The talk

Trusting you [Edited]


"We need to talk right? Talk."
"Come on Hae...At least look at me. Please?" Hyukjae said as he pacified Donghae who looked angry and refused to look at him. 
Donghae reluctantly looked at Hyukjae. He was afraid that if he looked at Hyukjae, he would give in to him without even hearing the explanation. 
"Look. It was all a misunderstanding. I...I...Why would you want to kill yourself?!"Hyukjae shouted. 
"Why? YOU ASK ME WHY? WHY DO YOU CARE ANYWAY?! YOU DON'T LOVE ME. YOU LOVE HYOYEON. I COULDN'T STAND THE PAIN OF YOU BEING WITH HER SO I-"Donghae was cut off when he felt those familiar thin lips on his own, silencing him. 
"Listen to me please Hae. I never lied when I said I loved you. I still do. Maybe even more. So dont scare me like this anymore. I'm yours forever. Remember that.  Hyoyeon kissed me. I swear. I don't even like her. Plus, I found out something interesting. She's not carrying my child." Hyukjae smirked at the last sentence as he held tightly onto Donghae. 
"What? But the DNA report?"
"That was real but I'm not the father. She's two months pregnant and well, I did that with her once, about a week ago. It's not mine."
Hyukjae could see relief written over Donghae's face. So the child wasn't his. Then why did Hyoyeon have to lie? What was the purpose? But why did Hyukjae have to cheat on him? Wasn't he good enough? 
"Was I not good enough? That you had to cheat on me?" Donghae fearfully asked. 
"What? Donghae, you're more than enough. It was... I was confused. I thought you cheated on me and... I'm sorry! Please Hae! I swear it will be the only time. Hae, I love you." Hyukjae pleaded with Donghae. 
"I...I forgive you. I...I thought I would die when I found out about the cheating and the child. I...but why did Hyoyeon have to lie? What's the purpose?" Donghae asked. 
"That's what I wanted to find out before you tried know... Come on, lets go find her." Hyukjae said as he pulled Donghae towards the door. 

It's short, I know. I'm sorry>< the next chapter is longer and almost done and is the last chapter. I'll probably update the last chapter tomorrow or later today, depending on the time I have to spare. Up vote!comment! Subscribe! Please? 😜

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Chapter 29: Sungmin is the best!! I want to give him a big salute.
I just love eunhae.
Chapter 29: ALL HAIL SUNGMIN YAY if it wasnt for him, all of these mess wont finished I think? I hope from those two incident hyukjae was able to protect himself when some es tried to get under his pants (and be smart more pls ugh sungmin had to figured everything out first before you notice there's something wrong with hyoyeon's pregnancy) and I hope as well for donghae, so he can stand up for himself and not giving up just like that, I'm sorry if this is so harsh even after knowing the truth behind donghae's fragile personality but, omg you're so weak! that's why those es and jerky basstard was after you, you need to show them you're not going to back down just because of a single problem! Hyukjae LOVES you, he told you several times after siwon's incident but the hell omg you still can't believe it just because he kissed hyoyeon? OFC it's hyoyeon who kissed her! 8( well thats my rant, thanks for sharing~
Chapter 29: oho ho ho ho~ hyukjae's "I'm hungry. And ."
Chapter 12: /cries
I want a love story like them.
Jhenie007 #5
Chapter 29: Tnxs 4 making me cry...

I love the story :-)
Jhenie007 #6
Chapter 24: Crying again ;-(
Jhenie007 #7
Chapter 18: Aww im crying nw ^^
Chapter 29: Uwaaaaaaaaa .
Don't left me hanging ;;
Some monkey scenes? /WinkWink/
It's a nice story anyway ^^
Chapter 14: Lol, i really like ur title! " happens", this title is cute. Haha.
tysantdra #10
Chapter 29: Hey, I'm a new reader here! I just want to give a comment, maybe it'd be better if you were erased the part ' Gosh! Ughhhh...More! ...Ahhhhh...' And end it there so it'd have an open ending?
Because if you ended it the way you did it seemed umm how to say it, uncompleted? Because seemed like you want to make an open ending yet you made it too obvious ._.
Btw that's all! Thanks for sharing this ff!