Secret Pictures and Quick Glances

Blush and Fall [DISCONTINUED]

Jongin trudged into school the next morning. It was the Monday after Sooyoung and Siwon’s wedding, and he was still mad tired. He hadn’t bothered doing any of the homework assigned to him because he actually went back to dance practice on Sunday. He got an earful from Hyukjae, his instructor, but he could never stay that mad at Jongin for so long because well, he was Jongin.


He had finally met up with his best friend Sehun who had told him to go to his school. His friend was still the same loser as before, never showing emotion and only capable of frowning and judging people but hey, it’s whatever. Krystal had been there too, but only to make a quick drop off. He ditched her once he transferred schools, but he still didn’t have a good conversation with them in a long time.



“Dance has actually been a lot better with you gone,” Sehun said nonchalantly, “I can actually focus now.”


Krystal nodded in agreement, “Yeah, and I don’t have to worry about saving your in school when you get in trouble anymore.”


Jongin gaped, “Are you guys serious?”


“Yes.” Sehun concluded.


Jongin faked a sob, “You guys are horrible!”


Sehun shrugged, “We try.”


“So how are you liking your new school,” Krystal asked, “I never got to ask before.”


Jongin grinned dumbly, “It’s perfect.”


Krystal rolled her eyes, “Kyungsoo?”


Sehun raised an eyebrow, “Who’s Kyungsoo?”


Jongin gasped, “I HAVEN’T TOLD YOU YET?”


“No, apparently you haven’t.” Sehun muttered.


Jongin began to explain in excitement about who Kyungsoo was, and the two friends couldn’t help but see the twinkle in Jongin’s eyes when he kept talking about this boy.


“So perhaps a future boyfriend?” Sehun asked.


Jongin nodded slightly, and Sehun swore his best friend was blushing, “I hope.”


Krystal laughed, “You should just go for it. I’m pretty sure Kyungsoo likes you too.”


Jongin rolled his eyes, “Of course he likes me. I’m Kim Jongin.”


“Jongin.” Sehun deadpanned.


“So how’s Amber,” Jongin looked to Krystal who was playing with her hair, “You guys have been dating for how long?”


Krystal smiled, “It’s been three years.”


“Am I going to hear wedding bells any time soon?” Jongin waggled his eyebrows only for Krystal to kick him in the shin.


“No you . Let unni and Taec-oppa get married first at least.” She looked around to see if anyone was listening. The three were currently sitting in a corner of the dance room. Everyone was kind of just milling around. No one was in the mood for dancing just yet. “Taec-oppa is planning to propose.”


“WHAT!?” Jongin exclaimed.


“Shush,” Krystal hissed, “He only told me, my parents, and his friends. No one else is supposed to know.”


“Sorry, sorry,” Jongin apologized, “When is he planning to?”


“Well right now, he’s just making sure unni really wants to be married, you know?”


“Makes sense, especially he was insisting that they were just going to be boyfriend and girlfriend,” Sehun continued, “Why the sudden change of heart?”


“I think his friend Nichkhun was convincing him too...”


“Who’s that?” Jongin asked.


Krystal shook her head, “You may have seen him at the wedding. He has a Chinese girlfriend, Song Qian? But we call her Victoria.”


Sehun made a face, “Victoria?”


“She was born wherever in China, but her and her brother grew up in Canada thus having English names.”


“She has a brother?”


Krystal nodded, “His name’s Kris or something like that. I met him briefly. He’s intimidating.” She shook her head. “But anyway, Nichkhun brought Taecyeon along with him when he was looking for an engagement ring and well, that got Taec-oppa thinking...”


“And the wedding probably just urged to propose to her even more...?” Jongin hesitantly added.


“Oh, my God! You can actually piece information together!” Krystal gasped sarcastically.


Jongin wrapped his arms around Sehun’s waist, “Sehunnie, Krystal is being mean to me!”


The boy simply pushed his friend away, “I’m not surprised.”


Jongin frowned but didn’t let go. Instead he just rested his chin on Sehun’s shoulder so he could see his friend’s face and pouted, “Don’t be mean to me too Sehunnie.”


Sehun let out a long sigh, “You’re insufferable.”


“But you still love me!” Jongin wailed.


“So what about you Sehun?” Krystal wondered.


“What about me?”


Krystal groaned in annoyance, “How’s your love life?”


“Yeah, you aual little er,” Jongin added, “What about you?”


Sehun didn’t answer. The two friends’ mouths dropped.


“Did Sehun actually-”


“Shut up, shut up, shut up,” Sehun hammered out quickly, “I don’t want to talk about it-”




“It’s really complicated, and I just don’t want to talk about it.” Sehun huffed out in anger.


Krystal waited a few seconds before asking, “Can we get a name at least?”


Sehun hesitated before whispering, “Luhan.”




“Alright guys! Break’s over! Take it from the top again!” Hyukjae hollered from the front of the room.


Instantly, Sehun shot out of Jongin’s grasp and headed to his spot. The two friend remained silent, wondering what got Sehun all worked up.



Jongin grumbled to himself as he sat down in his chair and rested his head on the desk. Sehun actually falling for someone? It sounds terrible for him to say, but that was absurd. Sehun never liked anyone because he was Oh Sehun. The weird kid that always had a judging face and always hung out in the back.


“You seem to be thinking a lot.” Someone hummed form behind him.


Jongin lifted his head to see a girl standing near him with a suspicious plastic bag in her hands.


“What are you think about Jongin?” She asked.


Jongin shrugged, “My friends.”


“Oh, that’s nice,” she said without thinking, “Where’s Kyungsoo?”


Jongin frowned, “Not here yet...?”


She pursed her lips, “That’s weird. He’s normally here first.”


Jongin shrugged and rested his head back down on the desk.


“Maybe I’ll just put this stuff in his locker then.” Jongin listened to the girl murmur to herself. His ears perked. Was she talking about Kyungsoo?


He eyed the bag, and whatever was inside it didn’t look pleasant. He watched her strut into the hallway where all of their lockers were. He panicked. Maybe he heard right. Quickly, he texted Kyungsoo to come straight to the classroom. Hopefully Kyungsoo wouldn’t decide to check out his locker in the morning.


A few minutes later, he heard someone else panting lightly behind him.


“What did you need?” A cute voice asked.


Jongin turned around to see Kyungsoo with a hint of pink on his cheeks.


“Sorry I’m late,” Kyungsoo continued as he sat down, “My brother slept in.”


Jongin laughed, “Nah, it’s alright. Is he still tired from the wedding?”


Kyungsoo shrugged, “He’s been all giddy ever since then.”


“He probably got laid,” Jongin whistled, “Joonmyun-hyung getting it on!”


“J-Jongin!” Kyungsoo spluttered, and his cheeks turned pinker.


Jongin smiled widely, “Sorry hyung.”


Before Kyungsoo could reply, the teacher entered the room announcing that class was starting and that everyone need to take their seats.


Jongin looked to his right to see the the girl from earlier - Areum was her name, he remembered - and some other girls talking quietly amongst themselves. He noticed their glances over towards him and Kyungsoo. Areum pointed outside which Jongin deduced she was talking about the lockers. Suddenly, the group of girls huddled closer before bursting out in laughter. Jongin frowned. Something was up, even he could figure that out.



The day passed by slowly. Jongin constantly kept watch on the girl gossiping to themselves. He noticed them passing notes around while they acted as if no one could see what they were doing. They were remarkably stupid Jongin deduced. He wondered why they seemed to pick on Kyungsoo for everything. He looked over to his side to watch Kyungsoo diligently copy down whatever was on the board (Jongin still didn’t care enough). Jongin loved the way his tongue would occasionally stick out of his mouth when he had to erase something.


Jongin didn’t bring up the wedding when it was lunch with Kyungsoo. The other boy seemed very engrossed in his book anyway. Jongin just liked watching Kyungsoo’s face react to the words on the pages. If Jongin had the ability to draw, he would love to draw this moment. The hair of Kyungsoo moving gently along with the light breeze, his forehead that furrowed while his eyes scanned the pages, and his mouth slightly open with those pretty pink lips. Jongin wanted it all for himself. Stealthily, he managed to snap a picture on his phone twice before Kyungsoo looked up.


The pictures were his secret.


Back in the classroom, everything resumed to what it was before. Kyungsoo had a note on his desk, but he quickly shoved it inside as if Jongin didn’t notice. But the boy had to learn that although Jongin can be dumb, he’s not stupid. Jongin knows but doesn’t understand. Jongin can’t comprehend why anyone would hate such an adorable little fluffball that is Do Kyungsoo. Well, perhaps Jongin was being biased, but it was true. It wasn’t that Kyungsoo was a bad person - not at all. He wasn’t even one of those annoying nerds that’re always comparing grades just to make sure they are doing better than you. Kyungsoo wasn’t like that at all.


To Jongin, Kyungsoo was his own personal sunshine. Jongin was quite happy before, but Kyungsoo just brought that happiness up ten notches. The younger looked forward to his hyung’s presence everyday. There was a certain charm from Kyungsoo. There was an innocent aura surrounding him, with he constantly blushing at everything that had Jongin craving for more. He wanted to be the only reason why Kyungsoo’s cheeks turned pink with blush.


Everything about Kyungsoo drove Jongin mad. His oblivious mannerisms had Jongin going insane. All he wanted to do was to hug Kyungsoo and never let go. He just wanted to bury his face in his hyung’s hair because he knew all of his problems would go away. Kyungsoo just had that ability, and Jongin would never understand how, but that didn’t matter. As long as Jongin had Kyungsoo, his life would be at least ten times better than before.


Before he knew it, it was the end of the day. The students hurriedly rushed out of the classroom, not wanting to deal with the horrible clutches of the English language any further. Jongin and Kyungsoo waited until it was clear as usual. 


“You seem awfully quiet today,” Kyungsoo noted as they packed their respective bags slowly, “For sure I thought you would start talking about the wedding.”


Jongin shrugged, “Eh. I was just thinking a lot, that’s all.”


“Thinking about what?” Kyungsoo asked absentmindedly.


He paused, “You.”


Kyungsoo’s head shot up, “W-What?” 


Jongin smiled, “You. I was thinking about you.”


“O-Oh,” Kyungsoo stammered out quickly, “That’s, uh.” His cheeks were heating up again. “I-I’ll go to my locker n-now-” Kyungsoo hastily moved out of the classroom leaving Jongin chuckling to himself.


So cute.


Then it clicked. Locker. That Areum might have put in it. Jongin dashed outside of the classroom. Kyungsoo was just putting in the combination of the locker in. Before Jongin said anything, he ran over to Kyungsoo and pushed the older boy away from the locker as it opened. Instantly, Jongin was drenched in something that smelled God awful. He tried not to barf as he accidentally caught a whiff.


“J-Jongin? H-How- Did you-?”


Jongin only nodded. He was too disgusted with what was on him to move in general. 


“I-I think I’m going to hit the showers hyung,” Jongin gagged, “I smell atrocious.”


“O-Okay.” Kyungsoo mumbled. He let his head fall.


“Wait for me?” Jongin asked hopefully.


Kyungsoo nodded. The two walked in a uncomfortable silence. Kyungsoo was holding Jongin’s bag as the latter didn’t want his bag to also be ruined.


“I-I’m sorry.” Kyungsoo whispered.


“Sorry,” Jongin looked at Kyunsoo with disbelief, “Sorry about what?”


“About, you know,” Kyungsoo motioned to Jongin’s outfit, “That.”


“Why are you apologizing,” Jongin inquired, “It’s not your fault.”


“Yeah, but... Maybe if I wasn’t-”


“Kyungsoo,” Jongin sharply replied, “It’s not your fault.”




“No buts,” Jongin ended, “Or else I’m going to have to hug you.”


Kyungsoo’s mouth dropped as he took a good few steps away from Jongin. The younger only laughed as they continued their way to the locker rooms. Once inside, Jongin headed straight for the showers.


“I think I have extra clothes in my gym locker,” he said before disappearing behind the curtain, “I’ll just get them later.”


Kyungsoo sighed. This wasn’t a common place for him to stay because well, who knows what could happen in a boys’ locker room, but he sat down on one of the benches near the lockers and waited patiently for Jongin.


Kyungsoo bit his lip as he began to think. Without a doubt, he knew the people who put the concoction of whatever that was in the locker was definitely the group of girls who were always for interested in Jongin. Kyungsoo frowned. He sounded selfish, but he just wanted Jongin for himself.


Maybe it wasn’t even selfishness, Kyungsoo argues to himself. He sighed. It has just been so long since he could actually call someone a “friend” excluding people he meets through Joonmyun, Sooyoung, and Baekhyun and Chanyeol. He actually became friends with Jongin himself (although it was more like, Jongin forcing his way into Kyungsoo’s life). It’s stilly to think of it since he is a senior in high school, but he was proud that he was able to reciprocate Jongin’s friendliness. 


He just wished that people would stop picking on him for God’s sakes. He wasn’t in anyone’s way, right? Okay, maybe except maybe dealing with Jongin, but that’s-


A voice interrupted his thoughts, but Kyungsoo didn’t comprehend the words. 




“I said, you should stop thinking,” Jongin laughed as he sat down next to Kyungsoo, “You’re going to get wrinkles on your forehead.”


Kyungsoo pouted and nudged Jongin with his shoulder, “Says the person who was thinking all day.”


“But I was thinking happy thoughts,” Jongin grinned, “I was thinking about you.”


Kyungsoo swore the pink on his own cheeks were from the shower’s steam rather than Jongin’s statement. It was only now that Kyungsoo took a glance at Jongin.


“J-Jongin,” Kyungsoo gulped, “Did you, um, forget your-”


“What hyung?”


Jongin leaned in closer to Kyungsoo, and the latter’s body was on fire. 


“Jongin,” Kyungsoo wailed, “C-Clothes!”


The younger raised an eyebrow, “What about them?”


“You’re still !” Kyungsoo wailed as he covered his face in embarrassment.


A smirk grew on Jongin’s face.


Oh, this was going to be fun.


*{author's note}*

This is only a filler chapter. This ended up being eight pages and well, eight pages is a lot therefore your special chapter is being split in two. I won't thank the people who answered my survey here - this chapter isn't worthy . The next chapter though, I promise! And that'll be finished by December 7!
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{Blush and Fall} TL;DR for this chapter; just read the second to last sentence/Jongin's last sentence.


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ohtshn #1
Reading this in quarantine again after so many years! :’)
mistymountains 193 streak #2
Nice story!
Taemin22 #3
Chapter 30: Tbh, I’m sad it discontinued but I think the 'honeymoon' made a rather nice ending
Baekkiechannieba #4
Sad it's discontinued
Lifeisworthit #5
Chapter 30: This was such a cute fic!
Such a cute story. I enjoy the loving relationship of kaisoo here - makes me feel all warm and cozy inside. I would have read more of it - definitely, but I have to say, that I'm oddly satisfied with the last chapter as an ending. I appreciate your work, keep going. :) - lot's of love.