
Trusting you [Edited]


"Once I get my hands on him, he'll wish he wasn't even born. . He's so going to die a slow horrible death. " Hyukjae cursed. Hyukjae was breaking all the traffic rules, without a care in the world. His mate was more important than traffic rules. 
"Do you believe that your mate will come? He looked disgusted when he saw you. Maybe he will. Maybe he won't. But either way, he'll still be too late to do anything seeing that I'll have you killed. " Siwon laughed before taking out a small knife from his back pocket. 
Donghae didn't have any more energy to do anything but whimper. He could feel the cool blade on his skin, drawing blood. It didn't hurt anymore. Donghae's whole body felt numb from the massive loss of blood that he couldn't feel that the cool blade was going deeper and deeper into his skin. He could see a pool of blood underneath him and was surprised to know that he had that much blood in his body. 
Siwon grew annoyed with the lack of reaction from Donghae. Siwon slapped Donghae across his face, causing Donghae's lips to bleed to do the impact. Donghae just smiled. Not caring about anything at all. Donghae's eyes were lifeless and showed defeat. It was as if he was giving up. 
Just then, the door burst open and a furious Hyukjae stormed into the room with Sungmin who looked just as menacing. Siwon didn't seem to be that surprised at the extra 'guest' after all, he had one too. Yoona emerged from the shadows, a bored expression on her face. 
"Oppa, you FINALLY came. We were waiting so long." Yoona whined. Her eyes looked eager as she darted her eyes between Hyukjae and Sungmin. 
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY MATE YOU BASTARD!" Hyukjae roared, eyes turing red as his fangs elongated. He saw Donghae hanging lifelessly with a smile on his face as if accepting his fate. Donghae had seen him and surprise was written across his face. He had lifted his face up and the bloodied face of his, making Hyukjae cringe in guilt. 
Seeing Hyukjae distracted, Siwon signaled to Yoona to distract Sungmin while he kill off Hyukjae. Yoona giggled in glee and pranced towards Sungmin who immediately defended himself. 
Hyukjae sensed a presence behind him and realized too late that Siwon was behind him as he received a bone crushing punch to his jaw. Rubbing his jaw in pain, Hyukjae immediately returned the blow and attacked furiously with his fangs. Biting every skin he could possibly get his hold on of Siwon, Siwon knew it was a lost fight. Hyukjae was attacking like a maniac. He attacked accurately and furiously. Siwon only managed to hit Hyukjae twice. Every hoy Hyukjae have, it got harder and created more impact onto Siwon. From the corner of his eyes, he saw Yoona being snapped into two as Sungmin set her on fire to erase evidence. Siwon had underestimated the power of Hyukjae. Siwon knew his end was near. Hyukjae had got his neck between his hands, eyes blazed with fury. 
"This will be the last time you will ever see, touch or even hear about  my mate. Good. Bye. " With that said, Hyukjae twisted Siwon's neck, snapping it into two, killing him instantly. Once that was over, Hyukjae rushed towards Donghae, almost crying at the sight of his mate. 
Sungmin had released Donghae from the metal rod and had laid him gently on the ground while trying to stop the blood flow. Hyukjae had wanted to gather Donghae into his embrace but he didn't know if that would hurt Donghae even more. Donghae was going in and out of consciousness and with him having lost massive amount of blood, it was not a good sign. 
"Come on. Drink! Donghae...Hae... You have to drink. I'm not letting you die. Drink. Please. " Hyukjae had begged Donghae to drink his blood. It was the only way for Donghae to replenish the blood flow and stop the bleeding. Hyukjae couldn't afford to lose his mate. 
Donghae looked at Hyukjae, unsure of his intentions. Why was Hyukjae here? Didn't he hate him? Was he here to mock him further? All these questions hurt his head. Groaning in pain, Donghae tried to move away from Hyukjae but was held tightly around his wrist. The next thing he knew, he was forced by Hyukjae to drink his blood. So this is how it's going to be from now on? I have no say in my life? Donghae thought in his mind, tears b his eyes. 
Hyukjae saw those tears and tried to wipe them away but Donghae turned his face away, at the same time indicating that he had drank his fill of blood. Hyukjae sighed, expecting that much from Donghae. Hyukjae then scooped Donghae into his arms, much to the weak protest of him, before carrying Donghae back into the car with Sungmin following behind. 
During the whole car trip, Hyukjae was still worried for Donghae. He had been through a traumatic ordeal, nearly losing his life. Donghae's wounds had healed after drinking Hyukjae's blood but the mental state of Donghae was another issue. Donghae still looked pale and still had to breathe heavily. Despite Hyukjae trying to show concern to Donghae or even place his hands on Donghae's thighs, Donghae would always reject these advances. After all, who wouldn't be disappointed that they were not told they were mates or that Hyukjae didn't trust Donghae enough to believe that he wouldn't cheat on him. 
However, it was definitely going to take a while to earn back Donghae's trust.

Woohoo~ I updated~ I don't know whether this chapter is any good at all. It felt so...meh when I read it but I didn't know what to change... Anyway tell me your thoughts on this chapter:) and like always, up vote, subscribe and comment:)) I love comments!!

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Chapter 29: Sungmin is the best!! I want to give him a big salute.
I just love eunhae.
Chapter 29: ALL HAIL SUNGMIN YAY if it wasnt for him, all of these mess wont finished I think? I hope from those two incident hyukjae was able to protect himself when some es tried to get under his pants (and be smart more pls ugh sungmin had to figured everything out first before you notice there's something wrong with hyoyeon's pregnancy) and I hope as well for donghae, so he can stand up for himself and not giving up just like that, I'm sorry if this is so harsh even after knowing the truth behind donghae's fragile personality but, omg you're so weak! that's why those es and jerky basstard was after you, you need to show them you're not going to back down just because of a single problem! Hyukjae LOVES you, he told you several times after siwon's incident but the hell omg you still can't believe it just because he kissed hyoyeon? OFC it's hyoyeon who kissed her! 8( well thats my rant, thanks for sharing~
Chapter 29: oho ho ho ho~ hyukjae's "I'm hungry. And ."
Chapter 12: /cries
I want a love story like them.
Jhenie007 #5
Chapter 29: Tnxs 4 making me cry...

I love the story :-)
Jhenie007 #6
Chapter 24: Crying again ;-(
Jhenie007 #7
Chapter 18: Aww im crying nw ^^
Chapter 29: Uwaaaaaaaaa .
Don't left me hanging ;;
Some monkey scenes? /WinkWink/
It's a nice story anyway ^^
Chapter 14: Lol, i really like ur title! " happens", this title is cute. Haha.
tysantdra #10
Chapter 29: Hey, I'm a new reader here! I just want to give a comment, maybe it'd be better if you were erased the part ' Gosh! Ughhhh...More! ...Ahhhhh...' And end it there so it'd have an open ending?
Because if you ended it the way you did it seemed umm how to say it, uncompleted? Because seemed like you want to make an open ending yet you made it too obvious ._.
Btw that's all! Thanks for sharing this ff!