
Trusting you [Edited]


Hyukjae came into school, his gummy smile on his face while he tightly held Donghae's hand. People coming into school could see he was glowing, with happiness. Sungmin smiled at the sight. Who knew a soul mate could cause such drastic change in a cold, violent vampire like Hyukjae? He could only just hope that nothing would separate the two. 
The school was in chaos. No one had ever seen smile so brightly or because of the change that Donghae brought out in Hyukjae. Most of the girls envied Donghae to the point of baring their fangs at Donghae in protest. They had been trying to get Hyukjae to smile at them for years but Donghae managed to do that, days after his arrival. 
Hyukjae couldn't care less about what the others said, all he knew was that Donghae was finally his to protect. The only thing was to tell Donghae about them being mates. Falling in love was one thing, staying together for eternity was another. However, right now, Hyukjae was going to treasure what he had. Telling Donghae that they were mates could come later. Hyoyeon watched from the sidelines and was furious. Never had Hyukjae smiled at her that way! It was impossible for that boy toy to be able to do it! Hyoyeon reached for her phone and dialed a number. 
The canteen was packed, not for the food, but to see how lovey-dovey Hyukjae could act. It was like a once in a life time chance for them before Hyukjae could possibly revert back to his cold, violent self. Donghae looked rather embarrassed and to be honest, fearful. He had never received so such attention before and here he was, in the centre of it! Hyukjae noticed how tense Donghae looked with the attention given and growled at the sea of girls. No way would he allow Donghae to be scared when he was around. The girls seeing how Hyukjae was angry at them, backed away in fright. Donghae sighed in relief. He disliked being surrounded by people whom he didn't know and 'fangirl-ed' over. Hyukjae placed a comforting arm over Donghae's shoulder, soothing him. Donghae hesitantly kissed Hyukjae's cheek in gratitude, causing Hyukjae to blush and smile. He hadn't expected to be kissed and it kinda surprised him, especially when it was his mate that kissed him. 
Hyoyeon growled. This was getting too far out of hand. "Hyukjae is supposed to be MINE! Wait till he comes, Hyukjae would be mine but Donghae would be dead."
Sungmin noticed Hyoyeon glaring at the Eunhae couple in a corner and grew suspicious. Seeing her grumbling to herself, Sungmin was sure that she was up to no good. He had a bad feeling about this. The next thing he knew, there was a commotion at the side entrance of the canteen and an irritating squeal coming from Hyoyeon. Heads all turned and Hyukjae paled. 
The magnificent had arrived. Yoona. 

How'd you like this chapter? Lol. I did all this during my school's sports day which is so boring!! 😫 But anyway, it means I've time to update. 

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Chapter 29: Sungmin is the best!! I want to give him a big salute.
I just love eunhae.
Chapter 29: ALL HAIL SUNGMIN YAY if it wasnt for him, all of these mess wont finished I think? I hope from those two incident hyukjae was able to protect himself when some es tried to get under his pants (and be smart more pls ugh sungmin had to figured everything out first before you notice there's something wrong with hyoyeon's pregnancy) and I hope as well for donghae, so he can stand up for himself and not giving up just like that, I'm sorry if this is so harsh even after knowing the truth behind donghae's fragile personality but, omg you're so weak! that's why those es and jerky basstard was after you, you need to show them you're not going to back down just because of a single problem! Hyukjae LOVES you, he told you several times after siwon's incident but the hell omg you still can't believe it just because he kissed hyoyeon? OFC it's hyoyeon who kissed her! 8( well thats my rant, thanks for sharing~
Chapter 29: oho ho ho ho~ hyukjae's "I'm hungry. And ."
Chapter 12: /cries
I want a love story like them.
Jhenie007 #5
Chapter 29: Tnxs 4 making me cry...

I love the story :-)
Jhenie007 #6
Chapter 24: Crying again ;-(
Jhenie007 #7
Chapter 18: Aww im crying nw ^^
Chapter 29: Uwaaaaaaaaa .
Don't left me hanging ;;
Some monkey scenes? /WinkWink/
It's a nice story anyway ^^
Chapter 14: Lol, i really like ur title! " happens", this title is cute. Haha.
tysantdra #10
Chapter 29: Hey, I'm a new reader here! I just want to give a comment, maybe it'd be better if you were erased the part ' Gosh! Ughhhh...More! ...Ahhhhh...' And end it there so it'd have an open ending?
Because if you ended it the way you did it seemed umm how to say it, uncompleted? Because seemed like you want to make an open ending yet you made it too obvious ._.
Btw that's all! Thanks for sharing this ff!