, nice photos Leeteuk!” Siwon high-fived Leeteuk and they were both laughing from the memory of their summer last year.

Donghae was pulling an annoyed face, he liked to pick on his hyungs but he doesn’t really like getting picked on.  Not until he shifted his eyes on three girls walking inside the bar.

“Whoa. Is that Sooyoung?” his jaw was wide open, stammering on the lady who just passed by them.

“Soo-what? Who? Where?” Siwon’s eyebrows met trying to decipher Donghae’s weird actions.  

“It’s the girls from the Ceci Magazine. Correct me if I’m wrong, I think they are modeling under SM Entertainment.” Leeteuk poured a generous amount of brandy on his glass while the two eye-followed the footsteps of the girls.

“Whoa. I didn’t know they could be pretty in person.” Siwon tried not to swoon and fan boy but it just came out of his mouth.

“And they could be hot at the same time.” Donghae still has his thoughts wondering when Leeteuk hit his nape.

“Aish, you never learn fish face! If Jessica was here you’d be dead meat for sure.” He snapped on the poor kiddo who was soothing his back.

“That girl in pink, what’s her name?” Siwon finally found someone interesting for him. His eyes never left the girl who had jet black locks and wonderfully waved side swept bangs.

“Oh, that’s Tiffany. I know Jessi knows her because they both went to UCLA for college. She’s American, and came back here to pursue her modeling career.” Donghae added.

“So, you like her Siwon?” Leeteuk was giving out his infamous grin on him.  Donghae looked at his Siwon hyung and saw the sparkle in his eyes.

“Yah, Siwon! Seems like you found your next target huh? Well I think it’s time that you show Eun Ji that you can easily replace her.” Donghae vented out anger on Siwon’s ex-girlfriend who ditched him for a foreign guy.

“It seems like the stone hearted Choi Siwon has been hit by cupid again!” Leeteuk crossed his legs and lay back on the couch while Siwon’s eyes were glued to the pink princess.

“Wow, if you really like her, she’s really is a keeper but I warn you just yet, that girl needs high maintenance.” Donghae kept on butting in Siwon’s daydreaming but he was curious of what Donghae said.

“High maintenance?”  Siwon cued.

“Yeah. Like runs on Birkin, LVs and Moschino. Those superior end fashion stuff normal girlfriends squeal about. After all you can’t blame her, she’s a model.” Donghae finished and Leeteuk was just surprised hearing Donghae speak.

“Where do you know this things?” Leeteuk was very keen about his knowledge of the girls.

“Magazines..”  the black haired guy cooed but when he saw his hyungs questioning eyes on him he starts pointing out somebody. “And uh, Jessica. She knows her. Them.” He came back drinking his vodka schnapps while trying to find something that will interest him.

“I don’t mind. I think I can live up with it.” Siwon said confidently while Donghae and Leeteuk shook their heads.

“You do? Really? I remember when Eun Ji was going back and forth to Paris for work you were crying out loud of your visiting expenses for her.” Leeteuk chipped but Siwon was not shaken. The handsome young lad stood up and went to the bar counter. Donghae and Leeteuk’s eyes grew big out of surprise in his eagerness.

“One long island please, give it to that girl in pink.” Siwon tipped the bartender and he nodded. Siwon got back to his seat and saw the two guys grinning to each other.

“What?” he said with his hands and his shoulders shrugged.

“You just got real, man. Just got real.” Donghae shook his head while Leeteuk continued to act cool.

Siwon felt his phone vibrate so he took it out then Donghae came nudging him on his sides. “Hyung, hyung, I think she’s looking for you.” His excited friend told him. Siwon looked up and saw Tiffany looking from side to side searching for her secret santa.

Then their eyes met.

Swear to the heavens but Siwon felt mini-electric currents when that split second stare happened. Siwon was so into her the first sight, what made him more attracted was the way she mouthed ‘thank you’ and smiled at him. Drop dead gorgeous. He knew from that time, there has got to be a way to make that girl his.

Siwon wanted to do more that night but the two drunkards were getting into his way. Tiffany and her friends left the place while he was stuck attending to the two musketeers who were sloshed, he had to fulfill the duty of taking them home. There were regrets that he wasn’t able to get Tiffany’s number or maybe if he was too lucky, get to ask her out again.


The next day was a weekend, Siwon decided to walk down ton and maybe buy a few clothes for himself.  He passed by a men’s boutique hoping to do his little fashion shopping duties. While he was browsing through the racks of shirts, she saw a familiar back.

Slowly walking towards her, the girl was dressed in a casual shirt and shorts sporting a ponytail on. Then she turned sideways, it was Tiffany. Now’s the time Siwon! He said to himself for some motivation. He walked near her while she was busy searching through the hangers of clothes.

“Hey.” he greeted casually. Tiffany looked to his direction and saw the familiar face.

“Hey.” She beamed with a friendly smile.

“Um, uh, so you come by often here?” Siwon tried to bring up small talk but it ended up to him asking a retarded question. It was a men’s clothing store for Pete’s sake.

“Haha, well, no? I guess. I’m just searching for something.”  As she busied herself more looking for shirt designs.

“Like what?” he tried to be friendly.

“A gift?” she said then walked to the next set of shirts.

“For your boyfriend?” Siwon felt awkward saying that. He wished it was not true but who else could she be buying a gift for?

“No, haha, it’s for my brother, for his birthday.” Siwon sighed in relief.

“Maybe I can help you?” he leaned on one of the racks while Tiffany continued to search. “By the way, Choi Siwon.” He let out a hand. Tiffany shook it and introduced herself too.

“Tiffany. Tiffany Hwang.” Letting one of her eye smiles again. Siwon can’t help but smile back because of this gorgeous lady in front of him.

“So what does your brother like? Is he tall? Does he like sports or something?” Siwon shifted on one shirt to another trying to help out his new found friend.

“Hmm, he likes neutral colors. A little taller than me. But he’s not much of formal dresser. “ Tiffany said. Just at that moment, Siwon found some suggestions that could work.

“That one, the gray one and the white one. I think that will look good with loafers or shorts.” Tiffany got what he pointed out and took a good look at it.

“Hmm, I must say, I’m impressed. You really got some fashion skills.” She nodded then proceeded to check out. Siwon fist pumped to himself getting a good first impression.

“Oh, are you doing something, after?” Tiffany asked Siwon.

“Nothing ahead. Why?”

“I was wondering maybe we could get some coffee, or something. Just to repay you, I might be rummaging here all day and I needed all the help I could get picking man’s clothes.”  She explained. Siwon’s heart began to beat. ‘Could it be that she likes me too?’ he said to himself.

“Um, sure.” He nodded.

“It’s on me.” Said Tiffany then they walked to the nearest café downtown.


The two had a meaningful conversation about themselves. Siwon actually felt light with Tiffany and he could see that so is she. For every second, Siwon could not help himself but adore every part of her. She was just too gorgeous, even if Donghae told him about the high maintenance thing though.

“I have to ask you something, but please don’t be offended.” Tiffany said as she sipped her coffee.

“Go ahead, shoot.”

“By any chance, are you, gay?” Tiffany blurted out. Siwon almost stood from his seat hearing that question.

“Wae?! Do I look like one?” Siwon asked violently.

“Haha, it’s because you have good sense of fashion! There are very little number of men who have good fashion tastes, so I was wondering maybe you were gay.”  Tiffany explained as Siwon continued to shake his head.

“I just happen to be pretty neat, that’s all.” Siwon washed his hands of the accusing.Tiffany just chuckled at him, he was trying to look decent for him.

That day ended with the both of the exchanging numbers. Siwon couldn’t be happier that he’s finally got a way to talk with her when they’re not meeting up.  From day to day he made sure that he would send little messages that could make her smile. He never failed to do that, maybe it was because Tiffany also liked him on their first meeting. Now finally, she agreed on another date, after another, then another. It made them grew close and know each other more. Quite a while before they really got together. Siwon did not really believe Donghae that his girlfriend is some Gossip Girl chick who spazzes on branded couture anytime. Judging from the way they dated, it was not really leading to that truth. Or if it was a truth. But then of course, when they’re finally together, that’s when you get to know each other more.

Tiffany was inside a clothing store looking for something to try on when her phone rang crazily. Sheepishly searching through her bag, she picked up her handy phone and answered the call.

“Oppa?” seeing the ID that was Siwon.

“Neh. Are you doing something right now?” Siwon sounded tired though it was only four in the afternoon.

“Um, I’m out. Just walking.”  She said, trying not to point out that she was shopping again. Siwon always gets her with it, although it was fine with him, she thought that Siwon might notice and concludes that she’s some material girl, when she’s really not.

“Hmm, walking? I doubt that.. Haha!” Siwon , nobody knows his girlfriend more than he does.

“Alright, you know me. Hahaha, are you going out of office soon?” she asked.

“Um, yeah. I just need a stroll because I’m really, really exhausted. Where are you by the way?”  Siwon added as he slowly stows his things away.

“The usual place you love to have coffee at. Somewhere there. You have to find me hahaha.” Tiffany chuckled while Siwon was loosening his tie.

“Okay, suit yourself, I’ll be seeing you in fifteen minutes.” Siwon stood up from his seat and got his keys.

“Fine, see you Wonnie baby! Take care.” Then the call ended.


Soon, Siwon was walking down town where the couture shops were. He was right, she saw Tiffany somewhere a shoe store carefully scanning out the designs. At the sight of her, Siwon smiled to himself and entered the store. He greeted her with a surprise back hug.

“Heeey baby. And I thought I would just find you here.” Tiffany felt surprised when she sensed someone hugging her from the back.

“You’re good. Or should I say you’re the best.” Tiffany turned around and smiled at him. Then she placed a chaste kiss on his cheeks that made Siwon blush madly.

Siwon followed suit her as she went to look and try on. It was not really one of his likes to do shopping but the girl she loves just had to do it. He was a guy and he had no choice but to be with her. When they we’re finished, Siwon walked up to the counter and took out his credit card.

“I’ll take care of it.” Siwon said while smiling to Tiffany. His girlfriend gave him an are you sure look? But he just nodded and got their shopping bags.

That afternoon, they passed by many shops, one after the other. Siwon kept taking care of Tiffany’s bills. Truthfully, Tiffany found it awkward because she was used to buying things on her own terms. Then Siwon came in charging all of her things under his name.

They were walking to his car when suddenly Siwon felt Tiffany fall silent.

“Is there something wrong baby?” he asked while he transferred the bags on the other side of his hand and held Tiffany by the shoulders.

“Nothing. It’s just that you don’t really have to pay for this today. Again.” Tiffany pouted when Siwon found it cute.

“Aww, it’s nothing babe. Wonnie oppa just wants to treat his girl like a princess.” He held her arms close to him.

“But what if you grow tired of me. Don’t make me look like your material girl because I’m not.” She stopped by her feet and continued to feel guilty. Siwon looked at her a smiled.

“You really think I would see it like that? Of course not, my princess should deserve it, because she’s taking care of Wonnie oppa so well.” Siwon kissed her forehead and hugged her tight. It was true for him, he could never find anyone like Tiffany who cared for him like they were already married.


Siwon was out playing basketball with Donghae and Leeteuk when the phone in his shorts started ringing.

“Tiffbaby?” he answered while he continued to dribble the ball with one hand.

“Oppa, are you out?” she asked in a cute manner.

“Yes baby, why?” Siwon threw the ball and it landed just on the ring.

“Nothing, what are you doing? It’s already late.” She was missing him, that’s why Tiffany called.

“Playing basketball, with Donghae and Leeteuk. Did you have dinner already?” He panted.

“Neh, oppa. How about you?” Tiffany shaded concern.

“Um, maybe after this.” Siwon took a break and sat on one of the benches.

“But that’s too late, can you cook? I mean, you’re tired and all.” Tiffany asked. She was really worried about Siwon overworking himself.

“I don’t know, I’ll find out when I get home.” Siwon shrugged his shoulders.

“How about I’ll cook for you?” Tiffany showed a slight enthusiasm on her voice which made Siwon smile like crazy.

“Hmm, isn’t it late? You’ll have a schedule tomorrow right?”  Siwon looked at his wrist watch and saw it was nine in the evening.

“Ani, I don’t have. Is it okay if I’ll stay over?” she asked again. Siwon couldn’t keep his happiness with Tiffany’s little gestures.

“Hm, okay. If that’s fine, but baby, you don’t really have to do this, I know you’re tired too.” Siwon said apologetic.

“Oppa, I know you’re more tired. Just come home immediately, okay? I love you!” she said on the line.

“I’m really lucky having you. Alright, I love you too baby.” He said then they ended the call. At that rate Siwon packed his things which made the two lads surprised. He lied about getting fixed something at the office when Donghae and Leeteuk knew that it was about Tiffany.


Siwon came home smelling the food at his doorstep. It smelled good. Walking to the kitchen counter, he saw Tiffany busied herself to make some dinner for him. Siwon surprised her with a back hug.

“I’m home.” A smile crept on Tiffany’s face feeling Siwon’s touch. She faced him a wrapped her little arms around his neck.

“Dinner’s almost ready. Get a shower first okay? You’re still sweaty.” She kissed the tip of his nose.

“But I still smell good right?” Siwon wanted to cuddle a little bit longer because he missed her so much.

“But not as good as the food. Haha, just get changed big boy.”  Another kiss landed on his cheeks that almost got him crazy. The way he has fallen head over heels for Tiffany was really different.

While he fixed himself, Tiffany prepared the table for Siwon. He was combing his hair when he saw the arranged table for him.

“Dinner’s ready!” Tiffany said. Siwon sat himself comfortably and pulled Tiffany to sit on his lap. She was surprised by his sudden clinginess. He could get all so lovey dovey when things like this happen.

“Feed Siwon baby.” He tried to do aegyo but it ended with Tiffany covering his face.

“Eh. Stop with the aegyo please. I won’t feed you!” Siwon just chuckled and Tiffany brought a kimbap to him to eat.

“Is it good?” she asked.

“Hmm, it could work.” Then Tiffany hit him on his chest. “Aw! But it’s good really.” He placed his thumbs up.

“You should eat more, you’re becoming skinnier. You work too much, then stay up late, then skip meals. That’s not good.” Tiffany leaned on him while he continued munching his dinner that she made. Siwon felt warm that Tiffany did this for him, even his ex-girlfriend never worried this much for him.


They were driving around the city, looking for a good place to eat when Siwon saw Tiffany looking intently at him.

“Hm, is there something funny on my face?” she shifted eyes to Tiffany then to the road. She saw Tiffany shook her head.

“Then what is it?” his hands went to her seat.

“I just thought of you. I’m really lucky having a boyfriend like you.” Then she came near and kissed SIwon’s cheeks. Siwon was burning with blush with the sudden display of affection.

“It should be the other way. I’m really lucky having Tiffany Hwang as my girlfriend.” He intertwined his hands with hers .

“Wae? What do you like about me?” It was the first time Siwon heard Tiffany ask something like that.

“Hmm, you’re pretty, the hottest girl maybe, we’re a perfect match.” Siwon stated, he looked at Tiffany and saw that she’s a bit disappointed, then he continued to speak.

“Most of all, you’re thoughtful, sweet, caring, the way you worry for me, I love that. It’s nice having that one person think about you and wait for you, and sometimes I can’t help but to be clingy over you. Because you’re every guy’s dream girl. Because you’re really worth it.” Siwon kissed her hands and Tiffany can’t help but to smile hearing those words from Siwon. He remembers every single detail of how Tiffany made things easier for him.

He remembers that no matter how she was simple and how simple things made her happier. Clearly, some people just see the little outside of her, being all glam and such but Siwon appreciated her even more when he sees that she likes everything simple and that she liked simplicity.


“Oppa, what time are you coming home?” Tiffany cooed cutely on the phone.

“Hmm, at maybe I miss you o’clock?” Siwon retorted and Tiffany giggled on the other line.

“How about you, what time does your photoshoot finish?”

“Um, at I miss you even more o’clock?” she thought it was a good comeback and Siwon stood up facing the city view from his room’s window.

“Want to go for dinner tonight? Siwon offered.

“Dinner out again? But we just had one last weekend.” She cute little pouty voice echoed in Siwon’s ear, he chuckled and asked her what she wanted.

“Then, what do you want to do tonight?” he asked again.

“Let’s watch DVDs at home. I have new ones!” she was like a five year old when she suggested this to Siwon.

“Okay, then DVD night it is then, I’ll pick you up later okay?” Siwon added.

“Neh, see you later oppa!” Dropping the call, Siwon smiled to himself. What a luck, who else could you find like that?


Their day ended after having a dinner out. Siwon drove Tiffany home and before she got out of the car, Siwon confessed something.

“Have I told you that I really, really love you?” he daced her while saying those words. Tiffany’s face painted a big question mark on what he was saying.

“Huh?” she snapped.

“Tiffany, I just, can’t live a day not hearing your voice on the phone. I can’t got for a week not feeling your kiss or hugging me close. And I can’t go on this lifetime not being able to take care of you like you cared for me. I, I know this will be such a rush and the courage won’t take me far as you wanted but, I, I feel like it.” His words were not coming together but Tiffany was feeling something else.

“Oppa?” Tiffany looked at Siwon who was building up tears.

“Will you marry me?” Siwon held out a velvet box and revealed a ring on it. Tiffany’s heart suddenly beats crazy and Siwon anxiously waited for her answer. There were unsure looks on their faces and it made them both nervous.

“Siwon, I, I—“

“Tiffany, will you marry me?” he asked again, seeing hesitation in the girl’s eyes, he will breakdown anytime soon.

“Siwon, what I was trying to say was, I…










Love you too. I will.” Hearing those words, a tear dropped from his eyes and he hugged Tiffany tight. He smiled like crazy and laughed awkwardly.

“I bought this earlier before we met. I just felt it was right baby. And you made the happiest man of me.” Siwon brought their faces near, eliminating the space, and finally sealing it with a sweet kiss.

DONE AND DUSTED! Hahaha sorry if it was so much in just one shot. LOL.

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