Hyunseo’s POV

(6:30 pm)

I walked to the store only to see nothing but darkness, my heart started beating fast, and I was afraid to what might happen to the store. I was thinking that it was robbed and unnie was in danger so my feet just dragged me there as fast as it can.

I looked in the glass door and obviously I can’t see anything but what the hell? The door was unlocked. At first, I was hesitating to grab the knob but I took all my courage to open it. 

When the door was opened a very intoxicating smell lingers on me, it was really addicting and I felt that it was calling for me. I step myself in the store when suddenly I felt that I was in artificial heaven. The room was astonishing, it was b with so many blue lights, it feels like I was looking on real stars then I caught something tantalizing, it was surrounded with so many flowers and chocolates which were not organized but very catchy; a snowglobe with a ballerina on it, I was thinking that it was me, holding on the same belief that I’ll continue my left performance last 4 years ago and then I thought that I was daydreaming, I honestly don’t want to wake up if I’ am really dreaming, maybe this is a neverland... but this is not... because someone grabbed my hand and that hold made me shivered not because I’m afraid but because I was excited for a very unknown reason.

“Surprise...” it was the voice I knew all along and I was right, I know who owns it.

“Donghae-ah!” I don’t know but my body was working itself, I hugged him knowing that it was him and what I just heard was his chuckle. I thought that he will let go of me after realizing that I was still hugging him but instead he hugged me back, tight this time but it was soothing.

“Should I let you go and make my speech.” He whispered to my ear sounding like a lullaby.

“I didn’t scare you right? I hope these satisfies you.” He smiled and I smiled back, I actually don’t know what to say to him so I let him continue what he wanted to say.

“Well, Hyunseo... I---I lo...” This guy made my stomach grumble for letting so many butterflies roam around it, he was not yet finish but I’m already assuming something illegal and I want this thing to be legal at this exact moment so I cut him to make him stop stuttering.

I faced him and leaned forward to catch the lips of my guy...... “Yes, I love you too.” I said and the kiddy smile I was so fond of was shown on his delicate face.

~~~End Of Flashback~~~


Donghae’s POV

“Happy 100th day fishy.” My girl said and hugged my back. Of course I won’t forget this day, it’s our 3rd month of dating, ooopss... it was our 3rd month of HAPPILY dating.

“Happy 100th day love .” I whispered to her after making her face me.

“Saranghae...” she said to me and glued her nose to mine letting it wiggle with my nose and to make her blush, of course I kissed her, why wouldn’t I if her face was so close to mine and this time luck was with me because my camera was beside me. I’ve seen our light and soul and I have to capture it no matter what.

“Saranghaeyo...” I replied back and smiled the smile I know that makes her heart melt.

“Yah! Why capture something private?” She asked and pouts like a little kid and suddenly smiled then snatched my camera.

“Hihihi.. let me take a picture again.” She kissed my cheeks and pushed the shutter. She was being childish at that moment then I suddenly remember something I should confess before it’s too late.

“Love, would you believe me if I’ll tell you that I’ve known you before the day you thought that it was our first day of meeting?”



I'm not going to update this... if I won't see any comment.. T__T

this feels like... I'm wrting for no one.. T__T

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Chapter 19: OMG ! it's so ROmantic ! :) <3 I love it! :)
I really l0ve it. So r0mantic . I will surely subscribe to all of y0ur st0ries. Daebak. :)
Huining #3
Okay... I got addicted to your story. -_- I want to kill yoona and stab her... I'm gonna ask the help of sunmei =)))
/triple kill yoona!
new reader. eagerly waiting for your update.. <br />
<br />
update soon :D