Chapter 28

Umma, will you marry Sehun-appa?[editing]
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Chapter 28

It has been a week since the official statement about the wedding was released. The number of Sehun’s fans on fan boards and groups are unstable, but Sehun didn’t care though.


Today is the big day. Everybody is very busy. Mrs. Oh and Mrs. Park along with Hyunjae, and Sehun and Jaemi’s princess went to the hotel together with Jaemi for the preparations. Jaehun was fetched by his Taejun Samchon and his grandfathers, stating that he’s going to prepare with his father.


It has been three hours since the makeup artist and hairstylist did their job to Semi, Hyunjae, Mrs. Oh and Mrs. Park. And now is Jaemi’s turn.


“Umma issss sssssoooo prrreeeetttyyy…” beamed Semi. She was sitting on her mother’s lap while the hair stylist started her job.

“My princess is also pretty.” Jaemi said as she pinched the girl’s cheeks.

“Of course! I told unnie to make me as beautiful as my umma!” Semi said as she checked herself at the mirror, making her mother and the hairstylist giggle.

“Come face the camera Semi-ah.” Hyunjae said as she focused the camera to Jaemi and Semi. Semi quickly made a peace sign as she faced her aunt.

“Alright! Now come over here little girl and let the unnie finish fixing your umma.” Mrs. Oh said.

“Arasseo halmoni!” beamed Semi. “Umma! I’ll change first! I’ll be back!” she added and kissed her umma’s cheek before getting down.


Thirty minutes later, Jaemi’s hair was touched up with flowers. Now is the makeup artist's turn to do her magic on Jaemi.


“Woaaah!!! Yepeuda~!” Hyunjae said once she saw Jaemi, and hurriedly captured some pictures, while Mrs. Oh and Mrs. Park didn’t stop on praising the artist’s work.

They then dragged Jaemi towards the dressing room and assisted her on wearing her wedding gown.


Hyunjae was sitting beside Semi who is playing on her father’s ipad. When suddenly, Jaemi’s phone rang.



“Jagi!” Sehun shouted.

“Yah! Oh Sehun! It’s me Hyunjae!” she shouted on the phone.

“Eh? Where’s my wife?” Sehun asked.

“Correction it’s soon-to-be-wife in an hour.”

“Yah! It’s still the same~.” Whined Sehun making Hyunjae giggle.

“She’s changing Sehun-ah.”

“Chincha? I’m so excited! I can’t wait to see her.” he beamed.

“Stay calm dude. You’ll see her later.”

“Unni! Is that appa?” Semi suddenly asked, Hyunjae nodded and gave the phone to the little girl.


“Princess! Have you seen your umma? Is she beautiful?”

“Hmm..” Semi nodded. “Umma’s very beautiful.”

“How about my little girl?”

“I’m beautiful too! But umma’s more beautiful than I do.” She pouted.

“Don’t worry princess, in umma and appa’s eyes you’re the most beautiful.” Sehun said, making the little girl giggle.

“Chincha appa?” Sehun hummed in response.

“Semi-ah, I’ll talk to you later huh? I’ll help Jaehun first.”

“Arasseo appa! Bye-bye~”


Meanwhile, the other guys together with Sehun and Jaehun were all set.


“We’ll go at the church after five minutes.” Mr. Oh said, as he took a seat beside Jaehun who is playing with Tao and Jongin.

“Yah! Where’s my tie!” Xuimin suddenly shouted, making the little guy inside the room flinch.

“Yah! Xuimin ge! Stop shouting! You’re making Jaehun scared! And for your information your already holding your tie!” Tao shouted back

“Opps, mianhae! Noonaaaaa! Come help me!” Xuimin ran and shouted.

“Yah! You aren’t the one getting married! Why are you even the one freaking out?” asked Kris when he passed by the running Xuimin.


Meanwhile Sehun is walking back and forth while holding his phone.

“Yah! Are you having wedding jitters?” Suho asked getting irritated

“I thought wedding jitters usually occurs on the bride?” Baekhyun asked as he sipped on his water.

“I’m not having wedding jitters okay? I’m just excited. I haven’t seen her wedding dress. And so as Semi’s gown. I wonder what they would look like. They should be very pretty! Oh! Of course!” Sehun ranted. Suho smiled and stood up to pat Sehun’s shoulders.

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BoyfriendFan #1
Jeongmin og ilayda!!
nengshannen #4
Chapter 32: Nice story authornim... So sweet and cute!!! Love it!!
nengshannen #5
Chapter 29: Aigoo.. This is so nice... And touching..
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Chapter 24: The wedding gown are beautiful..
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Chapter 21: This is it!!!!! Umma, will u marry sehun appa???? Owwwww... Daebak!!!
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Chapter 18: Sweet ,cute moments!!! Love them...
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Chapter 15: Finally, they said it out!!! Hope that they happy!!
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Chapter 14: Aigooo... Sweet and cute family... Sehun, go and propose her