Fluttering hearts

Inside my dreams
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(Sunhwa POV)


I blink once just to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating. Sure enough, Jung Donkey is still in front of me. His big, round eyes suddenly widen and he breaks in a small grin.



“You’re finally awake!” He whispers and leaves a hot pack on the blanket that I was wrapped in. “The school nurse said you were going through your monthly, so she left me with these for you.”



I stare the small hot pack laying comfortably on the blanket. The memories of the phone call appear in my mind, and I look up at him. He’s still smiling at me, and he motions for me to speak.



“You...did you save a girl when you were in Busan?” 



“I wouldn’t call it saving...” He pats my head gently. “It was more like she was having trouble swimming in the pond, and I just pulled her out of it.”



I wish I could say that I heard his words but truthfully with his soft palms touching the top of my head, my focus wasn’t really on our conversation. The heat of his hands, the hot pack and the blanket starts to suffocate me, and so I quickly sit up. 



Donkey moves back to give me some space, and I’m thankful because I honestly wasn’t even able to think with such proximity. Donkey tilts his head to the side.



“How’d you know about the incident?”



“That doesn’t matter. Did the girl look about your age? Did you know her?”



“Well, I didn’t really know her. She used to live in our neighbourhood but a few weeks after the incident, she moved. I think she’s also in Seoul...”



I moved after that incident. I lived in the neighbourhood near the pond. I could be that girl.



“Do you remember what she looks like?” I whisper. It seems like time’s slowing down and my heart beat is fastening. This was it. This would be the moment where I would find out that he was my Pond Prince and that we were meant to be from the start. A smile forms on my shy lips. How could I have not known the boy I was searching for this entire time was right next to me?



Donkey pouts for a second, and scratches his head. “Yeah, I think I do. She was slightly taller than me---”



Yes, at that time I was taller than most of the boys because puberty hadn’t kicked in.



“She had black hair, and she had fair skin...”



I had black hair and fair skin, heck I still have black hair and fair skin. I can’t believe this. We are so fated.



“And she was really, really fat. Like obese fat.”



Oh my god, that was sooo---Wait what!?



“Fat? She can’t be fat!?” I clutch his hand tightly. “I was never fat! I was chubby in like grade 8 but that was when I moved to Seoul not when I was still in Busan! I wasn’t fat the day I almost drowned!”



“What are you talking about?” Donkey scrunches up his nose. “When did you drown? Holy, are you okay? Can you breathe right now? Should I call the doctor!?” 



I sigh, and I fall back onto the bed. This was definitely not I imagined this conversation would end.




(Jiyeon POV)


I place my cellphone back onto the table. I had been trying to decide if I should text Myungsoo or not but I’ve decided against it. Why should I apologize when he’s the one who hugged me out of nowhere.



“Alright Jiyeon, I think you’re done for the day.” Elizabeth pulls out a small envelope from her bag. “This is this month’s payment, and I’ve added a bonus because the audience loved your winter shoot.”



I bow down, and quickly accept the big wad of cash inside the envelope. My hard work was finally paying off. “Well, I’ll see you next time, Elizabeth Unnie!”



“Yeah, bye!” Elizabeth turns on her heel, but suddenly turns back. “Oh, I almost forgot! Suzy called! She said she wants your answer on her Paris offer, and to call her back asap.”



Oh great. I’d completely forgot about that. 



“Uh, yeah. Sure. I’ll call her back.”



“Great. See you!” Elizabeth waves at me before exiting my dressing room and leaving me in a bundle of a mess. First stupid Myungsoo, then freaking Junhyung being super busy with freaking TaeTiSeo, and now Suzy.



Well I’m not going to get anything done if I keep dwelling in my dressing room. I pick up my bag, and stuff the envelope inside it. I pick my cellphone off the table before leaving the room. I quickly walk through the empty studio, the short hallway and then I finally reach the doors. I look around for a taxi, but something white covers my sight.



“Ta-dah!” Myungsoo waves the bouquet full of Daises in front of me. He pulls out a small box of chocolates from his pocket and places them onto my hands. “I brought some gifts for you.”



I’m too shocked to reply but I’m pretty sure my flaming hot cheeks is a good indication of how I’m feeling right now. I slowly blink, just to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. However, the smiling image of Myungsoo with flowers in his hands stays.



“Park Jiyeon, I’m sorry for abruptly hugging you on Friday. I promise to never hold you in arms ever again, unless you ask me to. From now on, I’ll be a very obedient Myungsoo.”

He’s just so freaking adorable. I want to curl him up into a small ball and put him in my pocket so that he’ll never leave my side. But I know better now. 



“Thanks but no thanks.” I throw the box of chocolates at his chest and promptly walk away from him. 



“Jiyeeonn! Come back!” He calls behind me, but I ignore him. 



Keeping my eyes on the streets, I search for a cab. Unfortunately for me, none are to be found. I sigh in annoyance. This means that I have to walk home, in kill heels. Just great.



“Jiyeon! Do you a need a ride somewhere?” 



I walk down the street, pulling my jacket closer together to gain some warmth from the chill in the air. I keep walking for about half a block and I hear nothing from Myungsoo. I guess he’d already left. And to think I had liked that boy. How can he expect me to forgive him if he wouldn’t even try. I mean like this was n-



A loud honk causes me to drop my cellphone while screaming like an idiot. What the fudge! I bend down to grab my cellphone off the floor, before turning around to give the driver of the car a piece of my mind.



“Hop in.” He cheekily grins from inside the car. One of his hands lay comfortably on the steering wheel and the other beckons me to enter. “You need a ride, right? I’ll take you to your destination, and return all you have to do is accept my flowers and chocolate.”



“No.” I stick my tongue at him. I continue walking down the lane, refusing to look at him from the corner of my eyes...even if it’s killing me to do so.



Myungsoo slowly drives beside me, making sure not to accidentally drive onto the sidewalk. He his lips, as he tries not to overtake me.


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Currently arranging, rewriting, and deleting some chapters. 16|11|2013


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Chapter 35: please update something. i need to see myungsoo hurt like please comenack authornim
tikikabum #2
Chapter 35: i'm still waiting for this story... could you pls update it? ㅠㅠ
jiyeonyesung #3
Chapter 35: please update soon this chapter end was really funny:)
kimaray #4
Chapter 35: Update soon please..
Your story is good.. i love it..
Honestly i got irritated why jiyeon being like this to myungsoo ? Didn't it was too much ? And i'm crying when myungsoo and jiyeonn T_T
Longlast for sundae
Nadyangela #5
Chapter 35: Hello new readers here! Woah this story is daebak :3
Author-nim please update soon and more Sundae moment, i ship them hell bad XD
Please update soon~~~~~~
Chapter 35: haha lol Jiyeon.. I know Myungsoo and Junhyung is harassing your mind, but isn't sending them to jail is a bit harsh? haha.. she is good in acting, why not she be an actress instead of model? hope SunDae will longlasting this time and in the future too.. so, in the future, Jiyeon will be a model, Sunhwa as a photographer, Daehyun as a singer and Myungsoo inherit his father's company..
yeonniestan94 #7
Chapter 35: U go, jiyeon!!! Straight to the face, that myungjerk! Its so refreshing to see jiyeon moving on & letting myungsoo & junhyung see her side.. but sending them to jail is a bit harsh though they kinda deserve it for harassing her...anyways,update soon love it!!
cericeria #8
Chapter 35: good choice, jiyeon! i support u fully. myungsoo has been jerk anyway..so he doesn't deserve u too fast.haha. but pls let them meet again in d future. n myungsoo's only love her without exception. pls update more ^^
parkjiyeon_Lkim #9
Chapter 35: Haha. I think that's too harsh, Jiyeon, but if that was what your mind and heart wants, then I guess it's a good opportunity to escape from those two. Myungsoo kinda like always confused me, maybe because he himself is confused with his true feelings. He likes Jiyeon, but he loves Suzy. He's longing to have Suzy, but he can't live without Jiyeon. It doesn't make sense, really. In my opinion, Jiyeon's soon disappearance would help Myungsoo realize his feelings. Who would he misses more when the two girls he cherishes are both gone? Suzy or Jiyeon? Myungsoo must make his mind and heart up first. Let go of Suzy first before jumping to Jiyeon coz it will hurt Ji to be just a rebound. I admire Junhyung for his persistence, but he should know when to give up. He's becoming irritating now. He acts like an obsessed guy already and I pity him more and more when he pursue his love continuously. As for SunDae, happy relationship for the two of you :) I don't know or maybe I'm just being paranoid or what, but I feel like Daehyun is hiding something. Hm?
xswiftloverx #10
Chapter 35: wow!!! that was extremely mean of jiyeon but it was funny