It’s been almost a month that Donghae was “stalking” Hyunseo and in those days, Hyunseo was still not aware of it, she’s still not aware that every angle of her was already perfectly shot by him. Donghae didn’t even think of stopping, he never got tired of clicking the shutter, not once for it was the magical button for him. He already became addicted to his model and he doesn’t know that that addiction already bears a seed of love.


“Oppa…” Sunmei called outside her brother’s room but no one answered so she decided to enter while giggling.

“Where’s Donghae? Hmmm… I wonder.” She said and smiled after hearing her own words, it was cool to call his brother without the word oppa in it. (A/N : very disrespectful ^^)

After a while, she noticed a door, a door she have never entered since birth, why? Donghae let no one to enter that room and so she took the chance to check what is inside and luck was with her because the door was unlocked. She glanced at her left and right side before she entered to check if someone or maybe worst Donghae is there, she doesn’t want to be caught after all.

“Mianhae oppa but this room is making me crazy and curious.” Sunmei murmured and she entered the room only to find out that the secret room became a small gallery, so many images of places, things, etc are there giving a breath taking aura.

Every picture tells about something and somehow you can feel it but what caught her attention most is the other side of the wall, it was full of photos, photos of an unknown stranger and Sunmei knows that it was a magnificent shot. She went closer and studied the images and her eyes widened when she saw that the pictures were printed just a few days ago.

“Waahh… She’s beautiful.” A smile was formed in her face. She admired the girl in the photo even though there were images where the girl fell most of the time after doing an elegant pose. She can analyze the photos very well because it was properly organized by his brother.

“OMO! Don’t tell me she’s---She’s oppa’s girlfriend! I knew it!” Sunmei shouted and after thinking a very possible answer she smiled to herself.


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Chapter 19: OMG ! it's so ROmantic ! :) <3 I love it! :)
I really l0ve it. So r0mantic . I will surely subscribe to all of y0ur st0ries. Daebak. :)
Huining #3
Okay... I got addicted to your story. -_- I want to kill yoona and stab her... I'm gonna ask the help of sunmei =)))
/triple kill yoona!
new reader. eagerly waiting for your update.. <br />
<br />
update soon :D