Sweet Disposition

SFNY One Shots


“You are a lover. Borrow Cupid's wings
and soar with them above a common bound.” 

“Good morning…” his hoarse voice told her senses. Both lying in bed, swaddled between the sheets, she found her movements restricted by the way he snatches her body close to his. The alluring scent of his manly musk lingers, thus drawing her to take advantage of this sweet situation on the start of the day.

He gazes onto her, lovingly. Smiles were exchanged, and words didn’t have to come by the moment. Strands of her silky hair flips on the sides of her face as a gush of wind came by from the window. These hair strands made him touch her soft skin and clip her brown locks on the back of her ear. She giddied on the little gesture, buried her shy face on the corners of his neck and held his waist like it was cold enough to get her warm.

“I love you.” The guys whispered softly. She tucks in and tightens her grip around his body.

Time ran slowly.

As if they were holding it back from ticking.

“Siwon…” her voice made him flinch a bit, it reminded him of the things he really loved about her.


“I don’t want to stand up.” She chuckled, trying to get every piece of his attention to hers. The feeling of comfortably lying down with him and the morning got her lazy bones. She feels Siwon’s fingers lightly tickling her sides and smiling in between the soft kisses he placed on her cheeks.

“We could just lie here all day if you want… Maybe cuddle, exchange a few kisses and…” leaning close to her and trying to snatch a kiss.

“But I’m hungry.” Sometimes her frank being gets in the way but after a few winks they exploded in to laughter.

“Haha, okay, okay, I get it. So I’m standing up, and I’m going to make Princess Tiffany her breakfast in bed.” He initiated, jumping out of the cozy position and playfully doing a curtsy that caused her beam a wide smile. That’s what happens when you get to be with the person you love the most, it’s like someone telling you to go live you life the way you want it but no, you wanted to stay and make the sacrifice. That beautiful restriction of getting all hyped of serotonin.

“Hwaiting! Make a good one arasso?” before he could get away Tiffany pulled him by the hem on shirt shirt. Locking her cute arms around his neck and making their expressive eyes meet. A wink from her gave him a sensitive tingle and kissed the tip of her nose in the process.

“I will of course, wait for me.” Generating a charming face that swooned her right then and there.


“Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged!
Give me my sin again.”


“You kiss by the book.” 

“So, what do you think?” as promised, her small wish by granted by her loving prince. A meal in bed for little miss lazy bones. All his interest was on her, watching her eat. Tiffany gained consciousness and shifted her attention to him.

“Your cooking skills impress me so much. And why are you not eating?” Carefully putting a slice of the omelette he made on the fork. Siwon felt like a toddler being taken care of, but his sight never left her and her affections.

“You should stay with me often, rather than sulking in your apartment on school nights.” The aroma of the warm coffee rolled under his nose as he took a sip. Tiffany felt a sting of guilt, she shouldn’t be sneaking out of the dormitory to meet him nor could she take not seeing this pretty boy for not more than a week, but the latter always mattered most.

 “Hey, I have school, and you have work, I think we are just equally busy. I don’t know why you couldn’t get enough of me when I’m giving you everything you want.” She muttered as she fed him again.

“That’s exactly why.” Pressing his lips on her cheek, feeling the prickle Tiffany nudges her shoulder and the boy just flinches more to her side.

“Such a baby. You’re so lucky I’m not getting away with all of this.” She crinkles her nose while he stares at her dotingly but he couldn’t suppress the smile he got.

“Damn lucky. Well you’re lucky too right? For getting the guy of every girl’s dreams right under your spell.” His overconfidence lack a annoyance, instead she found it really charming.

“And the world’s best cook. I love you Siwon.” She finished it off with a quick seal on his curved lips.

“I love you too baby.” Moving towards her, aiming for another one but they were disturbed by a phone ringing on the bedside table.

“I’m just going to answer this message baby. We’ll clean up later, kay?” she parted their intertwined fingers and went away with an obvious smile on seeing her caller.

He might be her lucky one, she might be his lucky one… Might.


“Love moderately. Long love doth so.
Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow.”

“Siwon. STOP. LOOKING. AT. ME.” She slammed the book shut that was lying on her lap. The boy got out of his daydream from across the couch. Who’s to blame? He can’t help but have sweaty palms and a fast heartbeat seeing her across the room, her hair with streaks of brown tied into a messy perfect bun and her glasses on the bridge of her nose.

“What? What now?” Sometimes they would see themselves in a petty love fight like what is happening right now. It was finals week, she had to double her effort on academics, going over to Siwon’s unit was out of the plan but the lad insisted. Tiffany could never say no to this man. Given the condition that he would stay away while she was reviewing, he was such a damn perfect distraction but it wouldn’t be a good excuse to fail the exams.

“You have been staring at me, smiling to yourself the past two hours, now you ask what’s up. Seriously, I’m going to lose my head off you.” She tried to go back reading, not wanting an impromptu debate with the guy few feet away from her. Grinning like crazy.

“You said to back off you from a distance, that’s the only condition. You never told me I can’t stare at you. As far as I know I’m not violating anything.” He sat back comfortably watching her get annoyed. It won’t be for long, he thought.

“Ugh.” A hint of disdain from her. It was serious business this time, anticipating how could this turn into a big fight over the week Siwon willingly stood up and grabbed his keys.

“That’s it, I’m leaving you for a while. But make sure when I get back, I’m free from restraint. Just so you know, it’s hard to resist you.” He stood and the door slammed shut. Tiffany was now alone, somehow realizing how rude her words might be that Siwon initiated to leave. Haved out a sigh and went back to her books.


“These sudden joys have sudden endings. They burn up in victory like fire and gunpowder.”

“You’re done?” before she knew it, Siwon was standing on the doorstep with something on his hand. As the event earlier replayed on her head, she wanted to come up to him and make up for the unsettled argument between them.

She didn’t want to respond, not because she’s mad but she was building up the guilt inside of her.

“I got ice cream for my A+ lister.” Siwon sat beside her and she end up moping by herself slowly realizing how much this man cared for her.

“Is… there something wrong?” his eyes painted worry of her silence. It was ear deafening but it was replaced with her arms of love clutching his.

“I’m sorry.” She tried to quiet down her sobs. Siwon was just clueless of what she was asking forgiveness for.

“Hey, hey what’s the matter?” he afforded to be gentle, a woman is at its weakest point when she’s in the brink of tears.

“I’m sorry for setting you out earlier. I didn’t mean that.” All this time she was feeling the remorse of her actions.

“Come here.” She comforted herself in his muscly frame. “It’s nothing, I understand, I completely understand why. It’s for your future, and for us.” He finished with a kiss on her forehead.

“Hmm?” was clouded out by the last phrase he said.

“You don’t want another year of pre-med school delaying our marriage right?” Siwon tried to play jokes and she found it wonderful yet appalling to be talking about settling down.

“What!” she gasped and face turning instant red.

“Just kidding babe, hold on to this. I’m getting spoons.” He stood up still leaving her in a daze of saying they were about to be married.

He returns only to find out that Tiffany was busy talking to someone on the phone. She was happy by the way she talked and her face brightened from a gloomy one.

“Yeah, thanks a lot for the help Nick. I appreciate it.”

“Noooooo, you’re really funny!”

“I really wish too, maybe we could do that some other time!”

He sat himself looking at her. Covering his half disappointed, half jealous face. Siwon accepeted the truth that Tiffany was the friendly type of girl, but somehow he can’t feel at ease with this one friend of Tiffany. They fought over him a number of times but he can’t just shun that guy away from her life, it would cost as much as their relationship.


“He that hath the steerage of my course,
Direct my sail.” 

“I’ll just get something in Yuri’s room, wait for me here arasso?” Siwon visited her for a surprise date, it was a good timing because she nothing to do but to spring clean.

“Hey, um can I use your phone? I need to call Leeteuk and my phone’s dead.” He remembered the task of calling over one of his co-workers to take over the work he left in the office.

“It’s on the top of my dresser inside the room. I’ll be very quick.” The door slammed shut and Siwon was flabbergasted not knowing where to start. It was his first time coming inside a girl’s room, his girlfriend’s room.

He looked around, careful of each step. Pink. Huh.

Siwon couldn’t believe his eyes, her pink obsession was something serious. Gazing around, he felt interested with the things she had in her private space.

On the bedside table, she had an old family photo and their first photo as a couple. He smiled remembering that moment. Over to her vanity mirror, she had random sticky notes of little errands, some outdated and some were there just of the heck of it. He saw his high school ID photo stuck in one of the corners of the mirror. What an appreciative girl, but he had to admit, he loathed how he looked on the photo.

Dashing around, there were books, and random bunches of papers, maybe for her reading. Siwon saw one of his shirts worn to a bear. It was cute seeing the bear with the oversized shirt. Clearly remembers how she got the shirt from his closet.

But one thing caught his interest.

There was a photo sticking out in one of her medical books piled on the desk. Pulling it out on the process, it was a group photo of their class. The time that they went to Jeonju for immersion. His eyes shifted to Tiffany.

And the guy beside her arms threw on her shoulders. Nichkhun.

He shook away his thinking. Eventually remembering what he was there for, Tiffany’s phone. He came by the dresser and pick it up. Unlocking it, he saw that a photo of him was in the background, he was held aback, wanting to erase the thought of being mad at her. After all that guy was just a friend. Just a friend.

About to make a call, the phone vibrated and a message came popping out the screen.

Nichkhun: Have a happy spring break ahead Tiffany! I will miss you. See ya next term…

That fueled up his anguish again. What was he to her?! The game of love was unfair, it was like a tough competition and Nichkhun had the chance to get her from him.

“Oh, I am fortune's fool!” 

“Siwon, what is this for?” the blindfold in her eyes couldn’t cover the curiosity she had. Cold wind blew against her skin while Siwon carefully guided her to each step.

“Just a little bit more.” And they stood together on a place that seemed to be high and open.

“Can I take this off?” she didn’t wait anymore for his signal. She loosened the tie and there was a dinner with candlelight, one of the most romantic things a man could ever do. And they were standing on the rooftop of Siwon’s apartment complex. Only the two of them in a vast empty space.

“So did you cook?” they decided to sit side by side and Siwon randomly fed her the Italian dinner he made.

“Of course, I know you love my cooking.” She flinched at him, the simple dinner turned into their intimate moment. Tiffany enjoyed it very much and so did Siwon, but there was recoil in his thoughts all this time.

“Don’t move you have something here.” She got hold of the table napkin and wiped the sauce on the sides of his face. He smiled at her but his eyes shifted somewhere, the wine that was sitting there for too long.

“Oh, try this.” He brought the glass near to her.

“Eh, you know I don’t drink.” She taunted. Her dad was strict about alcohol binging. She was dead serious of obeying that.

“Come on. Just won’t drink, won’t hurt, not even a single dizz.” Siwon pleaded, but Tiffany gave in, she brought the glass near her lips and took the safest sip.

“How was it? Good?” Siwon laughed at her cute make face for the sweet bitter taste of the wine.

“Urgh, weird.” She crinkled her nose and continued munching on her pasta.

He breathed in between. He just had to do it.


“Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs.” 

“Siwon, I’m getting dizzy…” she had heavy steps and Siwon was practically dragging her to his unit. He had to put up solely with her weight and the feeling he had inside.

“Almost there baby. Just wait.” His palms were sweating but he managed to get the key in his pocket.

Dragging both of their feet in to his room, Siwon threw her small frame on the bed that was accented with rose petals. For what it was for, nobody knows but him. Tiffany lied completely in bed with her eyes closed. Siwon sat on the edge, watching her lie there peacefully. He felt sorry but it was not too long, he wanted everything to be right and erase out the wrong.

He then stood up and whispered three words in her ear: ‘I love you’

Her eyes tightly shut, and she shall never refuse. 


“If love be rough with you, be rough with love. Prick love for pricking and you beat love down.” 

He was restless, walking back and forth in the kitchen. Holding a glass of water, the thought ruined his senses. Beads of sweat were trickling down his skin. He leaned by the kitchen counter and finally dropped a sinful capsule that dispersed with the liquid.

The color changed to crimson red. He mustered his strength and breathed deeply. Mustering all his courage, he gulped down the whole glass of what seemed to be his own brand of venom. Seconds rushing in his senses numbed and cold overtook his body. He tried to stay up and walk to the lifeless girl lying in their peaceful nest.

Siwon lied beside her giving her a kiss, he intertwined the hands as his body start to weaken. Shock. He felt the freeze creeping in his veins. Slowly things flashed back in an blur instant, happy thoughts and the realm of loving her to the other side of life. Right then and there, the last ounce of air he breathed out, wishing thsi true love is something about.

For once he had to make her his, in their own world where love is a bliss.


“Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow, 
that I shall say good night till it be morrow.

For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.”


A/N: Hello people of SiFany planet! Hehe! Im back from outer space lol. A bit lonely tho, not much Sifany fics were updated during the past days T^T but here I am, with a new fic/one shot. Kinda different from the past ones I have written. Kinda open ended too? IDK if I delivered it well. I wanted a bit of angst on it. BTW, I was inspired by one of the local MVs here so I wrote this up. Hope I can get feedback on areas of improvement. :) :3 MUCH APPRECIATED! Anywhoooo, thank you for reading ;D


P.S. I deleted the Idiot's Guide To Taking Care of Your Girlfriend, had bummed out ending it. SORRY T^T T^T

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Chapter 17: This is so adorable ;-; I'm dying~~~~
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