The start of my hell

Inside my dreams
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(Sunhwa POV)

"Yah, yah. Let's push her now!" One kid screamed. 


They all nodded in agreement, and started cornering me. I tried to run away, but the mud was too thick, and I slipped.


"Trying to get away huh? Just like your father got away from you guys!" The boy in white yelled. The rest bursted into laughter. They were staring at me as if I were a piece of food, ready to be eaten.


"My mother says your mother is a . She got what she deserved, your father left you all. You're going to be a in the future too, aren't you?" The girl with the pigtails, sneered. I tried to crawl away, but the worms inside the mud stopped me. I was about to scream.


"Pick her up! She's trying to get away!" The eldest yelled. Then, they were charing towards me. Raising their hands, and opening their mouths. I closed my eyes. I could feel hands grabbing me. It hurted. I opened my eyes just in time to see the pond of water right  before I was thrown into it. 


Deeper. Deeper. I'm going deeper, till I reach the bottom. 


I try to surface but I can't. I can't swim. At this point, I'm going crazy. I can't breathe. I can't move. The lack of air is suffocating me. After, flailing my arms and leg arounds for what feels like hours, I give up. 


"Haha, what a loser!" One boy muttered. I could hear them walk away. I guess this was my fate, to die in a pond. I closed my eyes, and let the cold water engulf me.


A warm hand grabbed me, and pulled me forward. I could feel my body moving up. I guessed god was taking me to heaven. Suddenly, I could feel the cold air. Air. How much I missed it. I kept my eyes closed. I wanted to savour this moment.


"Wake up!" I heard a small voice say. I could feel the pressure of two, childish hands on my chest, pumping it up an down.


"Wake up, I'm telling you! You can't die!" He yelled. He started pumping even harder. I wanted to tell him it hurted, but I couldn't find my voice. Suddenly, I felt something touch my lips. Maybe I was just dreaming. 




No way. Something definitely touched my mouth. I could feel hands opening my mouth, and then out of nowhere I felt air being pumped into my body. What in the world was this person doing?


"Please! Don't die!" It yelled. It pumped my chest even harder. I couldn't take the pain anymore. I opened my eyes slowly. The sunlight blurred my vision, but I could see the silhouette of a young boy, with light brown hair, about my age. 


"Are you okay?" He said, with his eyes wide open. Aw. He looked like a cute puppy dog. 


"I-I'm alive?" I asked. I could feel the ground beneath me, so that meant that I wasn't dead. 


"Yeah, you are. How did you get in there anyways?" He chuckled, and reached out his arm towards me. I noticed a black leather bracelet on his hand. The metal infinity sign on it glinted off the sun, and shone. I gave him my hand, and he helped me up.


"Where are you? Your mom is going to kill you!" A loud voice yelled. I froze. Was it the bullies again? 


"Uh-oh. I think thats my cousin. I have to go now. Sorry!" The boy smiled, and squeezed my hand. He's running away towards the bushes. 


"Thank you for saving me!" I yelled. He turned around and smiled at me. He had a cute eye-smile. I smiled, and lifted my hand to wave bye.


"HAN SUNHWA! WAKE UP!" A high pitched voice screams. I can feel my body shaking. Wait, why did the guy's voice change all of a sudden. 


"WAKE UP! We're going to be late!" The same voice yells. I open my eyes, and I see Jiyeon's face right in front of me.


"Go change! There's only half in hour till school starts!" Jiyeon says, and pushes my groggy body forward, towards the bathroom. I reluctantly take my school uniform, and enter the toilet. Great, I had another one of those dreams. My pond prince. *Sigh* If only Seungho knew he was my pond prince. I close the washroom door, and remove my pj's. I slip into my skirt, and white collared shirt. I add my blue sweater over it, and start combing through my mess of a hair.


"Did you have the pond prince dream again?" Jiyeon asks. I nod my head, and then realize she can't see me.


"Yeah, I did. This time I actually remembered the ending. He had to leave because his cousin called him. I wonder which cousin of Seungho it was." I reply, while combing my hair. Finally, after a long struggle, I win. My hair stands straight, and I put some gel on my hands.  I create a 5:5 ratio parting on my forehead, and add my nerd glasses. At school, I never wore my contacts. I brush my teeth, and floss. Then I put on the etude-house lipbalm, Jiyeon gifted me. It was a pale peach colour. It stands out against my pale skin, without looking too fake.


"How come your so sure your pond prince is Seungho?" Jiyeon wonders. I open the door to my washroom, and I see the disapointment in her face. "Like a nerd, again? Sunhwa, why don't you dress in school, how you usually do in real life? Why bother acting like a nerd?" She asks.


I pull her hand, and we walk out of my bedroom and down the stairs. My mother greets us downstairs. Her hair is tied in a bun, with some strands of her greying hair sticking out. She's wearing a cute pororo sweater, with an apron tied around the bottom.


"Aigoo. Leaving so early?" Mom asks. I nod, and Jiyeon bows. 


"See you later, mom." I promise. I pull Jiyeon's hand, and put my dirty, school shoes on. Jiyeon;s wearing her kill-heels again. I snicker. She will never change. We head out of my house, and the warm spring air blows past us. Ah. Today felt like it was going to be good.


"You still haven't answered my questions." Jiyeon reminds me. She takes a bubble gum out of her pocket and starts chewing.


"I just know. I can't explain it. Theres a definite connection between me and Seungho." I explain. I didn't need her knowing about the infinity leather bracelet. She'd probably say that a million other people had that bracelet, and Seungho was just a co-incidence. But I know. Seungho is definitely my pond prince. We walk faster, and soon we're running past the grocery stores, and karaoke bars.


"What about the whole nerd facade?". Jiyeon, sure was a curious child.


"I once heard in grade 5, that Seungho only likes nerds. Which is true, if you look at his dating record. All his ex's are either gifted, or prodigy's. And I'm neither." I say. She looks at me with an angry expression.


"You're better than that" She insists, and I'm grateful for her kind words. We reach the school entrance, and walk towards the main foyer. A crowd of girls are huddled in the front. What the hell? Was there are celebrity here or something?


"Oppa Sarang hae!" A short girl at the back of the crowd screams, jumping up and down. She looks like she has some issues. The girls to her left push her down, and give her a death glare. What the actual f***? These girls were so mental. Jiyeon pulls me hand, and walks toward the crowd. Uh oh. Here comes curious Jiyeon again. She pushes against the crowd of girls, like a footballer running towards the touchdown post. Finally, she brings us to the front. Two boys are centered in the middle of this circle. One has jet black hair, and the other brown hair with streaks of blond in it. Ew. Great. New boys that dressed like they were going to shoot a k-pop music video any second. I hate these types the most. The black haired boy was too busy accepting gifts from all the girls, and the other just looks plain annoyed. I wonder why that face looks so familiar.....No way. Seolma. It couldn't be.


"The Loners jjang!" Jiyeon cheers, confirming my fears. Yes. It was them. The one with the black hair, turns around and it's L. He smiles at us, and Jiyeon almost faints in delight. I have to stop her from falling. "He's so cute!" She whispers to me. I widen my eyes at her. Had she already forgotten about last night's events? 


"Hey. Hey. If they figure out its us, their fans will kill us! Let's go to class while we still have the chance!" I mutter, and tug Jiyeon's arms. We make it past the crowd of girls, and race up towards our classroom. We walk into the class, and it's half full. I walk to my desk, and take out my favourite book "Limits*". A strong smell of perfume hits me. Oh god! Not them already! This day was getting worse every second. 


"Han Sunhwa! Isn't it illegal to be so ugly?" Taeyeon screams while twirling a piece of her long, umber dyed hair. She tilts her head to the side and scans me from top to bottom. Tifanny and Seohyun are behind her, wearing peterpan collared dresses, and cat hair bands. They give me dirty looks, and copy Taeyeon's pose. Were they trying to look like pampered little cats? Cause it was working. What kind of students don't wear uniforms to school? I mean Jiyeon wore high heels, but who doesn't? Well, I don't but still, thats past the point. Just cause they were rich, they were given special treatment.


"Isn't it illegal to wear so much makeup? I wonder how pretty you'd look without those fake lashes, and all that bb cream." I smirk, and cross my arms around my chest. That seem to piss her off. 


"Yah, I'm all natural. This is the face of perfection!" Taeyeon squeaks, and points to her face.


"Yeah, naturally fake." I mutter, and return to my book. I flip the page, and feel a sharp jerk. Someone's pulling my hair. 


"What did you say?" She screeches, and points her perfectly manicured finger at me.


"Fake" I answer. She swings her left hand back to strike me, and I lift my right hand to shield myself but it's all useless. The door swings open, and none other than Donkey and L appear. The confusion in their f

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Currently arranging, rewriting, and deleting some chapters. 16|11|2013


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Chapter 35: please update something. i need to see myungsoo hurt like please comenack authornim
tikikabum #2
Chapter 35: i'm still waiting for this story... could you pls update it? ㅠㅠ
jiyeonyesung #3
Chapter 35: please update soon this chapter end was really funny:)
kimaray #4
Chapter 35: Update soon please..
Your story is good.. i love it..
Honestly i got irritated why jiyeon being like this to myungsoo ? Didn't it was too much ? And i'm crying when myungsoo and jiyeonn T_T
Longlast for sundae
Nadyangela #5
Chapter 35: Hello new readers here! Woah this story is daebak :3
Author-nim please update soon and more Sundae moment, i ship them hell bad XD
Please update soon~~~~~~
Chapter 35: haha lol Jiyeon.. I know Myungsoo and Junhyung is harassing your mind, but isn't sending them to jail is a bit harsh? haha.. she is good in acting, why not she be an actress instead of model? hope SunDae will longlasting this time and in the future too.. so, in the future, Jiyeon will be a model, Sunhwa as a photographer, Daehyun as a singer and Myungsoo inherit his father's company..
yeonniestan94 #7
Chapter 35: U go, jiyeon!!! Straight to the face, that myungjerk! Its so refreshing to see jiyeon moving on & letting myungsoo & junhyung see her side.. but sending them to jail is a bit harsh though they kinda deserve it for harassing her...anyways,update soon love it!!
cericeria #8
Chapter 35: good choice, jiyeon! i support u fully. myungsoo has been jerk he doesn't deserve u too fast.haha. but pls let them meet again in d future. n myungsoo's only love her without exception. pls update more ^^
parkjiyeon_Lkim #9
Chapter 35: Haha. I think that's too harsh, Jiyeon, but if that was what your mind and heart wants, then I guess it's a good opportunity to escape from those two. Myungsoo kinda like always confused me, maybe because he himself is confused with his true feelings. He likes Jiyeon, but he loves Suzy. He's longing to have Suzy, but he can't live without Jiyeon. It doesn't make sense, really. In my opinion, Jiyeon's soon disappearance would help Myungsoo realize his feelings. Who would he misses more when the two girls he cherishes are both gone? Suzy or Jiyeon? Myungsoo must make his mind and heart up first. Let go of Suzy first before jumping to Jiyeon coz it will hurt Ji to be just a rebound. I admire Junhyung for his persistence, but he should know when to give up. He's becoming irritating now. He acts like an obsessed guy already and I pity him more and more when he pursue his love continuously. As for SunDae, happy relationship for the two of you :) I don't know or maybe I'm just being paranoid or what, but I feel like Daehyun is hiding something. Hm?
xswiftloverx #10
Chapter 35: wow!!! that was extremely mean of jiyeon but it was funny