6: You're Drunk.

Ways to Love Her.


Chapter 6: You're Drunk


Quick Recap: In the last chapters, G-Dragon and Yoona experience emotional life events.


Now, let the story continue.


Yoona is no where to be found.

SNSD where still performing lives for the beginning of the Year.

BUT, Yoona runs away from her obligations.

Yoona just wants everything and everyone to just disappear right now. She is in a very low point in her life and so she isn’t thinking rationally.  Her father still haven’t woken up. Her unnies don’t know of her trouble and treat her kind of rudely because Yoona is acting strange.

And most of all, Yoona has no one to share her burdens with. No one.

Though she doesn’t want to trouble her unnies during this productive year with her hardship, it still hurts her.



Giyong had packed his bags and moved into another hotel.

Of course GD is still upset by his current situation. Taeyang put him in a pickle. He didn’t wanna screw up his upcoming album or Taeyangs activities. But him trying to be nice wasn’t really helping himself feel any happier.

Also, he doesn’t know how to face Seungri, too. He is a bit ashamed in himself for being late - ONCE AGAIN, and not keeping his anger to himself.

Later that night, G-Dragon walks to the nearest place for a drink. He is stressed out and gets a glass of Sansachun (wine) to calm his nerves. But he doesn’t drink a lot. He is using his time alone to think of a cool plan on how to fix his Taeyang problems.


“Yah..Taeyang. Why don’t you talk to me about things like that?” G-Dragon talks to himself as he got drunk slightly.

He takes more sips of his drink. “Ahhhhhhh~ sigh I hope the others don’t get to upset that I moved out like this. I just need sometime alone to think.”

JUST THEN, Yoona walks in to the place to get a drink. Giyong does not see her, as he expects nothing. There were a little bit of people at this place at this time of night.

Yoona and a random man orders a drink at the same time. After waiting for a few, Yoona grabs her large glass and walks toward the dining sets.

Yoona takes a big gulp of her drink. But….She ordered a light, mild wine..The one she is drinking seems kind of strong.

Yoona stops drinking and wonders. “Ahhhhh~ This is stronger then what I’m use to. Its bitter.” She said out loud as she walked to the back of the bar stand.

But, she, unaware of the outcome, continued to drink the strong wine. The more she got drunk, the more she drank.


Moments later…

A drunk Yoona stumbled into the back of the bar center. Her vision is blurred and she thinks she see a soft bed in front of herself. She falls over slightly, and right before she loses balance completely, she is snatched up by Kwon Giyong, who catches her almost unintentionally.

“Whoa, slow down there, lady.” Giyong said as he tried to get a look at the thin, drunk woman. “It looks like you drunk to much tonight.”

Her hair was a mess because she was slouching and stumbling. You couldn’t see her face.

Yoona slumped down over GDs arms muttering. “I don‘t go easy on myself. I will, drink and drink cuz life just isn’t fair. No one knows. Wheeeeeee~

G-Dragon, confused and a bit sympathetic listens to this random woman (Yoona) cry dry tears. He puts her down on a chair and sits directly in front of her. She is still slumped over, however, as her long hair covered her face.

“You seem to be having a bad day too, huh?” Giyong asked indirectly as he started drinking his glass of wine. “My business might be over because of a partner of mine, who I treated like a brother. If this doesn’t work out, everything I worked on within the last 10 years could be over…Someone that I work with also hurt my feelings..” He exaggerated.

“That’s horrible!” Yoona shouted vividly as she choked slightly. “Your partner and life is the worst!”

As she replied in a manner less fashion, Giyong becomes slightly alarmed as his eye squinted in wonder.

“Yeah….Um, how many drinks did you have?” He asked curiously.

“Seven…” She said back still looking downward. “I’m probably going to drink a lot more too. I‘m going to drink so much that the next time my unnies see me, I‘ll be PSY.”

While mumbling to Giyong, Yoona slides over into her seat - occasionally losing consciousness in that seat.

“Can you blame me?!” She finished talking vividly. “I’m also having a horrible day!”

“What is the matter Miss?” He wondered in concern for this woman who seemed at the end of the line.

“My father might be dying…” She states as he could begin to hear her cry a bit. “Everyone would know its my fault my dad is sick. I‘m the worst…”

Kwon looked down in understanding.
Though to him, his life was at a horrible point; after hearing her traumatic life, he began to see how much worst life could be.

“I see.” Giyong said softly. “I’m sorry your life is so misfortunate. I wish I could switch lives with you. You must be really sad.”

“YOU BET!” She yelled back still looking down. She then erupts into laughter. “Kekekekeke. So, how about you get another drink with me? Where both having horrible days…Lets make it go away. Disapearrrrrrrrrr~ She mutters as she started falling asleep.

G-Dragon fault sincerely bad for her, but he felt a bit uncomfortable getting drunk with a girl he absolutely didn’t know.

“Please. DRINK, DRINK, DRINK and I promise you will feel better by tomorrow.” She tried to convince him to join her in her unintentional self-destruction.

“Alright.” He agreed hesitantly in sympathy. “I only had one glass so….BESIDES, If drinking helps you get through the night, I’m willing to help.”


Writer: Giyong being kind and thoughful >.<

“Hurray!!” She said to him as she jumped up, looking at him, and revealing her face.

A shocked Giyong gasped quietly as he looked at YOONA. “Yoona…Its you…?”

“Yep.” She replied. “Who on earth are you?”
She asked as she pointed her face towards his voice, not his face because her eyes were closed.

Giyong turned speechless all of a sudden.

Yoona, the sweet, beautiful and strong woman that just saved his twice is standing before him destroying herself. Besides from that fact that he found her to be a object of slight affection, he didn’t really know how to act around this extremely popular woman.

“Its me…Giyong. G-DRAGON. The guy you helped out recently….in the elevator and at the New Year live.” He explained nervously.

"OH!” She shouted back as she put her hand on his knee flirtatiously. “Its Giyong-opa! Wow, you really are amazing these days! Just doing everything.”

A very confused Giyong, looked at her hand in worry as she talked unclearly. “I always thought you were talented. Not just talented but cute and funny, too. By the way, thanks for staying here and joining me for a drink. I appreciate it.”

Giyong blushes slightly as he pulls his knee back swiftly.

“G-DRAGON.. Your partner. He isn't thinking much for you.. I hope things work out for you. The guy that was mean to you, try not to let him get to you. Okay?” Yoona said to him as she fell asleep.

“Yoona-shi..Yoona..You okay?” He asked gently. “I don’t think you should drink anymore. You're really wasted.”

As he tried to listen for her vital signs, she falls over onto the floor. “YOONA!?” He shouted concern as he goes over her. “Do you need to go to the hospital? Yoona, wake up.. You alright?”

“I’m fine..” Yoona mutters indecisively as she cried more. “I’m sorry…I’m wasting your time and acting like a fool. Please, if your done at this bar, leave me here. I just wanna quit at everything…Stop liv…”

Giyong stood up as she tells him to leave.

He looked at her, not knowing what to do for her or himself.

Its dangerous for a girl to be here drunk like this…You better get someone to take you home. If you stay there in this physical state, there is no telling what will happen to you tonight. Please get someone to take you home, Yoona…Okay…?” He talked to her but she didn’t respond back.

He moves his head/ear closer to hear her but hears her snoring. G-Dragon sighs slightly and looks to the bars door.
Five minutes later.

Giyong is driving a car as Yoona slept in a uncomfortable position in the passenger seat. He looked to her in concern and then puts his eyes back on the road.

15 minutes later.

Giyong has brought Yoona to his place (hotel) but purely out of concern for her well being.


She is sitting down on a chair in his room half sleep. Her head is down as she utters weird things here and there. “Kwon Gi-yong. Where am I?" She asked (her head is still pointed toward the floor).

“My hotel.” He replied in a confident manner, however, his confidence is misleading for he is feeling kind of pressured by her very presents. “You fell asleep at the bar and I was afraid something bad might have happened if I left you there. Are you woke enough to tell me your address. I could drive you home before it gets to late.”

“Ha-ha-ha.” She laughed not paying him any attention. “Look. I have a can of beer in my pocket…………I think, I think I’ll drink it…”

G-Dragon walked up to Yoona and grabbed the can of wine. NO. I refuse to let you get anymore drunk. Its dangerous and your not acting yourself.”

Giyong takes the can of wine from Yoona as he becomes upset. “Says the guy who did a funny dance at the bowling alley in Japan. Fine. I won’t drink, but that won’t make me feel any less sad.” She talks randomly as she bends over, falls to the floor roughly and falls asleep again.

As she does, someone yells from behind the rooms door. “KWON GIYONG! What are you doing? Is that a girl in your room? Open the door.” It is G-Dragons boss.


Message: Yoona is not acting herself at all. The fact that she is VERY drunk is making her say, see and do things she wouldn’t normally do. Because she is so drunk, some of her inner thoughts are being blunted out of . Of course, G-Dragon, who isn’t really drunk at all, finds this whole situation to be quite alarming. But somehow, as they both share their problems, they feel more at ease in each other company. Even if the company is awkward!    




Next Chapter. "Makelove?" The name says enough.

What will happen?

Hey, you wanna know what happens next? Please COMMENT. Give us some attention. >.<
Love Jin and Roe~

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Chapter 18: I really wish this story would continue
Chapter 17: I really laughed too much in this chapter
Chapter 16: Jiyong doesn't miss the opportunity haha
Chapter 15: It wasn't Jiyong's best moment
Chapter 14: oh god, Jiyong's jealousy will be at its peak
Chapter 13: Yoona was definitely very nervous
Chapter 12: OMG, because I didn't remember this moment.
Chapter 11: I laughed too much in this chapter
Chapter 10: I got excited again like the first time I read it
Chapter 9: it will be the start of something ☆