
“Donghae-ah! Don’t forget to go with me tomorrow; we have to meet a friend.” Eunhyuk said for like the nth time already.

“Arasso… How many times should I answer your question? But remember Eunhyuk, don’t expect that I’ll stay there for long okay? I’m busy with some things.” Donghae said then stared at his friend with a non trusting look.

“With things? Or with that mysterious girl? Come on Hae, why don’t you just introduced yourself, aren’t you tired?” Eunhyuk said with a tired expression.

“Yah! Mind your own business. I’ll introduce myself soon.” Donghae just nod his head and smiled.

"Soon my …” 

After their business conversation Donghae left and went home.


Donghae went inside their house but he was stopped when Sunmei welcomed her with a suspecting eyes and smile.

“What?” Donghae said and rolled his eyes then stared at his little sister whose height is almost half of his body.

“Where have you been?” 

“Why should I tell you? Are you eomonie?” He raised his eye brow and sticks his tongue out but he noticed that Sunmei didn’t even get pissed but instead she smirked like a little devil.

“I know where you have been, no need to keep your secret oppa, sooner or later we’ll find it out........ so spill it before I will.” Sungmin said with a "DUH" tone.. Donghae became curious to what his sister was trying to say so he just said “HUH?”

“You obviously went to your girlfriend and hey oppa, mind to introduce her to us soon? I want to get to know her.” He was about to answer back when suddenly their mother appeared and unfortunately she heard their conversation.

“Is that true son? You have a girlfriend?” no madness was seen in his mother’s eyes but instead it was gladness.

Donghae was speechless; he doesn’t have any idea what was happening and where the hell did his sister find that news or heard maybe.

“Speak son, that’s a good news, no need to keep it a secret and are you already planning the wedding now?” his mother said and excitement was visible in her voice.

“But... but I’m not in a relationship. I don’t know what you’re talking about, so Sunmei, a 10 year old girl like you must not spread false news.” He told them seriously. It appears that he was telling the truth but the little kid cannot be easily defeated.

“So… you’re telling that I’m lying? Just tell the truth or else…” Sunmei threatened and smirked like nothing happened.

“Or else?” Donghae and his mom said in chorus.

“Or else, I’ll show to umma her picture.” Sunmei doesn’t want to be caught that she sneaked inside her brother’s room but it was what she needed the most right now in order to prove that she’s not lying.

“What picture?” Donghae asked whose forehead wrinkled out of curiosity but then his eyes widened then he shouted. “YOU DIDN’T!!”

“But I already did oppa, I saw a very pretty eonnie in your hidden room, she has so many photos there and it’s impossible if she’s not your girlfriend because I didn’t see any picture of girlSSS there except for her and it’s not my fault, YOU DIDN’T LOCK YOUR DOOR!” She defended and shouted back.

She knows that she will be in so much trouble now but who cares? Her mom and dad is there to save her and she knows for the fact that Donghae will forgive her soon enough.

“What the hell are you doing inside my room? You know that it’s forbidden and DUH Sunmei, even though I didn’t lock the room it’s understandable that it’s not allowed to go inside! Since the beginning of time!” Donghae raised his voice but he tried to control himself.

“So is she your girlfriend? And why so defensive son?” His mom asked and a smile can be seen in the corner of her lips.

“No mom… She’s not.” He said then he thought “But I hope she is” then he was shocked to hear his thought, where the hell was that imagination came from?

“Then who is she?” 

“I don’t know…” he said in an annoyed tone but it was the truth, he doesn’t know her.

“Then why do you have so many pictures of her?” Sunmei raised her eyebrow still adding a fire to her brother’s head.

“YAH!! Enough of this discussion! From now on, you little brat is ban inside my room so it means that you’re also ban to touch my door! Arasso?!” Donghae yelled like a defeated child and walked out feeling so frustrated for an unknown reason.


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Chapter 19: OMG ! it's so ROmantic ! :) <3 I love it! :)
I really l0ve it. So r0mantic . I will surely subscribe to all of y0ur st0ries. Daebak. :)
Huining #3
Okay... I got addicted to your story. -_- I want to kill yoona and stab her... I'm gonna ask the help of sunmei =)))
/triple kill yoona!
new reader. eagerly waiting for your update.. <br />
<br />
update soon :D