The plan

Trusting you [Edited]


Donghae came stumbling into class, his face even paler than before. Hyukjae was standing behind him, arms out in case Donghae fell. Hyukjae didn't want Donghae to be mad when he saw him so each time Donghae turned around to survey his surroundings, Hyukjae would keep his head down and talk to Sungmin. Sungmin really wanted to smack his friends' head. Why did the two have to be so stubborn for their own good? There had to be a better way to solve this without harming themselves indirectly right?
Donghae had never felt so weak in his life. He was totally drained and hungry yet he had no appetite to eat as well. It was as if he was physically there but mentally dead.   He felt as if there wasn't anything for him to live for. Hyukjae didn't want him, Sungmin could just be caring for him in pretense and well, there wasn't anybody else that Donghae knew. Donghae felt all alone, with nothing to live for. 
Hyukjae could only look at Donghae from afar. Donghae didn't want to be anywhere near him. Donghae refused to eat as well, making himself look like a living zombie. It really hurt Hyukjae to know that he was the cause of it. The lack of trust he had for Donghae and the traumatizing events that followed had crushed Donghae's soul and spirit. Hyukjae didn't know what to do to make it better. He could only watch as the two of them suffered together yet separately at the same time.
Sungmin had decided that enough was enough. He was going to have to set his plans into motion. 
"Donghae! Please help me? Can you help me bring this to the classroom down the corridor? Thank you!" Sungmin chirped as he passed a stack of books to Donghae. Donghae weakly smiled and tried his best to carry the two thick books to the classroom that Sungmin told him to. 
"Hyukjae! The teacher wants to see you! He told me to tell you to meet him at the classroom down the corridor! And he said now, so hurry!" Sungmin whined. Inwardly, Sungmin smiled. The plan was working well. 
Donghae slowly carried the books into the classroom and placed them on the table. He was heaving heavily. Looking around, he saw no one and was curios. Why did Sungmin ask him to bring the books to an empty classroom. Turning around to leave, his eyes widened when he saw Hyukjae enter the classroom with the same expression. 
"What...What are you doing here?"
"I was told to meet the teacher here..." 
Just then, Sungmin popped his head in with a cheeky smile. 
"You two are not leaving until you have settled the problems between yourselves."
With that said, Sungmin closed and locked the door and iced it with his power as an aided precaution before merrily skipping down the corridor, happy with his plan for going so well. Hyukjae groaned in a annoyance. He should have known Sungmin  would be up to something like this. Donghae misunderstood the groan and looked down in sadness. Hyukjae must really hate to be in the same room as him. Shuffling his feet, Donghae looked around awkwardly, unsure of what to do next. 
"So...I think it's time we talk about his thing between us. Since we have the time." Hyukjae slowly said. 
"Look. I-I get it. You don't want us to be mates. I understand. There's nothing we have to clarify or talk about. In fact, there isn't anything we can talk about. After all...we are too different. You're that cold, feared vampire while I'm just...I'm just...nothing. " Donghae said with a sigh, too tired to argue. The while day he had been feeling extremely giddy and out of sorts. He didn't have the energy to argue anymore and was gripping the table tightly so as to keep himself from falling. 
"What-What are you talking about? I want us to be mates! I's my fault all this happened. But please, I need you. I love you, Hae. I can't live without you. I've not been myself this past few days, with you ignoring me and stuff, it's been a torture. I shouldn't have trusted that and shout at you. . It's all my fault but I'm willing to change for you. Just talk to me please?! I'm begging you. " Hyukjae pleased with tears in his eyes. 
Donghae was feeling extremely giddy. He could hardly keep his eyes open. He opened his mouth to say something but the only thing he could manage was a simple 'Hyukjae' before finding himself heading down towards the floor, his grip on the table no more. He could hear a 'thud' sound, his name frantically being called before finding himself in and out of consciousness. 
! Hyukjae had seen Donghae fall and hit his head on the cold hard ground with a loud thud. He rushed over to Donghae's side, frantically calling out his name but Donghae was barely conscious. Hyukjae ran to the door, finding it locked and iced. He kicked the door, hard, expressing his desperation before returning to Donghae's side. Hyukjae tried to move Donghae's head on his lap and felt Donghae's skin a bit too cold and pale for his liking before realizing that Donghae hadn't fed since the incident. Hyukjae briefly panicked before biting his wrist, before forcing his bleeding wrist onto Donghae's mouth, dripping his blood and making Donghae consume it before it was too late. 
They could talk later. Saving Donghae's life was more important and he needed the energy for their proper talk when Donghae recovered. 
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Chapter 29: Sungmin is the best!! I want to give him a big salute.
I just love eunhae.
Chapter 29: ALL HAIL SUNGMIN YAY if it wasnt for him, all of these mess wont finished I think? I hope from those two incident hyukjae was able to protect himself when some es tried to get under his pants (and be smart more pls ugh sungmin had to figured everything out first before you notice there's something wrong with hyoyeon's pregnancy) and I hope as well for donghae, so he can stand up for himself and not giving up just like that, I'm sorry if this is so harsh even after knowing the truth behind donghae's fragile personality but, omg you're so weak! that's why those es and jerky basstard was after you, you need to show them you're not going to back down just because of a single problem! Hyukjae LOVES you, he told you several times after siwon's incident but the hell omg you still can't believe it just because he kissed hyoyeon? OFC it's hyoyeon who kissed her! 8( well thats my rant, thanks for sharing~
Chapter 29: oho ho ho ho~ hyukjae's "I'm hungry. And ."
Chapter 12: /cries
I want a love story like them.
Jhenie007 #5
Chapter 29: Tnxs 4 making me cry...

I love the story :-)
Jhenie007 #6
Chapter 24: Crying again ;-(
Jhenie007 #7
Chapter 18: Aww im crying nw ^^
Chapter 29: Uwaaaaaaaaa .
Don't left me hanging ;;
Some monkey scenes? /WinkWink/
It's a nice story anyway ^^
Chapter 14: Lol, i really like ur title! " happens", this title is cute. Haha.
tysantdra #10
Chapter 29: Hey, I'm a new reader here! I just want to give a comment, maybe it'd be better if you were erased the part ' Gosh! Ughhhh...More! ...Ahhhhh...' And end it there so it'd have an open ending?
Because if you ended it the way you did it seemed umm how to say it, uncompleted? Because seemed like you want to make an open ending yet you made it too obvious ._.
Btw that's all! Thanks for sharing this ff!