The first of many fights

Inside my dreams
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(Sunhwa POV)

"The Loners!" The Loners" The girls around me chant.


I scoff, and pull out my cellphone from the pocket of my leather jacket. 9:45 it reads. What was taking them so long to come out? Besides, what kind of name was "The Loners" anyway? It sounds so stupid and emo. What, were they like really loners when they were young? Or, are they trying to sound cool? Cause it's sure as hell not working. 


"Sunhwa!" Aren't they awesome? Look at how many fans they have!" Jiyeon screams.


I roll my eyes at her, and shove my cold hands into my pockets. What kind of concert hall didn't have any heating? I turn around scanning all the people there, and sure enough its sea full of teenage girls, wearing too much of their mommy's makeup. 


"Oh my god! I'm going to die when L comes on" Jiyeon grabs my hand, and squeezes it hard. 


I wince in pain, and give her a fake smile. I know what your thinking. What the hell? First, you name the band "The Loners" and then you name the bassist L. Like seriously? Do you need to be sent to an english class? Good thing, the other member wasn't called "T" cause then they could just be acryonyms for their band. Get it? T for the "The" and L for the "Loners?".


Yeah, I know. Bad joke. But still. This band was so overrated. Their songs were okay, but they had so many crazy fan girls. Sure, the one called L looked alright the last time, Jiyeon forced me to go to their concert, but the one called.....Dae...Dae.....I can't remember....Dae....Ugh. I give up! Let's just call him Donkey. The last time I saw Donkey, he rejected five girls. He didn't even apologize for breaking up with them! He just gave them a dirty look, as if they were the bad ones for liking him, and then walked away. I wanted to go punch him in the face, but Jiyeon stopped me. She knew I could get carried away, but thats beyond the point. That Donkey was a jerk, with a capital J.


As I chew on my bubble gum, the screaming of the girls get louder. Jiyeon too is jumping up and down with them, with her long brown hair, bouncing up and down her shoulders. I sigh, this night was not going to go by fast enough. The sound of a microphone screeching fills the room, and stops abruptly. Ugh. They did this method in every concert of them I was forced to go by Jiyeon. It was their way of alarming the fans, they were coming. Sure enough, the two boys walk on stage with their band equipement, and their hair all ruffled.


The one called "L" is dressed in all black, and Donkey well he looks exactly like a donkey. He has  a brown jacket on with black leather sleeves, and has slightly permed hair. I have to admit, he didn't look half bad, but his personality still . The screaming of the girls heightens, and I'm forced to cover my ears, before I go deaf. 


"JUNG DAEHYUN! SARANG HAE" The girl in a cleavage reavealing red dress on my left screams. 


So, that's what his name was. Daehyun. Huh. Donkey suits him better.


The two boys move around stage, getting their stuff ready, and then L slings his bass guitar over his shoulders, and the crowd goes wild. The same girl who proffessed her love to daehyun, unhooks her bra, and throws it at L.




I turn to face L, and see where the bra landed, and I laugh at the sight. The bra landed exactly on Donkey's shoulder. L picks it up from Donkey, who looks like he's about to kill the girl, and smiles at the crowd. Donkey walks over to the front with his trademark glare. I so did not find this hot. Somehow, this look always made the girls go even crazier, if that was possible.


"Are you ready for the b-e-s-t?" He whispers with his rough voice. Once again, I am forced to cover my ears, the girls are really too much. Hah. At least he knew how to spell best, now all he had to do was change the band's name. 


"This one is a new one. It was inspired by my first love....I hope you guys like it. It's called Jaywalking" Donkey smiles for the first time, and this time even I'm shocked. The room is in absolute silence for a second, before the girls go crazy. Even Jiyeon is doing some crazy happy dance.


"Oh my god! Daehyun is so cool! The girl who was his first love is so lucky!" She shrieks. Then she jumps up, and down doing some crazy body movement. I start laughing, and turn to face the boys again. Donkey starts strumming the guitar, and starts singing

"The moment I first saw you, my head spun and time stopped

Whether it’s green light or red light, I can’t see

I don’t need anything else

My heart is just going toward you

 You, whom I love

I just run to you and hug you

Just like I appear

Without fear, I run to you and hug you

Whenever I see beautiful you, my heart drops"

I'm suprised. It's acutally a good song. I find myself swaying to the beat, along with the rest of the girls. I stop myself, but give up. Who cares? It's just one song.


"You like it don't you? Admit it!" Jiyeon accuses me.


I shurg my shoulders, and try to act nonchalant. I don't need her knowing I might actually like the song, after making fun ofthis band for so long. L soon joins Daehyun, and togther their rough voices fill the room. Maybe they were talented after all. After countless of songs, and two hours of just me standing around trying to not to like their music, the show is finally over. 


"Well, that concludes our concert for today. We have some special news. Our old drummer had to leave to band due to schedule conflicts, and now we have the drummer post open. Feel free to try out. Audition dates willl be listed on our fancafe." L smiles with beads of sweats on his forehead. He gulps down some water, and then the girls are at it again. The two boys pick up their equipement, and promptly walk off the stage. 


"Let's go! What are we waiting for? I want to see them leave! Come quickly!" Jiyeon grabs my hand, and pulls me forward.


Dang, this girl was strong. She took too many taekwondo classes. I struggle against her grip, but fail. 


"Jiyeon! Do we have to?" I try, but my small voice is drowned by the thousands of girls racing towards their van, along with Jiyeon.


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Currently arranging, rewriting, and deleting some chapters. 16|11|2013


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Chapter 35: please update something. i need to see myungsoo hurt like please comenack authornim
tikikabum #2
Chapter 35: i'm still waiting for this story... could you pls update it? ㅠㅠ
jiyeonyesung #3
Chapter 35: please update soon this chapter end was really funny:)
kimaray #4
Chapter 35: Update soon please..
Your story is good.. i love it..
Honestly i got irritated why jiyeon being like this to myungsoo ? Didn't it was too much ? And i'm crying when myungsoo and jiyeonn T_T
Longlast for sundae
Nadyangela #5
Chapter 35: Hello new readers here! Woah this story is daebak :3
Author-nim please update soon and more Sundae moment, i ship them hell bad XD
Please update soon~~~~~~
Chapter 35: haha lol Jiyeon.. I know Myungsoo and Junhyung is harassing your mind, but isn't sending them to jail is a bit harsh? haha.. she is good in acting, why not she be an actress instead of model? hope SunDae will longlasting this time and in the future too.. so, in the future, Jiyeon will be a model, Sunhwa as a photographer, Daehyun as a singer and Myungsoo inherit his father's company..
yeonniestan94 #7
Chapter 35: U go, jiyeon!!! Straight to the face, that myungjerk! Its so refreshing to see jiyeon moving on & letting myungsoo & junhyung see her side.. but sending them to jail is a bit harsh though they kinda deserve it for harassing her...anyways,update soon love it!!
cericeria #8
Chapter 35: good choice, jiyeon! i support u fully. myungsoo has been jerk he doesn't deserve u too fast.haha. but pls let them meet again in d future. n myungsoo's only love her without exception. pls update more ^^
parkjiyeon_Lkim #9
Chapter 35: Haha. I think that's too harsh, Jiyeon, but if that was what your mind and heart wants, then I guess it's a good opportunity to escape from those two. Myungsoo kinda like always confused me, maybe because he himself is confused with his true feelings. He likes Jiyeon, but he loves Suzy. He's longing to have Suzy, but he can't live without Jiyeon. It doesn't make sense, really. In my opinion, Jiyeon's soon disappearance would help Myungsoo realize his feelings. Who would he misses more when the two girls he cherishes are both gone? Suzy or Jiyeon? Myungsoo must make his mind and heart up first. Let go of Suzy first before jumping to Jiyeon coz it will hurt Ji to be just a rebound. I admire Junhyung for his persistence, but he should know when to give up. He's becoming irritating now. He acts like an obsessed guy already and I pity him more and more when he pursue his love continuously. As for SunDae, happy relationship for the two of you :) I don't know or maybe I'm just being paranoid or what, but I feel like Daehyun is hiding something. Hm?
xswiftloverx #10
Chapter 35: wow!!! that was extremely mean of jiyeon but it was funny