Chapter 7

A Scandal..... and everything went into a disaster


Yoochun took Min Ah back to their room, and closed the door behind them. The he rashly threw Min Ah to the soft bed. When Min Ah recovered her senses because of the bump she has against her bed, she stood up and started glaring at yoochun. Yoochun started to whistle as if he hadn't done anything wrong, innocently. Then he slowly started turning his head back to where Min Ah was standing..  No one talked for several minutes, until Yoochun broke the silence. "I am really, really sorry for what I said.. I didn't really mean it.. I was just stressed and couldn't think clearly.. Look, I will take care of both you and the baby.. I am not that cruel, I would never tell you to abort because of my career.. Look, I am going to tell the director about this to see what he recomend us to do. You should tell your family. Lets sort this out slowly and calmly, lets try to get along with each other. Jebal!!" Yoochun said.

Min Ah was in shock. She couldn't believe that those word has come form Yoochun's mouth.. She was so surprised that without saying a word she took her phone and started dialing her mum's phone number.



Min ah's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I cannot believe Yoochun has just said something kind to me.. Sometimes I feel that he might feel something for me, but them he crashes my hope with his harsh words. When he finished talking, I immediately took my phone and called home. When my mum received my call, she was really happy it was me. Then I started to think in a way to tell her without it sounding to awful. I couldn't just tell her:"I am pregnant with yoochun's baby because we slept toghether when I was not totaly in my senses." I couldn't do that. So I started by saying:"Omma, are you that happy that I called home?"  "Yes!! I am," Min Ah mum Answered happily. I didn't know what to say and there was a long silence. "Omma i need to tell you something..." I started. Then I glanced at Yoochun, making him signals so he would know I didn't know what to say. Suddenly he came and snatched the phone from my hand and locked himself in the bathroom.


*Conversation between Yoochun and Min Ah's Omma*


"Anionhashimika," Yoochun started.

"Could I ask who you are?" Min Ah's omma asked.

"We could say I am your daughter's boyfriend.... Well not any more.. I am her fiance," Yoochun said confidently.

"BWO!!??!! Our Min Ah is engage?!? Could I know who you are?" Min Ah's Omma continue.

"Sorry! I should have introduced myself first... Nan Park Yoochun-inmida. My career is acting, and singing. I have a dong-saeng, he is called Park Yoohwan," Yoochun answered.

"BWO?!? Are you Park Yoochun the JYJ member?!? The all time favorite group of my Min Ah?!?" Min Ah's omma asked.

Yoochun laughed to himself now knowing that Min Ah might have had a crush on him. "Yes, it is me."

"So that's why Min Ah didn't know what to say..."

"Yes, Min Ah is such cute and shy girl"

"So when are you getting married," Min Ah's omma suddenly came up with the question.

"We are both working toghether on a drama, I have already talked to the director, and he thinks that the sooner the better.... I could estimate it would be in about 1 to 2 weeks time," Yoochun said just as Min Ah was entering the bathroom (she opened the door with the clip she used for her scripts).

"Yah! What are you saying pabo!!" Min Ah whispered.

"I am getting us both out of this" Yoochun answered back at the same volume, then he went back to his conversation with Mrs. Yoon.

"When we get an exact date we will call you, well, Min Ah will. Annyeonghi gaseyo ommonim" Yoochun said and hung the phone.



*End of conversation*



"Yah!! Exactly what has just happen Yoochun-ah!! Tell me now!!" Min Ah shouted.

"While you were not what to say to your omma, I called the director, and he told me the only way out of this before we get an scandal, it getting married as soon as possible, so that when you pregnant state starts to show we can say it was after we got maried, and the whole thing won't be a great problem for both our careers." Yoochun explained.

"So you are telling me that now i am in an arranged marriage??"

"More or less.. Min Ah please understand... If something happens with this information, it would risk YOUR carer, my career and the drama's success" Yoochun was already desperate.

Min Ah though for a while, and she realized that it was true.. It was either this or an abortion.

"Ok. When will the wedding be?" Min Ah finaly said.

"I just talked with the director. We will get married in here. Jeju. The celebration will be next week and he will tell someone at seoull to do the paperwork for us. We will not do any filming during that week. We will only prepare for the wedding, so tomorrow we are going to buy the dress, the tuxedo and the rings. Everything else will be done by the people the production will hire. Go to sleep earlier today. Tomorrow at 7am we will get up and talk personaly with the director, and go shopping. Ok"

"Ok....." Min Ah said with a sad and disappointed expression.

"Is it so bad to marry me?" Yoochun asked, "cause your omma told me that you were JYJ's great fan." Min Ah blushed slightly with this words.



Yoochun's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"It is not that bad... but I wanted to marry someone of my own choice...." she said, "I wanted to date, to have my boyfriend come and pick me up and take me home. I wanted to marry someone that would love me and be kind towards me," she continued, "I wanted to marrry someone that would give me presents and gifts, and would be a caring father towards my children, I wanted to get to know that person before marrying. I don't want it to be forced into me, I wanted to be natural, and have that person I love prepose to me in the most romantic way presenting me a ring and pouring his heart out to me. More importantly, I wanted to love that person, and that person to love me back." Min Ah finalized her speech. I didn't know from where this words came from, but I just said them. "Then I am going to make you happy, and I am going to take care of out child. I will be a good father, and I will change into a better person. Furthermore, tomorrow we will be going on a date"

Min Ah stared at me as if I had become crazy. "Do you have a fever?" Min Ah asked, with a bit of concern in her voice. "Are you ok? Kenchana? Are you dizzy? How many fingers do you see?" Min Ah said pointing 4 fingers at my face. "I see 4 fingers... Don't worry, I am fine.. It is just that I don't want to be hated by you, I want to get along with you, we will be tied toghether for the rest of our lifes so.... please undestand."

Min Ah's expression suddenly soften, it was almost as if she was happy. I felt myself smiling back. Then we went to sleep, Min Ah first. Once she was asleep, I decided I wanted to sleep with her, so I got into her bed and cuddled up with her...




OMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY FIRST SUSCRIBER!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMO!!!!!!!!!!!  I LOVE YOU, MY FIRST SUSCRIBER!!!!!!!!!!! 



I've started to go to school once again, and their are assigning TONS of homeword :((( , so I am not going to be able to update constantly... But I will keep writting!!!!!! ENJOY!!! 





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jessi828 #1
Chapter 22: hahaha....i really really enjoyed this ff....good job authornim
cheekylittlechubba #2
Chapter 22: It's so adorable!!! just cute!!!

I really like the story plot! So good~

Great job authornim :D :D
maiquie24 #3
Chapter 22: Awwww! That was cute! Hahah! I love the story!
Chapter 21: Fighting author-nim!
Chapter 19: Long time no see author-nim :)
Thanks for your update and please update soon..
Chapter 18: Aaaaaaaaaaaaah... I am falling in love with your story..
That's so cute..
Thanks and please update soon author-nim ^^
Chapter 18: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa chunchun jealous haha so cuteeee>.<
Chapter 14: I want to know what will happen!! Update soon!!
YAAY!!!! YOOCHUN!!!!!! <3!!!