Shot TWO


It was still early but Donghae was already wide awake, excited to see his precious scenery. 

“Donghae, you should sleep more I’ll send your sister to school.”

“Abeoji, don’t worry about that because starting today I’m going to do that task.” Donghae said with a kid smile forming in his lovely face.

“Eh? But yesterday you were so annoyed when your sister woke you up.” 

“Umma, that was yesterday, today is different.”

“Arasso but don’t be late for your helping duty okay? And Hyukjae called yesterday and he told me that you refused to go on a blind date again. Hae try it, I want to have a grandchild before I die.” Mrs. Lee said with dramatic accent.

“Aiisshh, that anchovy! And please mom, don’t over react, you’ll live longer I know it and love comes at the right time, blind dating is not the key for that.” 


“Ani umma, oppa is just juvenile.” Little Sunmei said.

“Oh honey you’re awake, your brother will send you to school.” Donghae’s mom greeted her daughter.

“Wae? But yesterday you refused to do that. OMO! Don’t tell me you like my teacher ahjumma?” Sunmei smirked and eyed her brother.

“I don’t, I just want to send you to school.” Donghae said and smiled but the serious reason behind that is he wants to go and see the stranger he captured.

“Okay then but seriously oppa… you look weird today, I smell something fishy… EH!? I think it’s you!” Sunme laughed while holding her tummy then everyone joined her.


It was another day in Park’s residence, another day of Hyunseo’s action and another day of her never ending practice.

“Hyunseo, are you sure you’re going to help Yeo today? Your legs are swollen yesterday and I saw it. Are you abusing your legs?” Mr. Park said with concern yet angry tone.

“Abeoji, I’m not doing that of course, I was just tired.” Hyunseo reasoned out.

“Honey, are you sure? Don’t make us worry or else we’ll hire bodyguard and personal nurse to stick with you all the time.” Her mom said.

“That’s exaggerated mom… really! I’m not weak you know, in fact I can still dance you just don’t let me.” Hyunseo said and was about to cry but she fought that feeling.

“No more dancing… You know that Hyunseo.” Her dad said, ringing it to her ears.

“No need to repeat it dad. I’d better go now, Yeo is waiting.” Hyunseo said who sounds sad after hearing that so-called-fact but that will never stop her and she will just take it as a challenge.


“Hyunseo, you better help me here today. Aunty called me last night and asked about you and she told me that she’ll visit tomorrow which is today because yeah I talked to her last night.” Her friend said with Humour, trying to calm things down.

“Okay, I guess no dancing for today.” She smiled.

“Aha! You better work here for real now.” Yeo smiled back.


“What enlightened you oppa to send me to school without annoyed face like yesterday?”

“A good picture I guess.”

“Eh? A picture? What’s the connection?” The curious little girl asked.

“A blabber mouth girl like you is hard to trust and you’re too young to understand things.” Donghae smiled and stuck his tongue out.

“I’m not a blabber mouth! Hmmp! But I guess oppa is in love ne?” Donghae just shrugged his shoulder. He doesn’t know that feeling yet he just wanted to capture her because he found the light and soul that he was looking for that he wasn’t able to see since he started photography.


Donghae drove to the park and he did the usual thing he does. He brought his SLR, walked to the hidden garden with a smile on his face. He looked in the area where he found the mysterious girl but to his dismay, he can’t find her even a shadow wasn’t there.

“Where is she? Am’I just too early?” He thought, so he decided to wait and sat behind the bushes so in case that the mysterious girl arrived he won’t be caught.

Donghae checked his watch only to find out that he waited for the girl for almost 1 hour now.

“I guess she’s not coming today. I’d better go now and will definitely come back tomorrow.” Optimism was with him so he left but before he did that, he still pushed the shutter and made a shot of the empty area where he found the girl. “Not here today eh? I’ll be expecting you tomorrow.” He smiled then left.


“You’re here early. I thought you’ll be late starting today?” Eunhyuk said and tapped his friend’s shoulder.

“Which is good for you I guess.” Donghae snorted and glared at his friend.

“Chill… If looks can kill, I’m probably dead by now anyway, we’re having a project and I will keep on persuading you to be part of it.” Eunhyuk said.

“I told you, I left that career already becau~~”

“Because of photography.” Eunhyuk said and nod like he’s saying that he heard that statement a lot of times already. “Fine fine, I’ll accept that ‘passion’ of yours but promise me that you’ll go with me next month.”

“Where? Blind dating again?” Donghae rolled his eyes.

“Ani… ani… I’ll meet a friend, important friend who will take part of this project. The Ark museum will be composed of many things and hey, maybe you can submit your works, you know…”

“My piece? I’ll share some but I want to share something which is nice but I’ll give that if that person I’m talking about will agree.” Donghae said and smirked.

“You’re going no where my friend. What piece are you talking about that needs approval if you’re the one who shot it?”

“Remember about I told you last time? The perfect angle… Things about it is quite complicated.” Donghae’s brows tightened.

“You’re broke my friend. My genius mind is suspecting that you’re stalking a girl! Are you?” Donghae’s eyes widened after hearing it so he tried to compose his self and started shaking his head frantically.

“I don’t stalk people… I capture them.” They both laughed.

“So I’m right after all. You’re talking about a girl.” Eunhyuk pointed his finger toward his best friend then Donghae grinned. “Hmm… you’ll see.”


The door suddenly opened, Hyunseo’s parents were really there, checking their daughter.

“Oh! Uncle, Aunty, welcome.” Yeo greeted them and assist them to a right place.

“It’s been a long time since we last visit your coffee shop.” 

“I see that it’s getting good…”

“Ne. Business is good uncle and thanks to Hyunseo for helping me out. We achieved this together.” Yeo left then Hyunseo entertained her parents and stayed with them for a while.

“What’s your position here Hyunseo?” Her dad started interrogating her.

“Second to Yeo’s position, she has the biggest stock in this business.” It was true. Hyunseo is really part of the business but she let Yeo to manage it because she believes that the rightful owner is her friend after all.

“Oh I see. Should we help this business more so you’ll be on top in no time?” Her dad offered. 

“Appa, thanks but as you can see this business is getting good and we will soon franchise this to the soon-to-open museum.” She refuses the offer and showed a smile which is actually not sincere because her father’s offer hurt her pride.

“Okay, but Hyunseo if ever you need our help don’t ever hesitate; we’re your parents after all.” Her mom said.

The coffee shop was actually a business started by Yeo and Her when she was still in a wheel chair and studying. It’s a business they both build without the help of their parents, a business they build with their own sweat so they both don’t want their parents to hover in it. Even though Hyunseo doesn’t manage the business like what her friend is doing, she still cares for it and so she doesn’t want anyone to look down on it.

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Chapter 19: OMG ! it's so ROmantic ! :) <3 I love it! :)
I really l0ve it. So r0mantic . I will surely subscribe to all of y0ur st0ries. Daebak. :)
Huining #3
Okay... I got addicted to your story. -_- I want to kill yoona and stab her... I'm gonna ask the help of sunmei =)))
/triple kill yoona!
new reader. eagerly waiting for your update.. <br />
<br />
update soon :D