Discovering feelings

Inside my dreams
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(Sunhwa POV)


“NOOOOO!” I cry as Donkey continues to pull me.



“C’mon! We have to enter now!” He lifts my legs off the ground, and pulls my body sideways, but my hands are stuck on the pole like glue.



“NO! I refuse to....” I yell, still struggling against him. “HELP! SOMEBODY HELP!” I scream frantically, gaining the attention of everyone around me.



Some of the families mutter insults at us, while others opt to silently watch us.



“HELLLLPPPP! This man is going to r*pe me!” I start crying, while holding on the pole for my dear life.



One mother covers her son’s eyes, and shakes her head at Donkey. 



“Oh my god! Shut up!” Donkey hisses at me, turning redder with every word.



“She’s just joking!” He wails, and waves at the bystanders. “No, really. She’s my girlfriend everyone.”



I kick him in the shin, and he gives me a dirty look.



“He’s not my boyfriend. He’s a ! HELPPPP!!” I scream again, and a man walks towards us.



“Is there a problem here?” The tall guard stares at me with worrisome eyes.



“Yes, yes this man here! He-” I try lying, but Donkey pushes me to the ground.



“Oh, nothing. You see my girlfriend here. She’s...uh..sorta...well, how do I say this. She has a...a..medical background. I’ve brought her here to enjoy this holiday, and let me tell you sir, it was with great difficulty that I got permission to bring her here. You see, she has a personality disorder. One moment she knows I’m her boyfriend, the next moment....well” Donkey smoothly lies, and the guard nods his head.



“If you don’t want to tell me. I understand.” The guard gives Donkey a small smile, and pats him on the back.



“Thank you so much!” Donkey shakes his hand, and bows down. “Really, thank you so much for understanding.”



“No problem.” The guard salutes Donkey, and turns to me with a pitiful expression. “I hope you enjoy your date.” He says to me, and then turns to face the audience that are watching our little fiasco. “Nothing to see her guys, all we have is a happy couple trying to enjoy their date. Please continue what you were doing before.” The guard shoos away the families, and soon its just back to me and Donkey.



“What was THAT?” Donkey glares at me.



“I don’t want to go!” I raise my hand to make an X, but Donkey pulls on my cheeks.



“Do you want to make Seungho jealous or not?” He leads us towards the entrance, and pushes us through the countless of happy couples enjoying their date.



“I do, but I don’t want to have a date at a place where he works. What am I even supposed to say, when I see him. Oh Seungho sunbaenim, what a coincidence! Out of all the amusements parks in Seoul, we come to Lotte world, and that too on the same time as your work schedule. I guess we’re just fated, aren’t we?” I shout in frustration, but Donkey just ignores me to buy our tickets.



“Do you want a drink?” He tries to change the subject, and heads for the food court once we’ve entered the giant amusement park.



“Ugh, listen to me! It’s going to be so obvious!” I continue to whine, but Donkey gives me a bored face. “Okay, okay! Fine. I want strawberry bubble tea.”



“Alright, then go!” He pushes to me to the front of the cash register.



Excuse me? 



“I thought you were going to buy me a drink!” I stare at him in shock.



“When did I say that?” He slurps his slushie noisly, as if to aggravate me. “All I asked was whether you want a drink or not, and you said yes so you better get going cause the cashier is getting mad.” Donkey points to the lady with an impatient smile.



“.” I mutter before ordering my drink. After it arrives, we stroll around the park for a little while.



“Waaahhh! It’s so pretty!” I exclaim, looking at the countless of roller coasters, ferris wheels, photo booths, and stalls. “Hmm, this place even smells good.” I smile taking a whiff of the aroma of popcorn, and grilled food surrounding us. 



“Wow. Way to sound like a country bumpkin.” Donkey stares at my outfit, and shudders in disgust.



“Yah! ASSH*LE!” I kick his private spot, and he winces in pain. “I am from BUSAN, you idiot. I’m not that used to places like these, so shut up. So, what if I’m a country bumpkin, huh?” I stick my tongue at him. “And nothing is wrong with what I’m wearing.”I point to my running shorts, and oversized jersey. 



“You look like a freaking gym instructor!” He basically screams, and then stops. “Wait, did you just say your from Busan?”



“Yeah, what are you going to do about it, huh? You wanna fight? Cause I’m ready you know. I’m ready to fight you.” I lift my hands, and clench my fights. “Come at me, bro. It’s a beefting now.”



“No, Sunhwa. Stop.” Donkey pushes my fists away, and puts his palm in front of my face. “The busan thing, are you really from Busan?”



“Yeah, I used to be the top of Nampo-dong. Why?” I ask, a little confused.



“I’m from Busan too. Well, actually I was. I stayed in Busan for like three years, before moving to Seoul.” He explains, and I squint my eyes.



“That’s kinda weird....Seungho’s also from Busan. Well, he’s like you. He stayed for like two-three years before moving to Seoul, and then I co-incidently, moved to Seoul too.” I smile at the memory of meeting Seungho for the first time in Seoul.



“Everyone, this is Han Sunhwa. She’s from Busan, and she’s new here, so please treat her well.” The teacher smiled at the students, and pushed me forward the front two desks, one of which was occupied by a young male.



“Hi, my name is Sunhwa.” I smiled at the boy. “Can I be your friend?”



“Uhm.....” The boy stared at me. “My-m-my name is Yang....Yang Seungho.” He shaked my hand, and then suddenly went back to his work.



“You-you look familiar.” I looked at him. “In fact, I’m sure I’ve seen you before.”



“I’m from Busan too.” He raised his hands to push his sleeves back, and thats when I noticed the infinity bracelet on his hand. 



“Hey! I’ve seen that before...your him!” I screamed in epiphany.



“Han Sunhwa! Sit down, and do you work!” The teacher yelled at me.



“Hahahahahah.” The boy giggled. “You’re....cute.” He ended, and returned to his drawing of the vetruvian human.



“Yah, Han Sunhwa.” Donkey snaps his fingers. “Stop zoning out!”



“W-what?” I shake my head, and the images of young Seungho disappear from my mind.



"Let's go to that park there!" He points to a big field of grass, and flowers.



"Alright." I on my straw.




"So, that's why I've decided I want to be a musician. I don't know but music just calls to me." Donkey states. "What about you? What do you want to be?"



"Me?" I squeak. "I want to be....I-I....I acutally don't know." 



I don't. I really don't. All I've been doing is focusing on Seungho and studies, that I've had no time to try to find what I enjoy.



"No way! There's got to be something that just...just..calls to you." Donkey sits up. "How about...painting?"



I shake my head "no."



"Then.....writing?" He asks, and I shake my head no again.



Writing stories make my brain hurt.



"" He his head to the side. "You can't not like photography."



"" I mutter.



Well, I do like taking pictures...and I've always loved watching Jiyeon's photoshoots. And I guess I did like the photography class Jiyeon sent me to, when I told her I liked the camera she had.



"I guess I do like photography....but I don't know if I've got the skill to be a photographer, you know?" I admit. 



"Nonsense! If you really try your best, you can do anything." He claims, and goes off the throw his slurpee.



Hmm. Maybe I should be a photographer.



Psh. No. Who am I kidding? There's millions of people that are better than me at photography.



“Which ride do you want to go on!!?” Donkey points to the water roller coasters, and then points to the weird pharaoh ride in the middle.



“Uh...I thought we were her to make Seungho jealous!” I mutter, still drinking my bubble tea. “How are we supposed to make him jealous, while we’re on the rides. Oh of course, how could I not know. When we are busy screaming our hands off, looking like idiots, Seungho will be looking at us with envy because of course, going on a ride with someone is the perfect way to make the guy you like jealous.”



“Just shut up.” Donkey glares at me. “You talk way too much.” He wrinkles his nose in annoyance. “And we don’t know exactly which stall Seungho works at, so we need to search. And what better way then to go on a ride that lifts us up in the air, so that we can see the whole amusement park, and map out our way, you little rat.” He hits my head, and marches towards the water roller coasters.



Well..if he says it like that, then I guess it does make sense.



“Yah, wait up!” I yell, running at top speed to catch up to him. 



“How does that ride look?” He points to the huge double roller coaster water ride in front of our eyes. “The line’s not that long either.” He his head over the two lines of people.



“Alright.” I mutter, and we head into the line with other couples. “You’re such a bore. Look how much fun these couples are having!” I yell, and he looks around the smiling faces surrounding us.



“It’s cause they all have pretty partners. You’re ugly, so it’s hard for me to enjoy this.” He winks, and walks ahead, leaving me flabbergasted.



“You’re one to talk.” I shoot back. Donkey opens his mouth, and then closes it again. 



Yeah, you better not say anything, or else I’m going to punch you.



“Everyone, please take a seat, and wait for us to motion for you to put your seatbelt on.” The worker speaks in her microphone, and all of us automatically sit into the hard, plastic seats on the roller coaster. Donkey’s legs look uncomfortable, as they squeeze into the tiny space.



“How’s your legs?” I wink, and he sticks his tongue at me.



“No better than your outfit.” He spits back.



Ouch. But he’s right. I look like a hobo.



“Ladies and gentleman, please get ready for your ride. The Whirlwind watercoaster is a 4 minute and 32 seconds ride, and will give you a good view of our amusement park. We hope you enjoy this ride, and on behalf of every

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Currently arranging, rewriting, and deleting some chapters. 16|11|2013


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Chapter 35: please update something. i need to see myungsoo hurt like please comenack authornim
tikikabum #2
Chapter 35: i'm still waiting for this story... could you pls update it? ㅠㅠ
jiyeonyesung #3
Chapter 35: please update soon this chapter end was really funny:)
kimaray #4
Chapter 35: Update soon please..
Your story is good.. i love it..
Honestly i got irritated why jiyeon being like this to myungsoo ? Didn't it was too much ? And i'm crying when myungsoo and jiyeonn T_T
Longlast for sundae
Nadyangela #5
Chapter 35: Hello new readers here! Woah this story is daebak :3
Author-nim please update soon and more Sundae moment, i ship them hell bad XD
Please update soon~~~~~~
Chapter 35: haha lol Jiyeon.. I know Myungsoo and Junhyung is harassing your mind, but isn't sending them to jail is a bit harsh? haha.. she is good in acting, why not she be an actress instead of model? hope SunDae will longlasting this time and in the future too.. so, in the future, Jiyeon will be a model, Sunhwa as a photographer, Daehyun as a singer and Myungsoo inherit his father's company..
yeonniestan94 #7
Chapter 35: U go, jiyeon!!! Straight to the face, that myungjerk! Its so refreshing to see jiyeon moving on & letting myungsoo & junhyung see her side.. but sending them to jail is a bit harsh though they kinda deserve it for harassing her...anyways,update soon love it!!
cericeria #8
Chapter 35: good choice, jiyeon! i support u fully. myungsoo has been jerk he doesn't deserve u too fast.haha. but pls let them meet again in d future. n myungsoo's only love her without exception. pls update more ^^
parkjiyeon_Lkim #9
Chapter 35: Haha. I think that's too harsh, Jiyeon, but if that was what your mind and heart wants, then I guess it's a good opportunity to escape from those two. Myungsoo kinda like always confused me, maybe because he himself is confused with his true feelings. He likes Jiyeon, but he loves Suzy. He's longing to have Suzy, but he can't live without Jiyeon. It doesn't make sense, really. In my opinion, Jiyeon's soon disappearance would help Myungsoo realize his feelings. Who would he misses more when the two girls he cherishes are both gone? Suzy or Jiyeon? Myungsoo must make his mind and heart up first. Let go of Suzy first before jumping to Jiyeon coz it will hurt Ji to be just a rebound. I admire Junhyung for his persistence, but he should know when to give up. He's becoming irritating now. He acts like an obsessed guy already and I pity him more and more when he pursue his love continuously. As for SunDae, happy relationship for the two of you :) I don't know or maybe I'm just being paranoid or what, but I feel like Daehyun is hiding something. Hm?
xswiftloverx #10
Chapter 35: wow!!! that was extremely mean of jiyeon but it was funny