Sungmin to the rescue?

Trusting you [Edited]


"Donghae, you've got to eat. You shouldn't starve yourself. Eat for me? Please?" Hyukjae pleaded with Donghae who seemed to be on a food strike. Ever since Donghae was rescued from the clutches of Siwon, he had lost his smile, refused to eat or talk. It pained Hyukjae to see Donghae in that state. 
Hyukjae had been trying to get Donghae to eat for the past hour yet Donghae refused to even look at Hyukjae. He knew it was his fault that Donghae was traumatized and hurt but really, Donghae needed the energy to fully recovery from his injuries. Sighing, Hyukjae gave up and placed the bowl on the table before leaving the room. Donghae turned to look at the retreating back of Hyukjae. That's it? Hyukjae was just going to leave even if Donghae refused to eat? Did he meant that little to Hyukjae that Hyukjae gave up on him already?
Curling up in a fetal position, Donghae started to cry. What he didn't realize was Hyukjae standing outside the room watching as his mate cried. Unsure whether Donghae wanted to be comforted by him, he could only watch as his mate slowly cried himself to sleep. Hyukjae's heart bled at the pitiful state of his mate. He had to hold himself back so as to not run and comfort his mate before sitting on the couch, frustrated. 
Sungmin saw the condition of the two mates and could only sigh. It was terrible watching the two suffer. He had to think if a plan, a fast one as well. He honestly believed that Donghae wouldn't be able to survive long of this continued. Donghae looked like a zombie, lifeless and well...dead, that would be obvious since Sungmin hadn't seen him have a meal since the force-fed blood that Hyukjae gave him. There was no life in him. It was as if he was just an outer shell.
Hyukjae was no better. Hyukjae could only look forlornly at Donghae from afar. Donghae had refused to let Hyukjae near him ever since they came back to school. Donghae didn't even spare a glance at Hyukjae. It really hurt Sungmin to see both his friends that way. He had to think of a plan soon or else by the looks of it, one of them might just die. 

Just a filler for you all lovely people~

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Chapter 29: Sungmin is the best!! I want to give him a big salute.
I just love eunhae.
Chapter 29: ALL HAIL SUNGMIN YAY if it wasnt for him, all of these mess wont finished I think? I hope from those two incident hyukjae was able to protect himself when some es tried to get under his pants (and be smart more pls ugh sungmin had to figured everything out first before you notice there's something wrong with hyoyeon's pregnancy) and I hope as well for donghae, so he can stand up for himself and not giving up just like that, I'm sorry if this is so harsh even after knowing the truth behind donghae's fragile personality but, omg you're so weak! that's why those es and jerky basstard was after you, you need to show them you're not going to back down just because of a single problem! Hyukjae LOVES you, he told you several times after siwon's incident but the hell omg you still can't believe it just because he kissed hyoyeon? OFC it's hyoyeon who kissed her! 8( well thats my rant, thanks for sharing~
Chapter 29: oho ho ho ho~ hyukjae's "I'm hungry. And ."
Chapter 12: /cries
I want a love story like them.
Jhenie007 #5
Chapter 29: Tnxs 4 making me cry...

I love the story :-)
Jhenie007 #6
Chapter 24: Crying again ;-(
Jhenie007 #7
Chapter 18: Aww im crying nw ^^
Chapter 29: Uwaaaaaaaaa .
Don't left me hanging ;;
Some monkey scenes? /WinkWink/
It's a nice story anyway ^^
Chapter 14: Lol, i really like ur title! " happens", this title is cute. Haha.
tysantdra #10
Chapter 29: Hey, I'm a new reader here! I just want to give a comment, maybe it'd be better if you were erased the part ' Gosh! Ughhhh...More! ...Ahhhhh...' And end it there so it'd have an open ending?
Because if you ended it the way you did it seemed umm how to say it, uncompleted? Because seemed like you want to make an open ending yet you made it too obvious ._.
Btw that's all! Thanks for sharing this ff!