
We arrived in Donghae’s house and we were welcomed by her Mom. I bowed down as a sign of respect while Yoona just went toward Hae’s mom and kissed her cheek.

“Eomeoni, Meet your future daughter-in-law.” Donghae said and laughed but I was shocked when he said that but when I saw how her mom smiled I felt relieved for an unknown reason/

“Ah! Hyunseo-sshi darling, it’s nice to finally meet you.” I felt welcomed when Mrs. Lee called me darling.

“Nice to meet you too Mrs. Lee.” I bowed down again but I was stood up by her soothing hand and held me inside.

“Unnie!!!!” I heard the little voice of Sunmei who ran toward me and hugged my waist.

“Sunmei.” I patted her head and walked with her inside their house.

Yoona’s POV

I was in complete awe when I heard Donghae said the word “daughter-in-law” Am’ I really too late now? Don’t I have any chance now? I thought that when I come back here I will finally have his heart but I guess someone already caught it. This Hyunseo who suddenly appeared and ruin everything… aissh.

“Sunmei.” I heard her call the little one. It’s been 5 years since I last saw her, will she remember me? But I have a bad feeling with Hae’s sister it feels like she doesn’t like me because of how she glares at me when she saw me hugged her mother and father.

“Anyeong Sunmei, do you still remember me?” I asked and smiled toward her.

“I don’t know you.” She plainly said and glared at me. This little kid is pissing me off... good thing Donghae saw it.

“Yah! Manners Sunmei, she’s also your unnie so be kind to her.” Donghae defended me. I know I still have a chance.

“Whatever… Eonnie, I’ll go early tomorrow okay? I told mom to buy me the shoes you told me.” This girl is a threat.

“Hyunseo-sshi, did you know that Sunmei always talks about you on the phone? We were out for business trip this whole 3 months..when you and Donghae started dating.. I really thought that Sunmei will be a nuisance but whenever she talks about you she’s always happy dear.” Donghae’s mom said. This is not right, Hyunseo is getting all their attention I should work my off as soon as possible.

“Sunmei loves you as well Love, I didn’t know that she will accept you easily.” Donghae said and irritates me whenever I hear him say the word “love” that was supposed to be me.

“Yes, I love her oppa because….” Sunmei smirked but was cut when Hae starred at him. I think this two is hiding something and I don’t care, this is too childish but then all of them laughed at how cute sunmei reacted but for me it was really annoying but of course, I have to laugh along.

“Eommoni, I brought some gifts to all of you but I forgot it at home so I’ll visit again tomorrow to get those stuff, and Sunmei, I have things I think you’ll enjoy.” I gladly said trying to get everyone’s attention and it was daebak.

“Oh really dear? I’ll cook food tomorrow and how’s your mother and father? I haven’t contacted them.” 

“They’re doing well and they miss you as well.” I said and we talked the whole dinner time with all the topics about me. Donghae’s father, mother and him were talking stuffs about the travelling I did and stuff while Sunmei and Hyunseo had a small world. I don’t care about that Sunmei, I got their attention and I’m happy about that.

Hyunseo’s POV

Week’s passed, Donghae and I haven’t talked to each other that much because he have to spend his time with Yoona who is always asking him to go with her to meet some friends to visit this and that though Donghae always asked me to go with them but I want him to be alone with Yoona because I want him to know what he really feels... because one day, he might wake up one morning and might realized that he’s in love with her and not to me and I have decided to test him if I can really trust him but Sunmei on the other hand never fails to make me happy and boost my confidence, telling me stuff like how much Donghae loves me.

I know that Sunmei knows how I feel right now, she knows I’m jealous toward Yoona that’s why she’s always beside me and she always makes me laugh when she imitates Yoona because Sunmei really hates her.

“Unnie, you have to grab oppa you know, you’re his girlfriend not that Yoona you know that right?” She said who sounded so pissed.

“Grab? Hahaha, what are you thinking Sunmei? I have to teach you how to dance.” I said.

“Well anyway unnie, Eomma packed us lunch.” Whenever we have a practice, Mrs. Lee also never fails to pack us lunch.


Eunhyuk’s POV

“Yah donghae, why are you with Yoona AGAIN? Aren’t you tired with her ing face? Can’t you see that she is just flirting you?” I said, I noticed that she was really flirting with my friend and I can sense that she;s planning to ruin my bestfriend and Hyunseo’s relationship.

“She’s not doing anything Eunhyuk and I have asked Hyunseo to go with me but she said that I have to spend my time with Yoona because she knows I haven’t see her for too long.” He said who sounds very naïve. *sigh* This guy is really out of this world.

“BABO!! so you think that Hyunseo was being too considerate? Come on Hae, open your eyes! She’s jealous but she just can’t tell it and I think she knows that Yoona likes you, I hope that Hyunseo can trust you and you haven’t tell her about the stalking thing Hae, you’re getting yourself into trouble.” I blurted out.

“But….” When Donghae was about to say something Yoona suddenly appeared and grab his arm. I stared at her to make her know that she’s being too much.

“Yah, Donghae I know how MUCH YOU LOVE HYUNSEO so I guess people should just stop flirting right? I better go.” I walked out but before I do something.. I smirked and saw the bitter face of Yoona.


Yoona’s POV


“Hi Hyunseo-sshi it’s Yoona, Donghae asked me to call you, we’re here in park square near in your coffee house, he said he wanted to talk something to you, very important I’ll expect you fast… Bye.” I hanged the phone and smiled. 


Donghae’s POV

I’m still with Yoona and now I think Eunhyuk was right, I think yoona likes me but I can only see her as my sister and not more than that. and how stupid I'am to leave my girl.

“Yoona, I think I have to go now, I haven’t had the chance to spend my time with Hyunseo.” I said and waved my goodbye when suddenly I felt her arms around my waist.

“Don’t leave.” She whispered.


“Don’t leave me, I love you Donghae and just choose me and love me instead of her.” I face her who is about to cry.

“But I love her Yoona, Hyunseo is my life now I just can’t live without her.” I was telling her how I feel toward Hyunseo when suddenly she linked her lips to mine.. I was speechless at first but I was in my senses to push her but I think I was too late because it was all seen by Hyunseo. I saw her frozen in her place and was in verge of crying and when I started moving my feet to run toward her she walked out as fast as she can. 

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Chapter 19: OMG ! it's so ROmantic ! :) <3 I love it! :)
I really l0ve it. So r0mantic . I will surely subscribe to all of y0ur st0ries. Daebak. :)
Huining #3
Okay... I got addicted to your story. -_- I want to kill yoona and stab her... I'm gonna ask the help of sunmei =)))
/triple kill yoona!
new reader. eagerly waiting for your update.. <br />
<br />
update soon :D